Mastering Book Publishing Questions Answered: Making Money With Kindle Books (Part 2)

I have created a new and improved version of K Money Mastery which is called, Mastering Book Publishing!

Today I created another Kindle Q&A video blog to answer a lot of the great questions I've been receiving from people regarding Kindle publishing and my Mastering Book Publishing program.

This is Part 2 of the Mastering Book Publishing Questions Answered video blog.  To view Part 1, click here.

Watch the video below:

(Click here to watch on YouTube)

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Do you want my proven step-by-step system for publishing books on Amazon? CLICK HERE to purchase my new and improved Mastering Book Publishing course!

1. Do You Feel That Kindle Publishing Is Overly Saturated?

This question is one that I get a lot. People that feel that, “Hey, if everyone's doing this Kindle stuff then it's going to become very saturated and maybe it's already saturated. It's going to be harder to make money from it down the road and everything.”

I disagree with that philosophy. I feel that right now is an incredible opportunity to get into make money from Kindle.

I've personally gotten in early with it. I've made a lot of money, and a lot of people are getting in now as well are also making so much money. For all my future books that I'm publishing, I found it just as easy to make money from them as it was a year, two years ago when I first got into it.

It's definitely not over-saturated. I feel like Amazon and Kindle is like the opportunity that Google was ten years ago. Google is a search engine just like Amazon. Amazon's a search engine as well, but the difference is Amazon is a buyer's search engine. People go there to buy stuff.

They are there to buy stuff with their credit card, whereas people on Google or on other search engines are mainly looking for free stuff.  With Google it used to be so easy to rank a website in their search engine because there just weren't that many websites out there. There weren't a lot of websites that knew how to optimize for certain keywords and do search engine optimization and everything. It was really easy to be able to rank websites in Google and have a website up there and make money from it.

But of course Google and the search engines have become more popular and there's now millions and millions of more websites that come out every year on the Internet. Of course, it's a lot more competitive to be able to rank websites in Google unless you find the right kind of niches or the right keywords.

Well, Amazon is the same right now because it's fairly new and there's not a lot of Kindle publishers or Kindle e-books out there and there's a huge demand of customers that go there to buy stuff.  It's a huge opportunity for us right now because it's very easy to be able to create a Kindle book and rank it in Amazon's search engine and take advantage of all their customers that they have that are searching for stuff and buying books.

There's over three hundred million credit cards on Amazon's website. Their customers when they want to buy something they don't have to enter their credit card information again to buy something. They just literally press a button and they get charged on their credit card, and you make money from each sale.

That's a great thing about it. If you search for a certain keyword in the Kindle store, there might be a couple hundred books that show up which is not a lot of books at all, which is very easy for you to out-rank. Whereas with Google, you type in that same keyword into the search engine, you might have hundreds of thousands of competing websites or even over a million different competing websites for that keyword phrase.

With Amazon, it's just so much easier. It's totally not saturated at all. It's just a great opportunity to be able to rank and make money from if you get in now. Down the road of course, yeah, it could become more saturated. It could become more competitive. It will, but if you get in now you have an advantage over everybody else that gets into it in the future because you're going to basically be able to get in there first.

All my Kindle books that I have that I published a year ago, two years ago, they continue to make me a lot of money because I just got in there before everybody else did. My Kindle books are always been improved. They're always getting more reviews on them Amazon as time goes on. Basically a year, two years, five years from now, my books are going to become these authoritative books on Amazon. They're going to have over a hundred reviews and just dominate their market.

All the new books that come along, all the people that try to compete with me in the future aren't going to be able to because I published my book way sooner than them. I've already established my book with all the reviews and everything much further ahead than a lot of people could. It gives you this huge advantage over everyone else, so it's definitely not over-saturated.

If you actually believe that that it's saturated and you're discouraged from getting into it, then please, don’t get into it because it's going to be more money for me and the people that are actually committed to make money from it.  It's just a great opportunity if you get in now.

2. Can I Use Free Books That I Already Have Private Label For?

The answer to that is no.

Privateis basically when you have books that were already written and you own the rights to those books.

The person is wondering if they could publish those books on Amazon and make money from it. The answer is no – Amazon got rid of private label books, I think about two years ago or so.

They used to be allowed, but they want basically only unique and original content on Amazon. You're going to have to produce a book that is original, that is unique. It can't be anything else out there on the Internet already.

3. How Much Maintenance Is Involved With Your Kindle Books Once It's Published?

The answer is not much at all. Most of it is just autopilot.

Once you do the work at the beginning, you publish a book on Amazon, and it's making you money, you're just going to leave it and it will just continue making you that money consistently for months to come.

