How To Overcome Adversity

Hours before I was about to take off on my trip to South America, I got some news that really affected one of my businesses in a severe way.  Adversity had struck, and immediately I felt this sense of anxiety and uncertainty consume my body.  While it was easy to just play the role of the victim and say “Why me?”, I decided that I'd take the other route and find the empowering meaning in the situation.

In the midst of this emotional state, I decided to take out my video camera and shoot a video to share the mindset that I chose to adopt to face and overcome the adversity head on.  While we're all going to face challenging times and things unexpectedly will occur that will knock us over, it's imperative that we CHOOSE to have faith and change your perception immediately, so that you can quickly get back on your feet and start making progress again.

Check out the video below:

(Click here to watch the video on YouTube)

[smart_track_player url=”http://www.buzzsprout.com/9299/173484-plm-009-how-to-overcome-adversity.mp3″ ]

Despite the challenges or obstacles that you're going to inevitably face in this lifetime, it's up to us to direct our focus and find the empowering meaning in whatever life gives us.  One of the best ways to do that is ask yourself empowering questions, such as, “What is great about this?”, or “What can I learn from this?”, or “How can I use this to grow and give more?”, and more importantly, “How can I turn this around?”

If you ask empowering questions, your brain will come up with the answers.

Life doesn't happen to me, it happens FOR me.

There are also certain beliefs that really guide me through the most challenging times.  One of them is that “Everything happens for a reason and a purpose, and it serves me.”  I believe there is GOOD to be found in anything that life throws at us, it's up to us to find it.  Every human experience can benefit us in some way.  We can learn from it, grow from it, and use it to give more to others.

Also, understand that nothing in life is permanent.  No problem is permanent or so pervasive that we can't overcome it.  With that said, one belief I always use is I say to myself, “This too shall pass.”  And it always inevitably does.  Whatever suffering or pain you're currently going through, it will pass with time.  Understand that this moment doesn't define you.  Just get back on the horse, keep taking action and move your feet.  Eventually, you will come out the other side victorious.

If you're going through hell, KEEP GOING.

I hope this blog post can really serve you in some way.  While things can be challenging in the moment, you have to keep your faith and see things better than it is.  Understand, believe, and know that things will work out and your life will turn out the way you want it to as long as you keep your eyes on the horizon.

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