BCAA Supplement Benefits (Branched Chain Amino Acids)

If you're a long-time visitor and follower of mine, then you'll know my history with competing in fitness shows.  I've been through many “bulking” phases, as well as “cutting” phases where I'm losing significant amounts of fat.  One of the most frequent supplements that I take every day as part of my supplement regime has been BCAA (Branched Chain Amino Acids).

In this video blog, I'm going to explain the many BCAA supplement benefits, as well as WHY I take them every day and why you should also if you are an avid fitness enthusiast.

BCAAs, also known as Branched Chain Amino Acids, is a supplement that consists of 3 primary amino acids: Leucine, Isoleucine, and Valine.  These amino acids are crucial for gaining muscle mass and maintaining muscle mass when you're trying to lose fat.

By taking a BCAA supplement every day, you're aiding your body in protein synthesis, which promotes muscle growth over time.  Not only that, but if you're on a low calorie diet, one of the risks of that is losing muscle mass.  By taking a BCAA supplement every day, another benefit is that it helps to prevent muscle loss and to maintain the muscle mass you have.

Watch the video below to learn more BCAA supplement benefits:

(Click here to watch on YouTube)

[smart_track_player url=”http://www.buzzsprout.com/9299/366260-plm-258-bcaa-supplement-benefits-branched-chain-amino-acids.mp3″ social=”true” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_gplus=”true” ]

CLICK HERE to get a limited time discount on
BCAA by Life Mastery Nutrition on Amazon!

3 Amazing BCAA Supplement Benefits

What are the benefits of BCAAs (Branched Chain Amino Acids)?  I'm going to list some of them below.

1. Promotes Muscle Growth

One of the most beneficial amino acids to BCAAs is leucine, which stimulates protein synthesis, which is required for muscle growth.  Not only that, but BCAAs also helps increase the synthesis of the cellular machinery that is responsible for carrying out the process of protein synthesis.  This means that BCAAs not only increase the rate of protein synthesis, but also increase the cell's capacity for protein synthesis.

What this means is that when you workout and stimulate your muscles, taking BCAA supplements can help increase muscle mass and promote growth.

2. Prevents Muscle Loss

Taking a BCAA supplement every day also helps reduce the rate of protein breakdown.  This is important when you're trying to lose fat, because if you're at a caloric deficit, there is risk of losing muscle mass.  You never want to lose muscle and always want to maintain the muscle on your body, because having more muscle will help increase your body's metabolism and capacity to burn more calories throughout the day.

3. Improves Workout Performance

BCAA supplementation can also improve workout performance and intensity.  BCAAs can compete with the amino acid tryptophan for entry into the brain, which can then be converted into serotonin.  While you're working out, your serotonin levels rise and causes fatigue while you're exercising.  By taking a BCAA supplement, another benefit is that it reduces the amount of tryptophan that enters the brain, which decreases the amount of serotonin released.  This allows you to work out with more intensity and energy.

As you can see, these 3 amazing BCAA benefits are why I've been supplementing with Branched Chain Amino Acids for years and will continue for as long as I live.

BCAA Recommended Dosage

What is the recommended dosage of BCAAs every day?

I personally take and recommend at least 2 capsules (1600mg) of Life Mastery Nutrition BCAA every day.  It's best to take at least one capsule before your workout, and then another after your workout as part of your post-workout meal.

However, I've often seen better results by taking a bit higher of a dosage, such as 4 capsules every day – 2 capsules before my workout and then 2 more immediately after my workout with my post-workout meal.

IMPORTANT: It's always important to consult with your doctor before taking any new supplements.

Also, it's important to understand that in order to expect results, you need to be taking BCAAs in combination with a solid exercise program and healthy diet.  You can't just expect any supplement to work as a “magic pill” without doing any work.  I believe that supplements play about a 10% role in your results, which is still significant – however, working out consistency and eating right are always key.

It's also always recommended to be patient and focus on long-term results with a supplement and not just a “quick-fix”.

BCAAs by Life Mastery Nutrition

If you're looking for the a quality BCAA supplement to add to your daily regime, then I recommend BCAAs by Life Mastery Nutrition.

Not only are Life Mastery Nutrition's products very high quality, but they also come with a 60-day money-back guarantee.  Quality is always of the utmost importance and always ensuring customers are happy.

BCAA by Life Mastery Nutrition is available on Amazon and has many great reviews of what others are saying – you can read some of them here.

If you're looking to supplement with BCAAs and want to experience these amazing BCAA benefits, then click here to get a limited time discount on Amazon for Life Mastery Nutrition BCAAs!

Want even better results?

Try combining Life Mastery Nutrition BCAAs with our CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) and L-Carnitine supplements by Life Mastery Nutrition, also available on Amazon.com!

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