Advice For Young Entrepreneurs: When To Move Out And Building An Online Business

I’ve got some important advice for young entrepreneurs, regarding when to move out and building an online business.

There is a rising tide of young entrepreneurs who are eager to make their mark in the world. According to a 2016 Global Entrepreneur report, millennials have launched nearly twice the number of businesses as baby boomers.

If you are a young entrepreneur interested in getting a head start on your business, I salute you! Having passion, drive, and motivation at such a young age is inspiring. That being said, it’s also important to acknowledge the realities that come with entrepreneurship, and make decisions accordingly.

Are you ready to hear my advice for young entrepreneurs regarding when to move out and building an online business? Mark Zuckerberg said it best – “It's important for young entrepreneurs to be adequately self-aware. To know what they do not know.”

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Recently, one of my Online Business Mastery Accelerator member’s asked me an important question regarding when to move out and building an online business:

“How do you know when it's time to move away from your parents house and start living your own life? Should I spend all my money into my business, or also use part of the money to start enjoying life? Im committed to having a successful business but I also want to be happy, start traveling the world, and go out more. I only go out to exercise and I'm not talking to a lot of people anymore. I'm feeling that something is missing in my life, in particular, a lack of connection with other people. Do you have any advice with regards to how I should spend my money? My parents just want security for my life, but I want freedom and adventure.”

First and foremost, you need to understand that you are still young and that you've got the whole world in front of you. Even the fact that you are asking these types of questions now, means that you are so much further ahead than most people are when they are first getting started. Unfortunately a lot of people move throughout their 20’s feeling lost. They live for the moment, instead of thinking about their future, which causes confusion, stress and a feeling of overwhelm.

If you want to create success as early as possible in life, than you need to be willing to make sacrifices. In my early 20’s, I sacrificed a lot of fun times in order to devote time to building my online business. My belief was that, if I started building my future as soon as possible, than I could create a lifestyle that would allow me to have fun and travel the world throughout my 30’s and 40’s. I knew the price that I had to pay in order to make that happen. It all depends on what you want in life.

I think that there is a lot of value in taking the time to enjoy your life, but if you want to ramp up your business and achieve success faster, you will have to make sacrifices. It’s up to you how you want to structure and balance your life.

I recommend that you take this time to do a lot of self-discovery work, which can be in the form of reading books, attending seminars, traveling, etc. Anything that allows you to have a better understanding of who you are. Develop your skills and figure out what your purpose is in life.

With regards to when it is a good time to move out of your parents house, I believe that living with your parents has its benefits, in that it allows you to save money and invest what you have into building your online business.

However, if you are not taking advantage of the opportunities that this benefit provides, than it will only become a deterrent to your success.

The act of moving out is one of the most important steps that you will make in life, because it forces you to become independent and take care of your own needs. Unfortunately a lot of people can get stuck in a comfort zone trap. They become so dependent on the luxuries of living with their parents, that they don't have any motivation to step up and take action in their lives.

When you move out, you automatically have the responsibility of paying your bills, rent, and groceries, which lights a fire under your ass and forces you to raise your standards.

This is my advice for young entrepreneurs regarding when to move out and building an online business. Starting an online business at a young age can be risky, but you will never know what you can achieve, unless you dive in and take a leap of faith.

I am a big believer that the sooner that you start the faster you will achieve success in life. In the words of Richard Branson, “Ultimately, there’s only one way to start your career, and that’s by starting a business. If you find yourself hesitating, remember my motto: Screw it, just do it.”

Do you want to learn how to master your online business? CLICK HERE to join my Online Business Mastery Accelerator program!

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