The only maintenance that I do with my books is there's something called a KDP Select Free Promotion, as well as a Kindle Countdown Deals. These are basically tools that Amazon has that allows you to promote your book. The main thing that's going to sustain your income from your Kindle book for years to come is to make sure that you keep it ranked as high as possible for its keywords.

What determines the ranking of your Kindle book on the Amazon search are things like how many sales your book gets, how many free downloads it gets, how many verified reviews that it has, the relevancy of your keyword and the title of the book and everything.

There's a few factors that influence the ranking of your book, but I've found that by every ninety days doing either a 5-day Free Promotion on my Kindle book or using the Kindle Countdown deals, that it will help my book get enough sales to maintain its ranking at the top.

I go into this a lot more in my Mastering Book Publishing, but as long as you take advantage every ninety days and set it up, you're going to make sure that your book stays on top of its ranking. It's going to make you money for a long time to come.

Now if your book for whatever reason gets negative reviews over time, it can bring your overall review rating down. Then that can of course affect your ranking and your sales long term. That's why I always recommend that your book is quality enough that it's going to get positive reviews.

The long term strategy is your book has to be quality, has to help people. If it does that, then your book is naturally going to get more reviews and it's going to grow. It's going to make more money for years to come.

4. Can I Publish Kindle Books And Make Money If I Live Outside Of The US?

I answered this question already in Part 1 of Mastering Book Publishing Questions Answered, but yes, this works anywhere in the world.

It doesn't matter where you live. If you live in Canada like I do, or if you live in Europe, you live in Australia, you live in Asia, you live in South America, Africa, etc… People that are in the Mastering Book Publishing program live everywhere in the world and everyone's been able to make money from it.

It's really cool to have such a diverse crowd of people that are making money from Kindle. Kindle will pay you either direct deposit to your bank account, or it can pay you as a check. Some countries are required to get paid by check, but most of them you can get paid direct deposit.

5. Is Mastering Book Publishing A Video Course Or An E-Book?

Mastering Book Publishing is a video training course. Step-by-step “over-the-shoulder” video tutorials. We've got PDFs with each video, as well as downloadable templates.

6. I Only See 4 Kindle Books On Your Author Profile On Amazon, Why Is It So?

Most of my books that I have published are all under different pen names. I only publicly put my name behind books that I've personally written because a lot of people search for my name, I don't want to say that I'm an author of a book that I didn't write myself.

I view myself more as a publisher. I hire other authors to be able to write my books for me. All the books that I didn't write, I have them under different pen names. Pen names is a very common thing to use in the writing industry. Mark Twain is a pen name. A lot of authors in erotica or romance niches, they use all pen names for themselves as well.

It's fairly popular, but I also like to keep my books private that I publish because I've found that even the books that I do have published, people go in, they basically copied them and ripped them off and everything, and that's one of the things you have to deal with when you have a course that teaches people how to do this.

7. When You Say That You'll Get Ranked For Your Keyword, Do You Mean Rank In Google Or In Amazon Kindle Store?

What I mean is ranking in the Amazon Kindle Store.

We mainly want to take advantage of the Amazon search engine, the people that go in there and are searching for specific keywords. The great thing is if you know how to do search engine optimization, you can also rank your Kindle book for your keyword in Google as well because Google loves Amazon.

Any Amazon page will rank really highly in Google for keywords. If you know how to do SEO, you have a huge advantage out there because you can take advantage of that. Right now I don't go too much into that in my course, but I will down the road.

8. Do Publishers Stand The Same Chance Of Selling Irrespective Of Their Country Of Origin? For example, If I Live Outside The US, Will I Have The Same Chances As Succeeding Just Like Anyone In The US?

Yes. It doesn't matter, like I said, where you live. It's basically the same for you as it is anywhere else.

I live in Canada, but about ninety percent of the money you're going to make on Amazon is from the US market. Ninety percent of the sales of my Kindle books come from the US market because the US market is just the biggest market for Amazon and Kindle right now.

About eight percent or so will come from the UK, which is the second biggest market of Kindle. Then all of the other income you're going to make is going to be from Canada, from all the other countries in Europe, Asia, South America. When you publish your book, your book is available to be sold everywhere in the world.

Most of the money you're going to make is from the US, but for me, every month I get direct deposits into my bank account that are from Brazil, that are from France, that are from Canada, that are from the UK. All these different countries because the people that are buying my books on those websites as well with Amazon. You stand the same chance as anyone else.

