Bulletproof Upgrade Labs: Biohack Your Body And Mind To Become Superhuman

Bulletproof Upgrade Labs is the world's first human upgrade center.

They use science-based technologies to help people improve and optimize their mental and physical performance.

I had an opportunity to take a tour of the lab and test out their state-of-the-art biohacking equipment.

Are you ready to learn how you can biohack your body and mind to become superhuman?

Watch the video below:

(Click here to watch on YouTube)

Do you want to learn how you can biohack your body and mind to become superhuman? CLICK HERE to claim your special intro offer with Bulletproof Upgrade Labs! 

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Bulletproof Upgrade Labs is the leader in human performance.

CEO and Founder, David Asprey is considered to be the Father of modern day biohacking. After years of working in Silicon Valley under stressful conditions, Asprey's physical health declined. Eventually, he reached a whopping 300 pounds. He knew that if he wanted to live a long and happy life he needed to make a change.

It was at this point that he started hacking his body through a variety of different technologies. He ended up losing over 100 pounds and drastically improved his mental and physical performance. His transformation proved that what he was doing was working. It was at this point that he decided to create Bulletproof Upgrade Labs.

The mission behind their work is to help improve peoples' health at a cellular level so that they can realize the full potential of their minds and bodies. Many of you who follow me know that health is my top priority in life. I am always looking for ways to upgrade my health so that I can master my health and energy. This is why I was so excited to visit Bulletproof Upgrade Labs and check out their biohacking technologies.

Here is a sneak peek of my interview with Brandon Tobias who is one of the trainers at their Santa Monica location.

Do you mind sharing with people a little bit about this place?

Bulletproof Labs is the world's first human upgrade center. We seek to optimize the physical, mental, and emotional health for every person that comes here in the shortest amount of time possible.

What are some of the reasons why people would use your technologies?

We call this a biohacking facility. This means that we have technology that can optimize your physical energy. A byproduct of this would be rapid weight loss or muscle gain. Secondly, we help people improve their mental clarity and health. The result is more focus, drive, and overall clarity. Lastly, our technology also helps improve people's emotional health, which can result in more peace, joy, and reduced levels of stress.

What types of people typically come into the lab?

We thought it was going to be an elite segment of people. However, we have found that it is something that everyone wants to experience. People want to feel better, think more clearly, have more energy, and live longer. For the first time in the world, we are able to offer that to people.

Can you tell us about some of the technologies that you use in the lab?

We are not just a wellness center. We also have an actual medical clinic. The clinic gives you all of the information that you need so that you know exactly what is going on inside your body. We do genetic testing, inflammation testing, and micronutrient testing. Once we have your results, we make a custom-tailored protocol just for you. One of our motos is, “We never guess, we always test.” Here are some of the technologies that people use when they come into the lab.


We have one of the most special technologies in the entire facility which is called PEMF. This stands for pulsed electromagnetic field therapy. Every single one of the 3 trillion cells in your body has an electromagnetic field around them. The lower this field is, the lower the energy that the cells have to produce more energy and reduce stress.

Scientists have measured that any cell that is below 20-25 millibars in the body leads to some type of chronic pain or disease. Normally it takes time, in the form of sleep, water, nutrients, light, and oxygen to replenish the voltage of these cells.

However, PEMF sends an electromagnetic frequency directly into the cells so that the cells can absorb it and start to function at their optimal level. This technology allows us to reduce chronic and acute injuries in people, as well as help with autoimmune disorders.

2. Atmospheric Cell Trainer

This machine can take you up to 22,500 feet at a simulated altitude. When you sit in this pod, your cells get all of the benefits of being exposed to that altitude. This means that your cells will work much more quickly and efficiently. As a result of using this machine, you will feel more energized and you will have a stronger aerobic capacity.

A female client of ours who is in her mid-50's came to the lab because she wanted help training for her Mount Kilimanjaro trek. She used this machine 3 times a week and ended up being the only person on the trip that didn't need altitude medication.

3. Cell Health Analysis

Before any client uses our technologies, we test their entire bodily health. This includes everything from inflammation, cell health, body fat, muscle mass, and visceral fat. These are all very important measurements.

From there, we take this information to create customized protocols for people. Rather than someone just stepping on a scale every single day and wondering what is going on, we provide people with precise measurements that they can work with.

