10 Secrets To Mastering Anything In Your Life

If you're ready to live an incredible life, these 10 secrets will allow you to master anything.

Since I was 17 years old I have been committed to self-mastery.

To be the master of yourself is to fully understand who you are and take responsibility for your own life.

Unfortunately, I see a lot of people invest way too much time and energy into mastering the wrong things. As a result, they are left feeling lost and unfulfilled.

From my experience, I have found that are only 10 areas of life that you must master if you want to achieve happiness and success.

If you're ready to take control of your destiny instead of hoping for the best, read this!

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Are you ready to raise your standards, succeed faster and master every area of your life? CLICK HERE to join my Life Mastery Accelerator program!

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Every aspect of your life works together.

Life is not structured. Rather, it is a dynamic process that is constantly changing. I believe that happiness is a journey that is rooted in the mastery of many different facets of life.

I've identified six areas of life that I believe are important to master. By bringing awareness to these areas, you can determine where you are falling short so that you can work to improve them over time.

1. Physical Body

Your body is your temple. You experience everything in life through your body. If you don't master your body, you're going to have a compromised experience of life. Everything that you want in life is going to require an abundance of energy.

2. Mental and Emotional Well Being

The quality of your life is determined by the quality of your emotions. You can have everything on the outside, but if you don't feel fulfilled and happy, you'll be missing out on life. Emotions are habitual. We all have an emotional home.

You need to condition the emotions that you want to experience. I like to differentiate mental well being from emotional well being. Oftentimes, people struggle to experience emotions because they are too busy living in their heads.

One of my favorite sayings is, “Live in your head, you're dead.” When you overthink things, it inhibits your ability to appreciate all that life has to offer. Your head is great for making rational decisions, but your heart is where love, gratitude, joy, and happiness are found.

3. Relationships

The purpose of relationships is to amplify our experience of life. You don't want to go through life alone. You can achieve all the success in the world but if you don't have someone you can share your life with, you'll always feel like something is missing.

Who you decide to spend your life with is one of the most important decisions you'll make in life. Also, you need to learn how to attract the right people into your life, otherwise known as an empowering ecosystem. Once you attract these people, you've got to learn how to communicate with them effectively.

4. Career/Business

Your work needs to give you a sense of purpose in your life. I don't look at what I do as a job. Rather, it's my mission. When I use that kind of language, it amplifies my experience of it.

You'll spend one-third of your life working so you may as well make sure that you're doing something that you love.

5. Financial Abundance

You must master your finances. A lot of people don't have a healthy relationship with money. They're intimidated by money, so much so that they don't know what to do with it. You want your money to work for you.

Money is a tool. It can give you more time, help you build lasting wealth, or be a vehicle to make a difference in the world. When you know how to use money, you'll have a better experience of life.

6. Spiritual Well Being

This is the most important area of my life. My connection to God transcends everything else. I believe that I've been put on Earth for a reason. My spiritual connection with God gives me a deeper sense of meaning.

It helps me to think beyond myself and live with honesty, integrity, and ethics. Nobody has any evidence when it comes to spirituality, but we all have faith. If you wait for physical evidence you'll be limiting your experience of life.

Each of these 6 areas of life is important. The question is… how do you master these areas?

These are the 10 secrets to mastering anything in life. Let's dive in!

1. Make It A Study

Whatever it is that you want to master in life, you have to make it a study. Unfortunately, our school system doesn't help us master the important areas of life. Instead, they place value on learning school subjects, like Science, Math, and English.

Unless you want to be an Engineer, Scientist, or Mathmetician, it won't benefit you to master these subjects. Don't get me wrong… there is great utility in learning how to read and write.

However, we are taught a lot of things in school that have zero application to the real world. I wish the school system prepared us to master core life skills, but that's not the case. You can't depend on the education system to teach you these things. Schools teach knowledge, but life requires wisdom.

Find people who have already mastered whatever it is that you want and learn from them. If you want to have an amazing relationship, find people who have an amazing relationship and be around them. Make them your role models. If they have a book or a course, consume their knowledge.

Similarly, if you want to be successful, make success a study. If you want to build a great business, study entrepreneurship and learn the principles of business from successful people. It's all about compressing time.

One of the best ways to master anything is to put yourself in proximity with someone who has the results you desire. Over time, you'll take on their beliefs, values, and mindset.

I make it a mission to attract and connect with successful people. When I do, I make it a priority to ensure that they feel appreciated. In effect, I do things to show that I care. In turn, that same care is reciprocated by them and the relationship is built.

2. Go Deep

If you want to master anything you have to eliminate all distractions and go deep. Most people stay at the surface. They do something for a while but don't stick with it long enough to master it.

It's similar to swimming in the ocean. A lot of people want to swim on the surface. When you're on the surface, you can enjoy the sun and there is less pressure. However, you're not getting the full experience of being in the ocean.

