Bill Phillips Transformation Spring Forward Challenge – My Before Photos

Today, on March 26, 2012, I decided to commit and sign-up for the Bill Phillips Transformation Spring Forward Challenge.

The Spring Forward Challenge is a 84-day, 12-week long fitness transformation challenge with some really amazing prizes involved.  I've already committed to competing in the WBFF Fitness Modelling competition in Vancouver, British Columbia on June 23rd, 2012, and so I figured signing up for Bill Phillips Spring Forward Challenge would give me some extra incentive and motivation to really take my physique to the next level.

Not only that, but the timing is perfect. My start date for the challenge is on March 26, 2012 and the end date is June 17, 2012, which is less than a week before my WBFF competition in Vancouver.  That means that I should be in competition shape by then and will have a fantastic chance to win the Spring Forward Challenge.

What is the Bill Phillips Transformation Spring Forward Challenge?

Like I said, it's a 12-week, 84-day fitness challenge hosted by Bill Phillips, author of Body For Life (read my review of the follow-up book, Champions Body For Life here). The deadline to enter is March 26, 2012.

You're required to take Before Photos, which include front, back and side views. Also your starting body weight, body fat, tape measurements. I've posted all my photos and stats below.

The challenge is to workout and eat right consistently for 12-weeks straight, and after the 12-weeks take your After Photos, which again include your body weight, body fat, and tape measurements. The other cool requirement is to tell your story and submit an essay sharing what it was like before, what happened, and then what it's like after.

If you're interested in following my Spring Forward Challenge, check out my stats below. Also, if you want to sign-up for it and go through a transformation yourself, sign-up here at the Bill Phillips Transformation website.

What are the Rewards and Prizes?

There are two primary categories where the winners are rewarded $10,000 and will receive the Gold Medal and Champions jacket. Also, the Champions are invited to go to the Transformations headquarters in Colorado and share their story on Bill Phillips web TV show.

The two Champion categories are:

1) Weight Loss Champion

2) Fitness Champion

I will most likely be more in the category of competing for being the Fitness Champion, as that's more designed for those who are already in great shape and taking their physiques to the next level.

Each participant is reviewed by Bill Phillips and previous Transformation Champions, and 65% of the score is based on body change, while 35% is based on your inspiring story of change (no more than 500 words).

There will also be 10 runner-ups who each win $1000 cash, the Silver Medal, and a 3-month supply of Right Light Nutrition shakes.

AND… all finishers receive a Bronze Medal, a Team Transformation Workout shirt, and a certificate of Achievement and Recognition for making a change which makes a difference in the health of our nation. Pretty cool!

My Before Photos And Measurements

OK… I'm ready to rock and roll for this Bill Phillips Transformation Spring Forward Challenge.

Below are my Before Photos and measurements, taken on March 26, 2012. I will be sharing my progress photos and measurements over the next 12-weeks on my blog.

WEIGHT: 151.1 lbs.
BODYFAT: 11.9%
FAT-MASS: 17.81

NECK:  14.25″
CHEST:  37.25″
RIGHT ARM:  12.5″
HIPS:  31″
WAIST:  29″
RIGHT CALF:  13.25″

My Spring Forward Challenge Goals

My focus and goal over the next 12-weeks of the Spring Forward Challenge will be to add on a bit more muscle mass, and then lean out to around 6% body fat and be shredded.

Although I'm already in great shape, in 12-weeks, I plan on taking my body to a whole new level.  It may not be as drastic as someone who needs to lose 40 pounds, but I believe I will be able to achieve a very impressive physique and transformation compared to most of the other participants.

Gaining muscle mass and getting to around 6% body fat is no easy task, and will require an extreme level of hard-work and discipline that is much more dramatic and intense than most of the participants will have to go through.  I will be taking my body to levels that it doesn't want to go to, and the finished look will be something I can't wait to see for myself!

And if you want to sign-up and join the Bill Phillips Spring Forward Challenge, I highly recommend that you do so as soon as possible and sign-up at the Transformation website!

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