The 7-Step Blueprint For Building A 7-Figure Amazon FBA Ecommerce Business

I want to help you build a 7-figure Amazon FBA Ecommerce business.

This is part 3 of my 4-part Amazon training series. Inside this blog, I share my 7-step blueprint for success on Amazon!

If you have yet to read parts 1 & 2, I encourage you to do so. Each piece of content is designed to build upon the next one.

In part 1, I talk in-depth about how Amazon FBA works. In part 2, I share my Amazon product research criteria so that you can get clear on what product you want to sell.

If you want access to my blueprint for building a 7-figure Ecommerce business, keep reading!

Watch the video below:

(Click here to watch on YouTube)

[smart_track_player url=”https://www.buzzsprout.com/9299/6089803-plm-818-the-7-step-blueprint-for-building-a-7-figure-amazon-fba-ecommerce-business-2020.mp3″ background=”default” ]

Are you ready to leverage the massive power of Amazon to generate financial freedom? CLICK HERE to register for my FREE 4-part Amazon FBA Training Series!

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Every successful Amazon seller follows this 7-step blueprint.

I encourage you to take out a pen and paper as I am going to share a lot of knowledge with you. If you already read part 2 of my training series, I hope you went through the brainstorming assignment and came up with some product ideas. When it comes to product research, don't worry about being perfect. Rather, just focus on making progress.

Let's dive into my 7-step blueprint for building a 7-figure Amazon FBA business!

1. Find Profitable Amazon Products

This is the most important step in the process. You cannot simply choose a product that YOU think will sell. Rather, you have to do product research to determine if there is a demand for a product. This is what will mitigate your risk. Don't be afraid of the competition. Others have paved the way to show you how much money can be made with a specific product.

When you have the right strategy in place, you don't have to worry about competition. Once you have a list of potential products you are interested in, think about how you can position your product in a way that will make you stand out. This many mean customizing your product so that it's tailored for a specific gender, or making it a different color, size, design, or price.

There are so many things you can do with a product that is already selling well. Some markets on Amazon are so big that you can still make an incredible income by being on the fifth page of Amazon for the primary keyword of your product. Once you have your list, narrow it down to your top three products.

2. Find Suppliers To Private Label Your Product

Once you've landed on your product, you want to find suppliers who can manufacture it for you. More importantly, you want to make sure that you can privateyour product. You are not trying to invent a product. That is risky, especially if you're a beginner Amazon seller. I recommend researching suppliers via Alibaba.com.

On this website, you will find a variety of suppliers from different parts of the world. When you search on Alibaba, make sure that you filter your results so that you know that a supplier is verified. You also want to make sure that a supplier has trade assurance, which will ensure that you are protected from any potential scams.

When you reach out to suppliers (choose three potential suppliers that you may want to work with) ask them to send you samples. You will have to pay for the shipping cost of the sample. When you receive the samples, compare them, and decide which one you like best.

Also, ask the suppliers how much it will cost to order a certain number of units from them. When you're first starting out, order a small number of units. I recommend a couple hundred. I started at 1,000 but everyone has a different budget. With your first product, you want to validate that there is a market for your product. Don't go crazy and over-invest. Strive to make a few sales and get some great reviews.

When you're first starting out you won't get the best profit margin.

Twenty-five percent is a good number to start with. Bring it to thirty to fifty percent over time. As your Amazon listing becomes more established and you build up your brand, your profit margin will increase. In turn, you will be able to charge more money for your product and order more inventory. This will help to bring down your cost.

3. Create Your Branding

This is the fun part of the process! You get to think of a name for your brand. A brand is a name or a logo that a mass amount of people will recognize and associate emotion with. People don't purchase products. Rather, they purchase something that they connect with emotionally.

People are willing to pay a premium based on the feeling that they associate with a brand. A brand is something that you build over time so don't worry about perfecting it right away.

When it comes to your brand logo, you can hire a designer to create it for you via Fiverr.com. Conversely, you could go to 99 Designs where you can put on a contest and have designers from all over the world compete to design a logo for you.

A brand will help you build an asset that you can sell one day. That is how you can get a huge payday from your business. Imagine someone buying your Amazon business for $10 million. Trust me when I say that it's possible.

4. Set Up Your Amazon Listing And Shipment

You want to set up your Amazon listing while you're waiting for your product to be manufactured. Keep in mind that there are costs to set up your Amazon Seller Central account. It's about $40 per month. I suggest that you wait until you are fully ready to sell your product before you spend this money.

There are over 100 countries that you can sell your Amazon product in. However, I recommend that you focus on the U.S. market. If you live in Europe, the U.K. and Germany are the next two biggest markets. You need to have high-quality product images on your Amazon listing, as well as a great title, bullet points, and description. Remember that Amazon is a search engine.