Other people want to scuba dive. By going deep into the ocean, they experience an entirely different world. Yes, there is more pressure and risk by going deeper. However, trust me when I say that the rewards far outweigh the risks of doing so.

Keep in mind that any time that you learn something new, at first you'll feel incompetent. Naturally, this may make you feel insecure. It takes time to get competent at something before you start achieving the results you desire.

There are 4 levels of learning. The first level is unconscious incompetence. This is when you suck at something, but you're not even aware that you suck at it.

The second level is conscious incompetence when you're aware of your incompetence. By knowing where your weaknesses lie, you know what you need to work on.

The third level is conscious competence. This is when you understand and know how to master something.

The fourth level is unconscious competence. This is the definition of mastery. You're doing something without even thinking about it.

3. Repetition

If you want to master something, you can't do something once or twice. Rather, you have to repeat something, again and again. In the words of Bruce Lee, “I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.”

Mastery can feel boring, but you have to embrace it. There's a great book that I suggest you read called, The Talent Code (this link will direct you to the Amazon website). In his book, Daniel Coyle talks about the neuroscience of repetition and why mastery involves deep practice. When I read a book, most of the time I'm learning about something that I already know.

However, this is a good thing! The more that you learn something, again and again, the more that you strengthen that knowledge within yourself. Every time that you use repetition to focus on something, your neurons are firing together and wiring together. This is how habits are formed.

4. Embrace Discomfort

Discomfort is a core part of the learning process. You want to intentionally make it harder on yourself so that you can grow faster. You've got to push beyond what you are comfortable with.

For example, when I was single and trying to master my social skills I would go to nightclubs by myself. When you're with your friends, it's a lot easier to approach women.

By putting myself in a loud environment, I had to learn how to project my voice and communicate with women using my body language. By intentionally stretching my comfort zone, I built up my confidence faster.

5. Fully Immerse Yourself In Your Learning

Immersion is one of the fastest ways to master anything. When you just do something once in a while, it takes forever for you to master it. Conversely, if you fully immerse yourself in learning for a specific period, your growth will skyrocket.

An event or a retreat is a great way to practice immersion. It's like learning a new language. If you want to learn Spanish, you can take a class once per week. Conversely, you can go to Spain or Mexico and immerse yourself in the culture. You'll learn so much faster taking this route.

6. Measure Your Progress

When you measure something, you're consistently putting your attention on it. If you're focusing on something consistently and you encounter a setback, you can easily do something that day to change it.

People fall short on their goals because they are measuring them less frequently. In the words of Peter Drucker, “You can't manage something if you don't measure it.” Whatever you're trying to pursue, the more that you measure your progress, the more you'll notice it.

7. Reward Yourself

Whatever gets rewarded, gets repeated. You have to celebrate your progress. Most people don't see their progress because they're not measuring it. You have to look at what you're getting from the actions that you're taking.

Whenever someone says that they've failed at something, I know that they are only focusing on one part of the story. They aren't looking at what they've learned and gained. If you focus on the skills, wisdom, and work ethic that you've acquired in the pursuit of something, you merely fail forward.

8. Break Past Plateaus

Whatever it is that you want to master, there will be a point when you hit a plateau. Plateaus are a part of the journey. Therefore, you must anticipate plateaus. When they show up, you can't be caught off guard and let it derail you.

You've got to take a step back and analyze what it is that you're doing. Look at things from a different perspective. The level of thinking that got you to where you are, is not the same level of thinking that will get you to where you want to go. You can't be so attached to a specific way of thinking and being. Rather, you have to stay open to everything.

9. Be Patient

Mastery takes time. It doesn't happen overnight. Patience is a virtue, especially in a world where we are conditioned to get everything in an instant. People have such a short attention span because they have overstimulated their brains with dopamine.

Thus, they can't stick with something long enough to master it. In his book, Outliers (this link will direct you to the Amazon website), Malcolm Gladwell expressed that it takes 10,000 hours to master something. That's roughly 10 years.

I've been a YouTuber and an entrepreneur for over a decade now. Mastery is a commitment to never-ending improvement. I've put in my 10,000 hours, but I'm not going to stop. I know that I can always get better at what I do.

10. Pay It Forward and Teach Others

If you want to master something, teach it. Share what you're learning with others. It will force you to learn it at a deeper level and live what you teach. Early on I decided that these 10 areas were so important to me that I wanted to make them a part of my business.

As a result, I have been forced to learn more about how to improve every part of my life. I pay forward everything that l learn and master. I am constantly raising my standards so that I can be a role model for others. That is why I started Project Life Mastery.

These are 10 secrets to mastering anything in life.

If you can master these 10 keys, you can do anything. Mastery is a journey, not a destination. There is always something to learn and unlearn along the way.

Keep showing up and keep growing into the person you desire to become.

What is one area of your life that you're committed to going deeper with? Follow these 10 secrets and you'll get there!

Are you ready to raise your standards, succeed faster and master every area of your life? CLICK HERE to join my Life Mastery Accelerator program!

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