Is It Even Worth Selling On Amazon?

Is it even worth selling on Amazon in 2022?

My fiancée, Tatiana, and I get asked this question all the time by people who have the desire to build an Amazon business.

Inside this blog, we will give you our honest answer to this question, based on our experience as Amazon sellers.

We've been selling on Amazon for many years now. We teach a lot of beginners on how to quit their 9 to 5 jobs and get started selling on Amazon.

Not only that, but we know a lot of super-successful sellers and have personally learned from them.

If you're wondering if you've missed the chance to make money on Amazon, you will want to read this…

Watch the video below:

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[smart_track_player url=”https://www.buzzsprout.com/9299/6880202-plm-831-is-it-even-worth-selling-on-amazon-in-2021.mp3″ background=”default” ]

Do you want my blueprint for building a $50,000 per month Amazon business? CLICK HERE to get instant access to my FREE Amazon FBA Training!

Amazon has become one of the most powerful companies in the world.

The proof is in the numbers. Amazon currently accounts for 38.7% of all U.S. retail eCommerce sales in the U.S. alone. It is forecasted that these sales will rise by 17.2% to $260.86 billion. This is 4 percentage points higher than the expected overall growth rate for US retail eCommerce sales. For many years now we've seen a trend towards the number of people who are shopping online.

COVID merely accelerated this trend. Since Amazon came on the scene, online shopping has never been easier. You can get anything delivered to your home. Unfortunately, this has caused a lot of brick and mortar businesses to close down or declare bankruptcy.

As devastating as this has been for business owners, it has presented a golden opportunity for new Amazon sellers. Amazon gives us the incredible privilege of using its platform to sell to their customers. The more customers that they have, the more that they need third-party sellers, like you!

Whenever I invest in a company, I'm not looking at how it's doing today. Rather, I'm thinking about where the company will be 5-10 years from now. Starting an Amazon business is about investing in your future.

In essence, you're partnering with Amazon. If you have the desire to sell on Amazon in 2021 you need to ask yourself, “Do I believe and trust that more and more people will continue to buy on Amazon in the years to come?” If you don't believe this to be true, you need to re-think your decision to sell on Amazon.

Having an online business isn't like having a 9 to 5 job.

You don't get a certain amount of money back from your efforts right away. There are no short-term rewards. At first, your business will take from you. It will require a lot of your time, energy, and hard work. However, over time, your business will be less dependent on you. Eventually, it will provide you with passive income.

The beautiful thing about selling on Amazon is that there is potential to reach hundreds of thousands of people on their platform. Thus, the ability for your business to grow and scale is unlike any other business that we've seen before. Tatiana has firsthand experience with this.

In two years' time, she was making $40,000 per month on Amazon at 23 years old. Eventually, she grew her Amazon business to the point where she was making $100,000 per month. It's amazing how fast your money can compound when you're willing to put in the hard work and have a long-term mentality.

All it takes is setting up the foundation of your business. Once you have accomplished that, it comes down to successfully marketing your product. Keep in mind that more people are selling on Amazon today than ever before. This means that there is more competition. However, competition isn't a bad thing.

A healthy level of competition shows that there is demand.

The key is finding ways to differentiate your product and your brand from others on Amazon. You have to give people a reason to buy from you instead of all of the other sellers.

Another reason why selling on Amazon in 2021 is an incredible opportunity is because of how affordable it is to start. Knowing that you can invest $5000 into a business that has the potential to earn you millions of dollars is an incredibly low cost. That being said, there is always some risk involved with starting a business.

However, there are many ways that you can mitigate your risk as an Amazon seller. If you are serious about building an Amazon business, I encourage you to follow Tatiana's YouTube channel and Instagram where she shares her best tips and strategies for success with eCommerce.

At the end of the day, the most important thing that is going to determine your success YOU. To be a successful entrepreneur, you have to be constantly learning, evolving, and identifying the best Amazon strategies. The most successful Amazon sellers are the ones who do the work to learn cutting-edge tactics and techniques.

As a result, they have a competitive advantage over everyone else. Oftentimes, all it takes is identifying one strategy that nobody else knows about that allows you to stand out from the competition and get more sales. I want to share with you something that I recently learned from Tony Robbins at his Unleash The Power Within seminar.

He has created a formula called The Success Cycle.

This cycle consists of Potential, Action, Results, and Belief.

People have unlimited potential. They can create incredible things in their lives. When you take action towards something, you start getting results. When you get results, you gain greater confidence and certainty. Thus, when you have more self-belief, you tap into more potential. When you tap into more potential, you take more actions and get more results. In turn, your belief is strengthened.

However, it's important to understand that the cycle starts and ends with Belief. If you don't believe that you can do something, you won't. As Henry Ford once said, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can't, you're right.”

Selling on Amazon in 2022 is a smart decision.

The lives of Tatiana and I changed forever the moment that we decided to become Amazon sellers. From the onset, we believed that it was possible to create a successful business selling on Amazon.

If you believe that Amazon is a great opportunity and that you will make a lot of money doing it, you will take action and succeed. However, if you adopt a mentality of fear and self-doubt, you'll never start.

Are you a believer or a doubter? Answer that question and you'll know if it's worth it for you to start selling on Amazon in 2021.

Do you want my blueprint for building a $50,000 per month Amazon business? CLICK HERE to get instant access to my FREE Amazon FBA Training!

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