Let’s Setup Your Affiliate Marketing Funnel…

How would you like your own money-making Affiliate Marketing funnel that looks like this?

Follow the steps below to create and send me all the details we need to set up your new Affiliate Marketing Funnel.


As a bonus, we'll set it up for you!  You just need to buy your own ClickFunnels account and Aweber account, then my team will take care of the rest to set everything up for you and integrate it together.  The steps below will walk you through it.

Step 1: Sign Up For ClickFunnels So We Can Setup Your Funnel

To get started you'll need a ClickFunnels account.

ClickFunnels is the best tool out there for creating online funnels for your business.  We use it all the time and my team is specifically trained to setup funnels with it that work great for building an email list and driving a lot of sales.

In order for us to set up your funnel, you'll need to sign up for ClickFunnels.  ClickFunnels will be an on-going expense for your business, but it's essential for operating your business.  It has a lot of valuable benefits and uses which you can learn more about on their website. We are an affiliate for ClickFunnels, so by signing up through our link, we will earn a commission.  This is HOW we're able to provide you this bonus for free!

Watch the video below showing you how to sign up for ClickFunnels:


Step 2: Sign up For Aweber So We Can Integrate Your Email List

In order to start collecting email addresses from your funnel, you'll need an ESP (Email Service Provider).

We use and recommend Aweber, which allows you to build your email list, set up autoresponder series and send email broadcasts.

We'll take care of setting up your first email list inside your Aweber account for you, as well as integrate it with your ClickFunnels account.  That way, you can start building your list from your funnel. We are an affiliate for Aweber, so by signing up through our link, we will earn a commission.  This is HOW I'm able to pay my team to set up this bonus for you for free.

NOTE: My team is only trained with using Aweber, so we cannot accept other services that you might have.


Step 3: Submit Your Information

Once you've completed the steps above, I now need you to send me all the necessary information to go ahead and set up your funnel.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What does this funnel setup include?

A: This funnel setup includes the following:

  • A pre-designed Amazon launch funnel using ClickFunnels.  The funnel consists of 5 pages:
  • Integrating your ClickFunnels account with your Aweber account.
  • Setting up your Aweber e-mail list and integrating it with your Affiliate Marketing funnel inside ClickFunnels.

If you were to do all of this yourself (and you're a newbie), expect it to take up to 10 hours to figure this all out, even longer if you were to create this funnel from scratch.  Funnel experts can be hard to find and they can be expensive.   Since I have already paid someone to create this funnel for me and trained an experienced team to do this, I am able to provide all of this for you and save you a lot of time/money.

Q: How long will it take to set up my funnel up?

A: It will take approximately 3 business days for your funnel to be set up. If we experience a high volume of traffic and cannot meet this timeline, we will advise you as soon as possible.

Q: Do you provide on-going support afterward?

A: No.  Because this is a free bonus, we can't possibly provide ongoing support after your funnel is set up. However, you are free to customize your funnel e-mail autoresponders as you choose within your ClickFunnels and Aweber accounts.  ClickFunnels and Aweber have very useful training and help files available for their customers to help you.

If you do need ongoing support with ClickFunnels or Aweber, you should consider hiring someone on UpWork.