4. The Cheat Machine

If you love a challenge, this machine is for you. It pushes you harder than you could ever push yourself. Using this machine allows you to get a weeks worth of a muscle resistant workout throughout your entire body in 25 minutes. It can actually match your maximum force output every single second. In only 1-2 sessions per week, you can build a lot of muscle strength.

5. Virtual Float Tank

This machine uses technology to induce you into a deep state of meditation, called a theta brain wave state. When using this machine, the conscious mind that stores anxiety, depression, and fear slows or shuts down temporary. As a result, your mind can begin the process of resting. We've had people jump out of here with tears of joy and sadness.

This machine spins at 14 times per minute. That rate takes away the sensation of the spin itself. It calms the nervous system and makes you feel as if you are a baby in a cradle or in your mother's womb. The machine uses binaural beats, combined with music, visual entrainment, and rotation. These three elements are programmed in at the theta frequency. Because you are entrained by these frequencies, your brain starts to mirror that. This is what allows you to go into a theta state.

6. Bone Trainer

This is a great machine for strengthening bone density and increasing the stability of joints and ligaments in the body. You do four different exercises, one time per week. I would recommend this machine for overall health. More importantly, it will protect your bones when you are working out at the gym.

7. Oxygen Trainer

This bike allows you to get as much oxygen as humanly possible in the most vital areas of the body. Oxygen, or prana, is one of the most important things that you can give your body. This machine flushes out all of the dead waste and dead fat cells that no longer serve you.

You wear a mask while riding on the bike. You start by getting 90% oxygen concentration when you're riding, and then it drops to 10%. That drop can be really mentally challenging. However, this is what enables the body to open up and prioritize where the oxygen goes. Once we do this, we can start the replenishing process.

8. The Cold HIIT

This is a 21-minute high-intensity interval training workout. It optimizes human growth hormone and testosterone, along with increasing epinephrine. This allows you to burn more fat and optimize your muscle growth. The result is that you feel more driven and motivated.

9. The Big Squeeze

This machine is one of the most relaxing and therapeutic things that I've ever experienced. It's like an in-depth lymphatic massage. For those of you who don't know, the lymphatic system carries out waste and inflammation from the body. This machine gets rid of the toxins that are no longer serving you through your thoracic duct.

We had a female client come into our center who was trying to get ready for a wedding in two weeks time. She used this machine every single day for two weeks. By the end of it, she lost two dress sizes because of all of the inflammation that she was carrying in her body. This machine is great for weight loss.

10. Cryotherapy

This is one of the most intense machines I've ever experienced. Cryotherapy involves getting into a -220-degree Fahrenheit chamber for 3 minutes. The chamber increases fat-burning, reduces inflammation, increases immune system functioning, and tells your brain to produce more neurotransmitters.

Lastly, it makes you release endorphins, which is your body’s feel-good hormone. Because this machine only affects the skin of your body, the body thinks that it's going into flight or flight. However, it's totally safe. Your core body temperature only lowers 1-2 degrees when you are in the chamber.

EEG Brain Trainer

I like to call this a “meditation trainer on steroids.” The goal of the machine is to get your brain and nervous system as aligned as possible. In today's world, a lot of people struggle with anxiety or restless mind. They have forty different tabs open in their brain. They try to shut them all down at once, but they can't even focus on one of them.

This machine alerts your unconscious brain when this is occurring. It says, “Instead of going outside of these forty different tabs, let's start to close all of them down and let your brain learn how to be present.” If someone can train themselves to be present, they can train themselves to perform better, feel less stressed, and be a better version of themselves overall.

11. REDcharger

This is a red and infrared light bed that exposes your entire body to red and infrared LED light. These two frequencies work together to promote muscle recovery, improve skin collagen, and decrease inflammation. Our cells are designed to take this red light in and use it as an extra part of the energy production process in the cells. More red light equals more energy, which leads to more stress reduction.

Are you ready to bulletproof your health?

I highly recommend that you drop into one of the Bulletproof Labs in either Santa Monica or Beverly Hills. Don't be intimidated by their technologies.

Brandon has graciously offered a special intro offer to any of my viewers who are interested in biohacking their health. As part of this session, one of the Bulletproof Upgrade Labs trainers will help design a health protocol that works best for you and your body.

What aspect of your health do you want to improve?

Do you want to learn how you can biohack your body and mind to become superhuman? CLICK HERE to claim your special intro offer with Bulletproof Upgrade Labs! 

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