9. Do You Share Your Outsource Writers In This Course?

Yes, I do. I share the companies that I use to outsource my books. I have videos that show you exactly how to outsource your books inexpensively, exactly as you see that I do for all my books. I'm totally transparent, open about everything that I use. I literally hold nothing back.

10. How About That Cheap Virtual Assistant? How Do You Get Virtual Assistants Inexpensively?

I teach that as well. I teach how I got my virtual assistant that I pay about $2.33 per hour. She lives in the Philippines.

That's the great thing about outsourcing is you can hire people overseas that can work for you really inexpensively and it's still a great income for them.

I have videos on that as well on how you can get a virtual assistant if you want to be able to automate ninety-five percent of this business like I do.

11. Do You Cover Longer E-Books, More Than A Hundred Pages Since You Always Mention About Twenty, Thirty Page E-Books?

I don’t really cover specifically about really long books. I have books that are over a hundred pages long, but the reason is is that I've found that what sells better on Amazon and Kindle is having shorter books.

If you did have a book that was a hundred pages, let's say your book was on dating advice, you'd actually want to shorten that book and make it maybe like four twenty, thirty page books that each cover very specific topic.

For example, if you have a hundred page book on dating advice, then if you broke it down then maybe one book would just be on how to be confident. You sell that book for $2.99.

Then it'd lead into the next book which would be how to approach a woman. The next book would be how to build attraction with a woman. The next one might be how to get a date.

Instead of selling that one book for a hundred pages that maybe sells for $10, it's much better to sell four different books and have it broken down into more of a series of books. That actually sells better. In my opinion, it also serves the customer better as well because less than ten percent of people read past the first chapter of a book.

When you have a long book that's over a hundred pages, two hundred, four hundred pages, people get intimidated by that. They don't actually read it. It's better for them to consume it in smaller chunks. Then if they want to buy the next book in the series, they can do that.

12. Can I Cancel The Mastering Book Publishing Course If I Find It's Not Worth It?

Absolutely. We have a 60-day money back guarantee.

I have my customer support team that handles all the refunds, cancellations. You can contact them. You can also contact ClickBank, who we sell the course through. They honor all refunds as well. You can definitely get your money back if you're unhappy.

13. Would You Recommend Selecting A Niche That We Are Passionate About Or Something That Is More Popular And Would Rank Easily?

It depends on whether or not you want to write the book yourself.

Most of the niches the markets I'm in I know nothing about. I basically look for profitable niches and markets first and foremost, and I see if there's a market there, if there's a demand there for it.

Can I make money from this?

How competitive is it?

Based on that, then I'll go ahead and get a book made up and outsource a book on that topic. You don't need to know anything about it. You can get the writers and the researchers to basically do all the research for you and create a high quality book on whatever that topic is, but I mainly target niches like that that have a big market for it.

One challenge people make is they think, “Hey, I'm passionate about this. I'm excited about it.” They want to create a book on it, but sometimes it's not the most profitable way of doing things either.

For me, I look more so at what's going to make the most profit, first and foremost. Then passion-wise, I do write some of my own books myself. If I do write it myself, it's going to be on a topic that  know about, I'm an expert on, and I am passionate about. You can do both.  I teach how to write your own books in my The 24-Hour Book System.

14. Will This Program Help With Books I Have Already Published That Are Not Making Steady Sales?

Yes, absolutely.

First, it's going to help you understand why your book isn't selling; why it's not making money for whatever reason. You can go through my method, my formula, and I explain everything in detail.

Then it will also give you tips and advice on how you can improve that book and modify it so that you can turn it into a book that is actually profitable. In the last two years now, I've published over a hundred books, but I've also seen so many of my members books that they sent to me. I'm able to see and determine which books sell, which don't, and which ones are successful.

The great thing is we have a Facebook community as well that you can go in and you can post in it if your book isn't doing well. If you want feedback, suggestions, you can post it there. You can send your book to me as well. I'll review it, and I have section of my Full Disclosure Membership where I review other members' books and give feedback on it also.

So yes. If you have a book that is not selling, the program will help you turn into a selling book.

If your book is selling and making money then my course will also show you how to make even more money from that book also.

I hope this video answered a lot of the questions that you've sent me, some of the most frequently asked ones that I received.

If there are any other questions, you can definitely comment on this video or comment on the blog post that I have that goes along with this as well. I really want to make sure that you understand things as clearly as possible and that I can help you understand things and help you make money online.

It's made such a difference in my life and created so much freedom in my life. I definitely feel that Kindle Publishing is the easiest and fastest way to get started making money online.

Do you want my proven step-by-step system for publishing books on Amazon? CLICK HERE to purchase my new and improved Mastering Book Publishing course!

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