4 Secrets To A Successful eBook Cover

I would like to share with you 4 secrets to a successful eBook cover. Since the launch of the Kindle, Amazon’s book sales have skyrocketed, and they don't show any signs of slowing down.

I believe that the easiest and fastest way to make money online is through Mastering Book Publishing. I’ve been able to build a 7-figure income from it.

However, in order to be successful, you need to stand out from hundreds of other publishers. The first way to do that is to create a killer eBook cover.

When it comes to designing your cover, the old adage, ‘never judge a book by its cover’ no longer applies, especially in the online world.

H.P. Mallory, a New York Times bestselling author says, “Cover art is crucial in any book (ebook or otherwise) because it’s the first touch point an author has with his/her readers, and readers absolutely, one hundred percent judge books by their covers. If your cover looks like you created it in Microsoft Paint, chances are your sales will reflect it.”

People are visual creatures by habit. Research at 3M Corporation concluded that we process visuals 60,000 times faster than text. Images are the easiest things to remember by our brains (Valdueza, 2013).

You may have the best content in the world, but if the cover is poorly designed, nobody is going to buy your book. Your eBook cover is one of your best marketing tools; it provides prospective buyers with a visual and emotional glance into the contents of your writing.

According to survey results from The Book Smugglers, 79 percent of people say that a book cover plays a role in their decision to buy a book. Here are 4 secrets to a successful eBook cover:

#1 – Research Your Market

Before you create your eBook cover design, research your market and understand your competition. If you don’t know what your competitors are doing, it is difficult to know how to keep your current customers AND find new ones.

You need to know what the current trends are in your niche. The eBook business is a competitor market. Be strategic if you want to be successful. Ask yourself, “What are my competitors' best-selling eBooks?  What are they doing that attracts customers to them?”

#2 – Outsource Your Design

One of the amazing things about the world of the Internet is that we are able to inexpensively outsource tasks to people in different parts of the world. Unless you’re a graphic designer, I always recommend outsourcing the design of your eBook cover.

If you are just starting out with Kindle publishing, Fiverr is a great resource. When selecting a Fiverr gig, you want to make sure that the gig has a decent amount of positive reviews and a high rating.

Take the time to read their reviews and view their portfolio in order to make sure you are happy with the quality of their work. It is useful to provide examples to the designer you choose, but keep it simple.

If there are certain book covers that you like the style of, either on Amazon or in their portfolio, share these with the designer. For $5, you will receive a great design for your eBook, usually within a day or two. If you are a business owner, you understand that your time is a precious resource.  Ask yourself, “How much is your time worth?”

A small investment of $5 can go a long way. Alternatively, you could invest more in a quality book cover by hiring a more professional designer. I’ve hired people on the WarriorForum in the Warriors For Hire section.  You could also use a website like KillerCovers. Spending more money can make your cover stand out from the rest, AND it will elevate your sales.

#3 – Use Killer Images

In the words of Napoleon Bonaparte, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” Capture people’s attention with bright, interesting images. It’s important that you make sure that you use stock images, meaning that you have the rights to use those images.

If you don’t, someone may take legal action against you for unauthorized use of their images. Some Fiverr gigs include stock images, which is a bonus, as you will then own the rights to them, and won’t incur any challenges in the future. If you prefer to provide your own images, websites where you can find your own stock photos include, Deposit Photos and iStock.

#4 – Express Your Branding

If you own a business, it is important that your eBook cover is an expression of what you do, especially if you plan on writing a series of books. According to Rachel A. Olsen, author of Shark Tank MOMpreneurs Take A Bite Out of Publicity, and Best Mom Products, “eBooks add a level of credibility and seriousness to what you are providing and makes you stand out in your field as an expert.”

She associates eBooks as a modern equivalent to the business card. Use your eBook as an opportunity to stand out as an authority in your niche, and a trusted source of information on a specific topic. I cover these topics, and more, in my Mastering Book Publishing course. 

Are you ready to create financial freedom in your life? Follow these 4 secrets to a successful eBook cover.  If you do, your sales will skyrocket.

Do you want my proven step-by-step system for publishing books on Amazon? CLICK HERE to purchase my new and improved Mastering Book Publishing course!

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