How to Publish A Book with Kindle and Start Earning Easy Money

What you really need to know before you publish your own book.

Learn how to publish your own book, and you'll discover one of the fastest and easiest ways to make money online. Kindle has made it possible for absolutely anyone to become a money-making author. As long as you can come up with at least 2500 words about something interesting or useful, you can become a Kindle author today. While I’m convinced that just about everybody has the right content for a book knocking around in their brain, not everyone has the time, energy, interest, or writing skill that it takes to publish a Kindle book that sells.

If you don’t feel comfortable writing your own book, I highly recommend hiring a professional writer to assist you with the task. There are countless talented writers out there who will interview you and turn your thoughts into a fantastic manuscript. But getting your book written is just the first of many steps it takes to successfully publish your book on Kindle. Here are my top tips for ensuring that your book sells well on Kindle.

Keywords for Your Kindle

An important step in affirming your Kindle book’s sales success is keyword research. In the Kindle search bar, enter some specific search terms that are related to your book’s topic. Take note of the number and quality of the search results for each keyword. Fewer, weaker search results means less competition for your new book, and the better the chance that it will sell well.

In later steps, you will refine and format your Kindle book. You will also have to set up your book’s profile within Kindle. It will be crucial at those points that you carefully insert your keyword in strategic spots. We will come to that later.

Your Kindle Title

The truth is, your book’s sales performance will likely come down to these three things.

  1. Title
  2. Cover
  3. Reviews

If you want to sell a lot of copies of your book on Kindle, your title must be descriptive and compelling. Remember that the title also must contain your keyword. It must tell readers what benefits are waiting within the book’s content. Last, it must include a title and subtitle. For example…

Bad Title: How to Stop Gambling

Good Title: The Gambling Addiction Cure: How to Overcome Gambling Addiction and Problem Gambling For Life

Do you see the difference? The first title is boring, non-descriptive, and does not really tell the reader that his or her problems are about to be solved. On the other hand, the second title is compelling, descriptive, and promises to deliver results – for life!

Your Kindle Cover

The next step to ensuring that your book sells is to get a great cover design made. Unless you’re a graphic designer yourself, I always recommend outsourcing this task. If you’re just starting out with Kindle publishing, Fiverr is a great resource for finding someone to design your e-book cover. For five bucks and a few words of guidance, you’ll receive a great design for your book, usually within a day or two.

Obviously, for five bucks, you are not getting the same caliber of designs that professional publishing houses do. I want you to remember two things here: one, this is your first book. Don’t sink a fortune into this until you have a proven system down pat. And two, this is YOUR book, which means that you can change the cover later if you want to. You just need to get this thing off the ground right now.

Formatting a Kindle

Once your book is written and edited for spelling, grammar, punctuation, and continuity, it’s time to double-check the formatting. Choose an easy-to-read font, and at least 12 point font size. Make sure that chapter names and sub-headers are bold. Insert a page break wherever you want a page to end, so that you’re sure the electronic version of the book will look just how you want it.

At the end of your book, it’s a good idea to ask your readers to leave a review of the book on Kindle. It can just be a sentence or two on the very last page, and all it has to say is something like “If you enjoyed reading this book, please do me a favor and write a review on Kindle.” Remember that reviews are one of those three things that will sell your book!

Publishing on Kindle

When you choose the “Add New Title” option in your Kindle account, the process to set up your new book is fairly straightforward. Use the following guidelines to write a killer book description that sells copies every time:

  • A headline that grabs the reader’s attention.
  • The sub-headline provides a promise.
  • The first paragraph gives an introduction to the book.
  • The second sub-headline gives them a preview of what they’ll learn.
  • Provide bullet points of the benefits of what the book contains.
  • Have a “call to action” by giving the reader a reason to buy now.
  • If possible, provide testimonials of what others are saying.
  • Have another “call to action”, telling the reader to buy now.
  • Remember to use the keyword at least a couple of times within the description.

I urge you to opt into the KDP Select program, which allows Amazon Prime members to borrow your book, kind of like a library book. You will get paid each time someone borrows your book. You will almost certainly increase the number of people reading your book and leaving reviews.

Another easy way to drum up interest and collect some reviews right off the bat is to opt in to the Free Book Promotion when you launch your new title. For up to five days, people will be able to download your Kindle book for free. Because even free downloads count in ranking book sales, and because people love free stuff, you could see your book climb the ranks within its niche pretty quickly.

Following the steps in this brief guide will give you a strong start toward becoming a successful author on Kindle. If you want to learn more about creating residual income and sales leads with Kindle publishing, check out my program, The 24-Hour Book System.

Do you want my proven step-by-step system for publishing books on Amazon? CLICK HERE to purchase my new and improved Mastering Book Publishing course!

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