How To Get Traffic To Your Website And Sell Your Products

Have you been trying to figure out how to get traffic to your website?

A big mistake that a lot of business owners make is that they believe that if they build something, people will come.

Hence, they invest a lot of time, energy and focus, and money into creating a great product or service, without recognizing that this is only half the battle.

As a business owner, trust me when I say that the Field of Dreams motto does not apply in the world of business.

I want to help you generate more traffic and grow your business the right way. Keep reading to discover how.

Watch the video below:

(Click here to watch on YouTube)

[smart_track_player url=”https://www.buzzsprout.com/9299/3232150-plm-772-how-to-get-traffic-to-your-website-and-sell-your-products.mp3″ background=”default” ]

Need more traffic to your website or funnel? CLICK HERE to pre-order Russell Brunson's FREE book, Traffic Secrets! 

Traffic creates website visibility.

If you want to have a successful online business, the first thing that you need is traffic. Web traffic is measured in visits and is a common way to measure online business effectiveness at attracting an audience. This is a big pain point for a lot of business owners.

The challenge is that the eCommerce industry has become an oversaturated market. Everyone is vying for attention online.  How do you expect to stand out if nobody knows how to find you online? This is why you must become a master at marketing your products and services. The more traffic that you get, the more money that you will make. The question is, “How do you do this?”

I am going to walk you through the steps of how to get traffic to your website and sell your products. Keep in mind that this information applies to any business model. The first thing that you need to know is that there are three different types of traffic – cold, warm and hot.

Not all traffic is equal.

Each visitor is a human being. They will be in a different state of mind when they visit your website. Depending on where they are at, your traffic will convert differently when they get in front of your product or service.

Cold traffic is someone who doesn't know who you are yet. They've never heard of your brand or seen your face before. If you get in front of cold people, it will be difficult for you to convert them.

Warm traffic already knows who you are. Maybe they've followed you online and have heard of your product or service before. Thus, when you get in front of them, it will be easier to convert them into customers.

Hot traffic is people who are ready to buy. They are raving fans. Ideally, you want to warm people up and get them to the point where they are “hot.” When you can do this, your job will be so much easier.

Interruption Marketing

Interruption marketing is a model of product promotion where you are interrupting people online. Essentially, the goal of this type of marketing is to capture the attention of anyone and everyone to generate interest in your product or service. You can do this in the form of paid ads on Instagram, YouTube or Facebook.

When it comes to interruption marketing, the question is, “How do you gain people's trust?” The 3-step framework that I am about to share with you comes from my friend, Russell Brunson. He recently wrote a new book called Traffic Secrets, which he is giving away for FREE. I highly recommend it.

When you are driving people to your product or service, you want to engage in a 3-step framework.

Step 1: The Hook

You have to say something or write something in your advertisement or content marketing to hook people. The key to hooking someone is to enter into their world and know what they are thinking and feeling. It's all about grabbing their attention.

As an example, maybe you say something like, “Do you have an epic product, but are struggling to get people to purchase it?” If people don't connect with your hook, they will leave your website. It has to be personalized and incite interest. Remember, it's about them, not you.

Step 2: The Story

A story is a way of establishing trust with your audience. You want to tell a story that allows you to relate to people, which hopefully, will lead to an offer.

Going back to our first example you could say, “I understand where you're coming from. I used to struggle with selling my products too. However, today I've created a 7-figure business selling products online. I would like to help you solve this problem. Here is something that I want to send you, for free, to help you get started.”

Step 3: The Offer

Once you have hooked your audience with a powerful statement that relates to them and told them a story, now you can set up an offer. This can be in the form of a free eBook, a sale, or signup to your email list.

Search Marketing

Search marketing is a strategy that uses paid and unpaid techniques for gaining traffic via search engines, like Google, YouTube, or Facebook. Millions of people search online every day for solutions to their problems. If you want to get your products or service in front of them and increase your brand visibility, you have to take advantage of search marketing.

Both interruption and search marketing are incredibly effective. However, for a lot of online business beginners, it can be very overwhelming to know where to start. There is a simple process that I recommend you go through called the Dream 100. Again, this is what I learned from Russell Brunson in his book, Traffic Secrets.

Take a step back and get clear on who your dream customer is by creating a customer avatar. This is who you are trying to reach and market to. When it comes to figuring out who your dream customer is, Russell suggests that you research the following:

  • Websites your ideal customer visits
  • YouTube accounts they watch consistently
  • Blogs they visit
  • Podcasts they listen to
  • Influencers they follow
  • Keywords they search for in Google

Once you understand who this person is, the strategy becomes a lot easier. The next step is to spend time following your competition. Get on their email lists and learn from them. Watch their videos, follow their blogs, listen to their podcasts. They have paved the way for you and are already successfully selling their products and services. Figure out which marketing strategy is working in their business, go deep with it, and apply that strategy in your own business.

This is how to get traffic to your website and sell your products.

Attention is the most important thing that you can have online. If you don't have people's attention you can't market or sell your products. What strategy will you work on to generate more website traffic?

Need more traffic to your website or funnel? CLICK HERE to pre-order Russell Brunson's FREE book, Traffic Secrets! 

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