How To Love Yourself (This Is Life-Changing)

Do you truly know how to love yourself unconditionally? 

Love is the greatest force in the Universe. It is what we all yearn for. However, a lot of people find it easier to love others than to love themselves.

Being in a relationship and sharing your life with someone that you love is a beautiful feeling.

However, your relationship with yourself will always be the most important relationship of your life.

In the words of R.H. Sin, “Sometimes your soulmate is yourself. You have to be the love of your life until you discover that kind of love in someone else.”

If you're ready to cultivate a deep appreciation for all aspects of yourself, keep reading…

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What did your parents teach you about love?

Your parent(s) and/or caretaker was the first relationship that you ever had. It set the tone for everything that you experienced in life.

Self-love is the greatest gift that parents can give their children. Ultimately, the goal of every parent should be giving children the means to know, learn and experience success and happiness. Self-love is at the root of those traits.

However, when one or both parents do not value self-love or neglect their children in some way, a child learns that love isn't safe. Even worse, a child may create the belief that he or she is not worthy of love.

Lack of parental involvement in childhood can negatively affect a child's self-esteem and create a breeding ground for an unstable self-concept in adulthood. Oftentimes, this is why adults become people-pleasers and spend their lives doing things to gain approval or validation from others.

Recently I was coaching someone who struggles with self-love. They feel as if they aren't worthy or deserving of anything. As a result, they don't feel like they can fully receive love. I want you to take a moment and reflect upon a person in your life that you love unconditionally.

What would you do for that person? Probably anything, right?

Now, I want you to think about how often you show up for yourself in the same way that you show up for this person you love. The best way to truly love yourself is to value the relationship that you have with yourself above all else. Research shows self-acceptance is the key to a happier life, but it’s also the habit many people practice the least.

I believe that everyone should have a self-love ritual that they practice daily.

If you don't love yourself, you won't have any love to give to others. If you don't take the time to fill your cup up, it is impossible to show up for others. This is a recipe for feeling drained and undervalued.

Alternatively, when you fully embrace all aspects of yourself, your relationships with others deepen and are rooted in mutual love, understanding, and respect.

Eckhart Tolle believes that each person has two parts – a human and a being. Thus, we are human beings. Your conditioning, comprised of your personality, beliefs, and values belongs to the human dimension. Your being is your heart and soul; it is consciousness.

In the words of Eckhart, “Human is form. Being is formless. Human and Being are not separate but interwoven.”

It's useful to be able to separate the two. For example, you can feel guilty and have shame around some of your behaviors, but please understand that you are NOT your behavior. Your behavior doesn't define you. If you want to deepen your sense of self-love, I encourage you to start connecting with your being side.

It's all about learning how to be in the present moment with yourself, whether that's meditating, praying, journaling, reciting affirmations, or doing mirror work. If you have never done mirror work, I highly recommend reading Louise Hay's book, Mirror Work: 21 Days To Heal Your Life.

In her book, Louise talks about her Mirror Principle, which holds that our experience of life mirrors our relationship with ourselves; unless we see ourselves as loveable, the world can be a dark and lonely place. When you engage in self-love rituals, over time your self-esteem increases and you live a more joyous and fulfilling life.

This is how to love yourself unconditionally.

You are worthy of love and belonging. You wouldn't exist on this planet if you didn't. Make it a habit to show yourself love every single day. Be in awe of your existence because you are a gift to this world simply by being you. 

Do you want access to 21 powerful morning rituals that will nourish your mind, body, and spirit? CLICK HERE to download my FREE Morning Ritual Habits Cheatsheet!

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