Blog Monetization: How I Make Over $70,000 Per Month Online Blogging

I have created a new and improved version of K Money Mastery which is called, Mastering Book Publishing!

Many bloggers would love to make money online from their blog, but just don't know how.  If you have a blog that is getting consistent traffic, then all you need to do is apply some blog monetization strategies to start making money from it.

There's many ways to monetize a blog, as long as you're getting traffic.  If you aren't getting traffic to your blog, then that's the first place you need to start.

In this video presentation, I share the 5 core blog monetization strategies that have allowed me to make over $70,000 per month online blogging.  This seminar was recorded earlier in 2015 and unfortunately the sound quality isn't that great, but the content is still powerful and very beneficial to anyone that wants to make money online.

Since this seminar in early 2015, my online business and blog has exploded.  I've gone on to make well over $1,000,000 in 2015 with these simple strategies outlined in this video.

I will mention that my online brand, Project Life Mastery, spans more larger than just a blog.  I believe you can't just have a blog anymore, you have to have a BRAND.  My brand consists of a blog, YouTube channel, podcast, Facebook page, Instagram page, Twitter page, Pinterest page, an e-mail list, etc…

As you'll learn in the video presentation, relationship building is key and being able to communicate with your followers amongst many different platforms.

Watch the video below:

(Click here to watch on YouTube)

My Top 7 Blog Monetization Strategies

Here's some tips and strategies for blog monetization that I've learned over the years.

  1. If you're new, focus on getting traffic first and foremost.  The best way to get traffic to your blog is to focus on creating high quality content.  Content is king.  The more content you have (articles, videos, podcasts, etc…), the more your content will get found in the search engines.  Not only that, but if your content is good, then people will like, share and follow you for more valuable content.
  2. Use Search Engine Optimization on all of your content.  Go beyond just written articles, but also create videos and a podcast as well.  The more content you have and the better it is, amongst several different platforms, then you'll be able to reach much more people.
  3. Once you're getting about 100+ visitors per day to your blog, then you can start attempting to monetize it.  There's no point in trying to monetize your blog too early, as you'll turn people off.  There will always be a percentage of people that don't like banner ads or people advertising or selling in any way.  Unfortunately, those people don't understand that you're also running a business and that a business needs to make money in order to grow and scale up.  Think of it like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram – they didn't monetize their platforms right away.  Instead, they waited years and just focused on building their user base before eventually monetizing the platform.
  4. Focus on building an e-mail list immediately.  Create a valuable free giveaway that you can use to help get people to subscribe to your e-mail list.  When you have subscribers, it becomes much more easy to communicate with them, add value, make offers, or build a long-term relationship with them.
  5. Get to know your subscribers and followers.  Survey them, engage with them, find out who they are and as much as you can about them.  If you know their goals and desires, as well as their challenges or problems, it becomes easier for you to help them and add value to them.  It also creates opportunity for you to create or offer products or services to them to help them meet their goals or solve their problems.
  6. Test different blog monetization strategies and see what works best.  Try advertising through Google Adsense.  Try affiliate marketing and offering products that you've found valuable and you believe will benefit your audience.  Create your own products or services. Write a Kindle book and make it available for sale.  There's many blog monetization strategies, but you need to always be testing to see what converts best and what your audience benefits from most.
  7. Always, always, ALWAYS put your followers needs above your own.  Your top objective should NEVER be to make money, but rather to add value and help them as much as possible.  In doing so, you will profit and benefit as a secondary gain.  You must always do your best respect your followers and never violate their trust or harm your relationship with them in any way.  You will never make everyone happy, but as long as you cater to your core tribe and they're happy, then you're on the right track.

Hopefully some of these tips and blog monetization strategies are helpful for you and show you what is possible blogging.

Building an online blog or brand isn't easy, it requires years of consistent hard work.  At the beginning, it is very slow and not many people will care about the content you're releasing.  However, if you are passionate and committed over the long-term, then your blog can turn into a 7-figure a year online business if you choose.

If you want to know more details and step-by-step instructions on how I make over $1,000,000 per year, then click this link to subscribe to my Life Mastery Toolkit.

In this Life Mastery Toolkit, I pull the curtain down and reveal more details on how I've built my online business and expanded into several different income streams.


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