Dream Building – How To Manifest What You Want Fast

Want to learn how to manifest what you want fast using dream building?

Dream building is a powerful concept commonly talked about in the law of attraction realm.  With any goal or dream that you have in your life, one of the best ways to manifest it faster is experience it.  You can write down your goals, focus on them all you want, or even have images of your goal up on a vision board – but being able to EXPERIENCE it and begin to make it apart of your reality is a totally different story.

The video below explains more how you can use dream building to begin manifesting what you want.

(Click here to watch on YouTube)

[smart_track_player url=”http://www.buzzsprout.com/9299/178996-plm-042-dream-building-how-to-manifest-what-you-want-fast.mp3″ ]

How I Use Dream Building To Get What I Want

I'm very clear on what I want for my life and my ultimate vision.  If you check out my recent goals and resolutions, you'll see that I have some pretty big goals and dreams.  I focus on these goals a lot and am extremely motivated by them, but I've found that dream building has helped me take things to a whole new level.

For example, one of my goals this year is to buy a Corvette ZR1.  It's a beautiful car that inspires me and I'd love to own.  I have an image of it on my iPhone and every few days I check Craigslist and Auto Trader to see what's available and the going rates.  I find this really motivates and inspires me – it pushes me to work harder towards achieving this goal.

While all of that is great and everyone should do it, what I've found has enhanced my motivation and desire even further has been going to an actual car dealership and being around the car that I want.  By doing this, I'm able to sit in the car and really engage all of my senses with it.  It instantly becomes more real to me.  I begin to see myself owning the car and driving it.  Even going in a test drive in the car would motivate and inspire me even more.  It re-programs your brain and has a “law of attraction” type affect that brings you closer to making that goal a reality.

In Bali, I did a similar thing.  I would visit the most expensive resorts and just hangout in the restaurant or by the pool.  I'd bring my laptop and do my work there, conditioning my brain to move closer towards this type of lifestyle.  I surround myself with what I want constantly, as it helps motivate me even further.

You can do this with MANY of your goals and it's powerful.  If you get around others where it's better, that will inspire you too.  For example, if you find someone that lives in a multi-million dollar mansion and hangout at their house, it can have a profound experience on you.  This has been an effective strategy to continually give me hunger and drive to grow and achieve goals in my life.

I'd encourage you to take a look at some of your goals and brainstorm some dream building activities that you could do.  What could you do this week to help make your goal more real and bring you closer towards it?

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