Hence, you have to identify the keywords that you want to rank your product for and be able to optimize your listing. If you can do this effectively, your listing will rank and show up for a variety of keywords that people are searching for.

Jungle Scout is a very helpful tool for doing keyword research. I've worked with Jungle Scout for many years now so I was able to get you a special discount if you want to purchase their tool! Once you've set up your Amazon listing and your inventory is ready to ship, now you can set up the shipping labels inside your Amazon Seller Central account.

Amazon will give you shipping labels and tell you which labels to ship it to.

You will then take those shipping labels, send them to your supplier, and your supplier will ship them.  Amazon doesn't like to have all of their inventory at one warehouse. Rather, they like to spread it out across the country. Doing so helps them ship products faster to their customers.

They may give you three different locations to send your units to. In terms of shipping, you will have to decide if you want to ship your product by air or by boat. If you ship it by air, it will cost more money but it will be faster. Conversely, if you ship your product by boat, it will be cheaper but take longer.

5. Launch And Market Your Product On Amazon For Sales

The Amazon process becomes real when you get to this step. I've interviewed countless people who have unbelievable Amazon success stories, some of whom are making hundreds of thousands of dollars per month selling on Amazon.

Once you get your first few sales and gain confidence, you will start to see the potential of this business model. You won't see the results of your efforts right away. It's always slow at the beginning, but it can ramp-up quickly. Amazon rewards new sellers and gives them a boost out the gate because they want you to have success.

When you have success and make money, they make money. It's that simple. This is why having a good launch strategy is critical. You never want to say, “Here is my product, buy it!” A lot of people make this mistake. You need to get people excited and build anticipation.

Decide what date you want to launch your product and plan a pre-launch. Think about how you can get some early traction so that when you hit that date, you will get some immediate sales. Maybe this means getting your friends and family to buy your product. Alternatively, you could find Facebook groups and offer your product to people at a discount.

The goal isn't just to make money on Amazon. It's also to get reviews, sales, and boost your product on Amazon. Additionally, you could contact influencers and ask them to promote your product on a certain date on their Instagram page or YouTube channel.

There are so many marketing strategies to choose from, both free and paid.

If you want to run paid ads and get immediate sales, you can do that inside your Amazon Seller Central account. Also, I encourage you to have a strong marketing strategy. Marketing is a core skill that you need to cultivate if you want to be successful in your business. Pick 1-2 strategies, learn them, and master them.

6. Optimize And Improve Your Amazon Product

Once you are generating sales from your product there is a lot that you can do optimize and improve it. Doing so will allow you to get better sales and more reviews. An effective strategy for getting more Amazon reviews is to use something called Manychat. This is a messaging service created inside of your Facebook messenger app.

It allows you to build a Facebook messenger list and send your customers follow-up messages to get reviews. The more reviews that you have, the easier it will be to sell your product. If you get some bad reviews, take the feedback that you are given, and find ways to improve your product. You can always go back to your supplier and ask them to change or modify your product to make it better.

When it comes to optimizing your Amazon listing, there are many things that you can do, whether it's testing new product images, experimenting with different prices, modifying your keywords, or improving your product packaging. This is an ongoing step. You want to constantly improve your product.

Your ability to do this step effectively will determine your Amazon business success. Keep changing your approach and learn from every experience that you have until you get the results that you want.

7. Build And Scale Your Brand Online

At this stage, you're building your website and online presence. Maybe you're creating content on your blog or your YouTube channel. You're building an audience and an email list of subscribers and followers. Today, I have over 1 million subscribers on YouTube. If I want to launch a product on my channel, I know that I can get immediate sales from it. That is the power of having a solid list.

At this stage, you can launch multiple products, build a store, and a catalog of products around your brand. This is when your business can scale up to 7 or 8-figures. When you're scaling your brand it's a smart idea to trademark it via the Amazon Brand Registry so that nobody can steal it from you.

You may want to expand off of Amazon and build an Ecommerce site using Shopify or WooCommerce. By selling on your website, you will get better profit margins. If you have the desire to scale even further, you can always expand your Ecommerce business internationally.

Are you ready to start building a 7-figure Amazon FBA Ecommerce business?

As you can see, there are a lot of steps involved in building an Amazon business. I wouldn't recommend piecing together everything that I've shared with you today by simply watching videos on YouTube. This is why I suggest investing in a great training course that can guide you through this 7-step process.

I recommend the Amazing Selling Machine (ASM). This is the best course on the market and one that I have personally gone through. They walk you through, step-by-step, every aspect of what it takes to start, grow, and scale your Amazon business.

ASM has a FREE upcoming training that will build off of what I've talked about inside this blog. If you're serious about selling on Amazon, I encourage you to check it out! Have an open mind and take notes as you go through the training. You've got nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Are you ready to leverage the massive power of Amazon to generate financial freedom? CLICK HERE to register for my FREE 4-part Amazon FBA Training Series!

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