It May Be Time To Quit

Quit right now.

No, this isn't a joke, nor is it a fiendish application of reverse psychology. Instead it is some advice that has the potential to transform your life.  You've been on this path to becoming a better human being, becoming more successful in areas of your life, and you don't have the results.

Who is to say you ever will? Who is to say you're going to break through your plateau?  If you just kept with it and persevered it's going to happen. Right? 


That's playing it safe. After all, you've invested so much in this area – time, money, effort. And while I respect that, let me also hit you with some truth: Not only don't you have the guts to quit, but you're sucking it up and TRYING TO AVERAGE your way to success – what a waste of your days!

Dig deep down and look at what your vision for your life. There is three questions that you have to get very clear before taking any other step.

1) How badly do you want it?

2) Where does this dream fit with your other dreams? 

Once you've answered the first two, take a deep breathe and go to the next question.

3) Have you – in your heart of hearts – showed up in a manner that will ACTUALLY GET YOU THE RESULTS?

If your vision is not that powerful, or you have other callings in this life, it's okay. Give yourself assurance that it's okay to quit. Not only is it okay, but it's the most liberating thing you could have ever done. You're finally allowing yourself to be amazing in the way that you were meant to be amazing.

Most people equate quitting and failure. But it's the farthest thing from it. Quitting simply means that you're at a dead end, and you have to reinvest your energy, time, money, and effort. It means you're way ahead and way smarter that most of the population (read The Dip by Seth Godin). Our society today encourages sticking to it. You see people that go to gyms once a week and don't improve much, people on the path to self improvement that year after year haven't truly progressed, and people that have been taking classes for years and are still stuck at the same level. This sort of behavior NEVER LEADS TO EXCEPTIONAL PERFORMANCE.

If you want a successful and fulfilling life, you'll have to deliver exceptional performance. Many of you are simply not doing that. Go back to the questions, it may be time to quit. Don't allow your mind to rationalize and try to keep you going.

Shut that voice up. Quit.

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