Robert Kiyosaki: Market Crashes Are REALLY GOOD!

Robert Kiyosaki believes that market crashes are really good.

Over the last few years, economists and financial experts, like Robert Kiyosaki, have been predicting that a recession is imminent.

In 2019, more than 70% of economists surveyed by the National Association for Business Economists thought that a recession would occur before the end of 2021. Based on the current economic climate, they may not be far off.

Are you prepared for the next recession? If not, keep reading and listen to Robert Kiyosaki's financial advice!

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A market crash is highly likely to occur.

In terms of when the crash is going to happen, nobody is 100% sure, nor do we know how much damage the next global recession will cause. However, based on the fact that the Coronavirus pandemic continues to negatively impact the economy, there are fears that the downturn could last a long time.

The International Monetary Fund predicts that the “Great Lockdown” recession could be worse than the Great Depression if the Coronavirus lingers. However, if you take a look at the U.S. economy over the last century you will see that, on average, every ten years there has been a recession.

Robert Kiyosaki makes sense of the imminent market crash using his theory of bubblenomics. He uses the metaphor of a balloon blowing up to describe how a market bubble works. In 1971, Nixon took the dollar off the gold standard. At this point, fake money was introduced into the U.S.

This meant that governments could print their own money, otherwise referred to as “counterfeit money.” When you think about it, why would you make money when you could just print it? Instead of finding ways to correct the economy, the U.S. decided to blow it up even more.

In 1987, the U.S. experienced the biggest one-day crash in history. Yet again, the Federal Reserve continued to print more fake money. In 2000 there was a dot-com crash which proved to be the biggest bubble ever. In 2008, the U.S. experienced another stock market crash. After 2008, the Federal Reserve continued to print fake money.

When things go into a bubble, stock and real estate prices go through the roof.

In turn, people get a false sense of being rich. The question is, “What can you do to prepare for and take advantage of the next market crash?” When people get wind of a potential market crash, their natural response is to panic. However, Robert Kiyosaki offers a different perspective as to how you should approach an imminent crash.

In his words, “What is wrong with a market crash?” He believes that crashes are really good. In 2008, when the markets crashed, they also lowered the interest rates. In his eyes, this was cause to celebrate! It was at this time that he and his partners borrowed $300 million dollars to buy more property.

Ten years later, they are $600 million in debt, but they got rich off of debt. Keep in mind that this kind of business move takes years of financial education. Currently, the U.S. has been triggered as a bear market. This is when stocks drop from 20% or more from the all-time high.

A recession or a bear market only happens every decade. We are entering into that territory, but we haven't hit bottom yet. Unfortunately, things will get worse. A lot of businesses will continue to be affected by the Coronavirus pandemic.

However, if you are prepared for the recession, you will be in a better financial position than most. I've been preparing for the 2020 recession for years now. If a recession happens, my investment portfolio can drop by up to 50%. However, long-term, I will be able to quadruple my net worth over a 5-10 year horizon in ways I never could have if I continued to go at the pace I'm going now.

Robert Kiyosaki hopes that the stock market crashes.

Regardless of whether or not you adopt his view that crashes are really good, it's important that you prepare yourself for it. It's not a matter of ‘if' there is going to be a market crash. Rather, it is just a matter of ‘when.'

If you haven't yet, I encourage you to start learning about investing. Doing so will make sure that you benefit from the market crash when it does occur. The most important piece of advice that I can give you when it comes to investing is to take a long-term approach.

Regardless of what happens in the economy, you can always make smart financial moves. The more prepared that you are, the better able you will be to withstand the highs and lows that a market crash brings with it.

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