Delivering The Goods

You may have seen them – those rare men and women that are excelling at a rapid pace – and you may be wondering what their secret is. I don't know, and frankly I don't care. What I do care is that YOU are excelling at a rapid pace. And I'm going to share with you one of the most powerful mindsets to do that, starting TODAY.

Take a moment and think of the last time you were at the gym or working on a major project.  Now if I was to ask you to tell me with complete honesty and integrity what level you were playing at on a scale from 1-10, would you say 100? In fact, when was the last time you played at a 100? Or worse, have you never played at a 100??

If you want to get amazing results fast you have to push your boundaries everyday. Whether it's giving everything you've got to hit that last rep, or working late hours into the night, or deciding to get your second and third and fourth wind when things aren't going your way.

As you're answering this you may wonder how this translates into results. Your mind has already begun rationalizing that it's not worth it. What's the point, after all, you can just relax and sit on the couch watching your favorite show. Easier? Yes, and in the short-term it may seem like the better way to go. But you will deny yourself the most amazing growth and long-term results if that remains your philosophy. It isn't about instant gratification or simply being comfortable, it's about what kind of a person you become.

Let me directly address some of the limiting thoughts that people tell themselves…

I'm too tired or exhausted.

–  Bull. There are people in parts of the world that are operating on zero sleep and pushing their limits this very moment, that don't have the luxuries that you have. Tired is just a state of mind – you can change it in an instant. You are capable of so much more.  

I don't feel like it.

–  You can't control your environment, the world around you, or what other people are going to do – but the one thing that you can control is how you feel. YOU control how you feel, nobody else. And you can change your state and how you feel in an instant.

It's just too uncomfortable.

– What a great opportunity to massively develop your inner strength and to become the person you've always wanted to be. If you can't, then you must!

I don't have the time.

We don't have equal opportunity or choices in life, but we all have an equal amount of time. Time is the ONLY thing that is equal. We're all given 24 hours a day, you have the same amount of time as every human being on the planet. Put aside the story and step up!

(Click here to watch the video on YouTube)

Are you the type of person that goes that extra step to truly do whatever it takes? My intuition is that you are, or you wouldn't be here otherwise. In the past you may not have known it, but it's time. Deliver an outstanding performance, and you'll get rapid growth and results in life that you could only find in your wildest dreams.

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