Fitness Progress Report #3: Getting Bigger While Staying Lean

It's been about 3 weeks since I've last posted a Fitness Progress Report, so today I took some pictures and my measurements to see exactly where I'm at and how I'm progressing.

Currently, my primary goal is to compete in the WBFF Fitness Modelling competition on June 23rd, 2012 in Vancouver. About two weeks ago, I decided to enter another fitness competition called the Bill Phillips Transformation Spring Forward Challenge. I decided to enter the Spring Forward Challenge simply because the dates are lined up almost perfectly with the WBFF competition. It's also given me some added incentive, as there are some really cool prizes if you win! Find out more about it here.

Previous Fitness Progress Reports

If you want to see comparisons of my progress on a bi-weekly basis, check out the links below:

February 18, 2012 – My Journey To The WBFF Fitness Modelling Competition
March 5, 2012 – Fitness Progress Report #1: Putting On Size
March 19, 2012 – Fitness Progress Report #2: Gaining Muscle Mass
March 26, 2012 – Bill Phillips Transformation Spring Forward Challenge

Progress Report: April 11, 2012

(Click here to see my pictures from two weeks ago – March 26, 2012)

WEIGHT: 150.7 lbs. (- 0.4 lbs.)
BODYFAT: 11.9% (+/- 0″)
FAT-MASS: 17.81 (+/- 0″)
FAT-FREE MUSCLE: 131.01 (- 0.4 lbs.)

NECK:  14.25″ (+/- 0″)
CHEST:  37.5″  (+ 0.25″)
SHOULDERS:  45″  (+/- 0″)
RIGHT ARM:  12.5″  (+/- 0″)
HIPS:  31″  (+/- 0″)
WAIST:  29″  (+/- 0″)
RIGHT CALF:  13.25″  (+/- 0″)
RIGHT THIGH:  21″  (+ 0.5″)

NOTE: Body Fat, Fat-Mass, and Fat-Free muscle is measured on a body composition scale and isn’t 100% accurate. I may be using Body Fat calipers in the future, but for now it’s good to use the same form of measurement for consistency.

By the looks of it, I have made some slight gains compared to two weeks ago, specifically in my chest and legs. While it says I'm 0.4 lbs lighter, that's irrelevant as it isn't totally accurate. My weight is fluctuating continually throughout the day, so I'm sure it will say something totally different the next day.

Last week I encountered a slight challenge, as I went to New Jersey to the Tony Robbins Unleash The Power Within seminar and was forced to take a few days off the gym. I wasn't able to track my eating as closely as I would at home, but still did the best I could. I still forced myself to do 15-minutes of HIIT training in the mornings and was able to workout at a LA Fitness nearby.

When I got back to Vancouver, I was worn down and was a bit sick – primarily due to a lack of sleep and pushing myself full tilt. Even though I was feeling sick, I still pushed myself to workout everyday and have slowly been getting better. I'm almost 100% now.

Am I Making Progress? Let's Take A Look…

Before I go any further, I was looking back at my pictures from February 18, 2012 when I first committed to competing in the WBFF and I was amazed to see how much bigger I am today, while still staying almost just as lean. I've posted the comparison pictures below, take a look.

Total Progress: February 18, 2012 – April 11, 2012

WEIGHT:  148 lbs. to 150.7 lbs. (+ 2.7 lbs)          
BODYFAT:  10.7% to 11.9% body fat (+ 0.2%)
FAT-MASS:  15.61 to 17.81 (+ 2.2 lbs)
FAT-FREE MUSCLE:  130.01 to 131.01 (+ 1.0 lbs)

NECK:  14.5″ to 14.5″ (+/- o”)
CHEST:  37″ to 37.5″ (+ 0.5″)
SHOULDERS:  44″ to 45″ (+ 1.0″)
RIGHT ARM:  12.5″ to 12.5″ (+/- 0″)
HIPS:  31″ to 31″ (+/- 0″)
WAIST:  28.5″ to 29″ (+ 0.5″)
RIGHT CALF:  13″ to 13.25″ (+ 0.25″)
RIGHT THIGH:  20.5″ to 21″ (+ 0.5″)

The measurements aren't as important as the pictures, but judging from the pictures I look much bigger. Not only that, but I'm much stronger in the gym as well.

Again, I don't pay much attention to the fat-mass and whatnot, as that isn't totally accurate. It says that I've gained 2 lbs of fat, but I personally don't really see it on my body. Ultimately, how you look in the mirror is much more important than how you look on the scale. But the scale is still a good measurement tool.

My Workout Routine And Diet

Not much has changed here. I'm still lifting heavy, at least 5 days a week in the 6-10 rep range. I've been switching up my workouts a bit just for variety and to shock the body, and I've also been working out with friends for a few days of the week. I've noticed a huge difference having a workout partner, as you're able to push yourself so much harder and get in those extra reps.

People keep asking me about my workout routine, I'll be sure to make a post on it in the future.

As for diet, it's remained the same as well: 225 grams of protein, 300 grams of carbs and 50 grams of fat. I haven't been totally consistent with it, especially due to travelling, but I've made sure to stay about 90% close to those numbers.

As of right now, I'm still focused on getting a bit bigger and in the coming weeks, I'm sure my coach will have me switch things up to start focusing on getting really lean for the competition.  But for now, I'm going to keep going as hard as I possibly can and follow the game plan!

I have about 2 and a half months remaining to the WBFF Fitness Modelling competition, and there's still lots of work to do!

Stay tuned, more Fitness Progress Reports coming at ya.

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