The #1 Marketing Strategy To Grow Your Online Business

I would like to share with you the #1 marketing strategy that you need to grow your online business. This is what I spend the majority of my time doing in my business. It is the most valuable action that I engage in, in order to gain more traffic, create impact in peoples’ lives, build my brand, and make more money.

The strategy that I am referring to is content marketing. In simplest terms, it is the process of creating valuable and relevant content for your target audience in order to build relationships and trust with them.

Everything on the Internet is comprised of content, in the form of text, images, video, and audio. Research shows that every minute, 1440 WordPress blogs are published, and 500 hours of content are uploaded to YouTube. In today’s digital world, content is king.

Seth Godin said it best, “Content marketing is the only marketing left.” Are you ready to become a content marketing master?

Watch the video below:

(Click here to watch on YouTube)

[smart_track_player url=”http://www.buzzsprout.com/9299/530794-plm-445-the-1-marketing-strategy-to-grow-your-online-business.mp3″ background=”default” ]

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The key to building a successful online business is to spend more time creating content than you do consuming it. Consuming high quality content is great; it allows you to develop your knowledge and skills. My attention is valuable, so I am very selective and strategic about the type of content that I absorb, and the people that I follow.

My passion is personal growth and development, so I like to invest in high quality, premium content, in the form of coaches, training, courses, seminars, and reading books that inspire me to grow and evolve my business and my life.

Whether you know it or not, you are a content creator. If you record a video on YouTube, leave comments on someone’s page, or post images on Facebook, you are creating content. The question is, Are you being strategic about the content that you are creating? Is it valuable and relevant to the nice or market that you are in? Or are you just randomly putting out low quality content, without a purpose in mind?

In order to grow your business, not only do you need to know about the niche or market that you are in, but you also have to create content that adds value to your audience. This will require that you get out of your head and into the mindset of others. This isn’t about you. What does your audience need and want?

That is why I love content marketing and online business so much. You only really make money and get attention when you are worthy of it and demonstrate true value. When you do so, people will follow and subscribe to you, because they have received some benefit from you.

Once you have built strong relationships with these people, they will become customers of yours, because they trust and like you. In the words of John David Mann, “Your true worth is determined by how much more you give in value than you take in payment.”

So how can you give great value? First, always make sure that your content is high quality and targeted to the niche or market that you are trying to attract. Second, make sure that you are optimizing the content so that you are attracting people to your online business.

As a business owner, you need to decide how you are going to go about developing your content creation skills and abilities. Maybe that means that you start blogging a few times per week and create articles that are both relevant and valuable to the niche or market that you are in.

If you publish subpar content, nobody is going to follow you. The same thing goes with video and social media. Based on the content marketing strategy that you are implementing, you need to learn how to optimize that content by learning SEO, so that you can rank your content in the search engines.

For example, if you are filming videos on YouTube, you need to optimize your content for certain keywords so that you can attract more people. The same thing goes for social media. You need to learn how to master platforms like Facebook and Instagram. In my Affiliate Marketing Mastery course I go deep into the strategies that I utilize on a variety of different social media platforms, in order to create content and attract people to me.

The #1 marketing strategy that you need to grow your online business is content marketing. I challenge you to try and improve both the depth and the breadth of your content. Develop your writing skills, practice your speaking and communication skills in front of a camera, take better pictures.

Doing so will allow you to attract more people, gain more traffic to your website, and more importantly, it will help you grow as a person. Creating content has helped me internalize information better and communicate with others in a more effective way. These are very important skills that will support you in all areas of your life.

Keep in mind that you can create content yourself, or you can outsource it and hire someone to do it for you. I can outsource almost everything in my business; from management, to social media marketing, to copywriting, to graphic design; but if I wanted to outsource myself it would cost me hundreds of dollars per hour to produce the same level of content that I create.

For these reasons, I made the decision to personally develop and master content creation, in order to take my business to a whole new level. Consume less content and create more. Content creation is the #1 marketing strategy that you need to grow your online business. Are you ready to level up your business and master the art of content creation? The time is NOW!

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