Art Carey – Champions Body For Life Book Review

One of the latest books that I've read is Champions Body For Life by Art Carey, which is a follow-up book to Bill Phillip's famous Body For Life Challenge.

The Champions Body For Life book is the story of two Body For Life Challengers: Alexa Adair and Mark Unger, both winners of the Body For Life Challenge.  The book documents their experience and journey to transforming their bodies over the course of 90 days, which was very inspirational.

You get to see and hear about all of the challenges, setbacks, doubts, concerns, worries, and successes that Alexa and Mark experience over the 90 days.  It shares what they ate, their workout program, and the mindset that is required to go through a successful transformation.

I picked up this book, because I'm always looking for that added edge to put me over the top.  I always understand that the inner game is the most important aspect to achieving anything, and what better way to learn how to transform your body by MODELLING others who've been successful at it?

I loved this book, because I could relate to a lot of what Alexa and Mark went through in changing their bodies.  More importantly, the self-esteem and confidence that they gained as a direct result of their transformation.  In my opinion, the confidence, self-esteem and pride far outweighs the “sexy abs” and everything else.

“It's easier to wake up early and work out than it is to look in the mirror each day and not like what you see.”
– Jayne Cox, 2003 Couples Champion

One thing that Champions Body For Life mentions is the first to transforming your body is making a clear DECISION that you will do whatever it takes to change your body.  In the book, they called it “The Decisive Moment”.

For many, this is that point where you hit ROCK BOTTOM – you've had enough and you're committed to do what it takes.  Without that strong commitment, it's too easy to waiver and go back to where you used to be.

“If improving your life and your health are that important to you, you'll find the time and make it flow with the groove of your life.”
– Kitara Wilson, 2006 Couples Champion

In the book, Alexa and Mark share what their “Decisive Moment” was and that point where they hit threshold.  Once they made their decision, the rest of the transformation was easy.  The hardest part was making that commitment.

Every week after that, you're reading journal entries of what the Body For Life challengers are going through.  You are not only reading along with their journey, but you feel like you're on the journey with them, as you are transforming YOUR BODY at the same time.

“I was sure that if these people could do it, so could I.” 
– Bill Yeager, 2001 Runner-up

Champions Body For Life provided a lot of inspiration and motivation for me to take my body to the next level.  The book also shares dozens of Before and After pictures of other Body For Life champions, along with short stories of how their lives have changed.

The book covers so much more than that – specifically, it goes into what to eat, workout routines, how to perform certain exercises, and has a weekly tracking system to ensure that you're making progress.  This book covers everything you need to make your physical transformation a reality.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book.  If you're looking to improve or transform your physical body, then Champions Body For Life is a simple, easy program to follow to make it happen.

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