4 Strategies To Increase Sales In Your Online Business

I would like to share with you 4 strategies to increase sales in your online business. In today’s world, the consumer is the expert. There is a massive amount of information that is now available to them in our hyper-connected world. Everyone wants to make money in their online business, but it's easy to fall into the ‘get rich quick' mentality.

According to Bloomberg, 8 out of 10 entrepreneurs who start businesses fail within the first 18 months (Wager, 2013). If you don't invest time and energy into growing your business, you won't be around for long. A part of doing that is earning peoples’ trust and offering them something that they cannot live without.

In the words of Rand Fishkin, “The best way to sell something is to not sell something. Earn the awareness, trust and respect of those who might buy.” If people aren’t buying what you are selling, your online business won’t survive. Online business mastery is yours for the taking. Are you ready?

Do you want to receive cutting-edge online business and marketing advice from me, every month, LIVE? CLICK HERE to join my online business mastery program!

Below are 4 strategies to increase sales in your online business:

Understand Your Target Market

Creating a marketing strategy without a clear understanding of your target market is a bit like playing classical music at a rock concert. It just doesn’t work. One of the biggest mistakes that online business owners make is they try to appeal to everyone. Saying that EVERYONE is in your target market implies that your product or service appeals to NO ONE in particular. Be specific and do your research.

Ask yourself, “Who has the greatest need for what you are offering? What is their problem, and how can your business solve it?” When you know who your prospective buyers are, you can speak directly to them. If you don’t have an audience, you won't sell anything. Understanding your target market is a vital first step in your journey towards increasing your sales. You may be wondering, “How do I find and connect with my target market?” This is where the power of content marketing comes into play.

Create And Share Relevant Content

Creating high-quality content is the best way to attract and develop relationships with your target market. This is what I spend the majority of my time doing in my online business. Content can be in the form of a blog, a forum, social media posts, video, podcasts, articles, etc. In the online business world, the old adage, “You get what you give” determines a large part of your success.

In today’s digital landscape, the consumer is the expert. When you create relevant content and give people what they want and need, they deem you as credible and transparent and are therefore more likely to buy from you. The reality is that people buy from businesses that they like and trust. Don’t believe me?

Research shows that 78% of consumers believe that organizations providing custom content are interested in building good relationships (Patel, 2017). Zig Ziglar said it best, “If people like you, they will listen to you, but if they trust you, they will do business with you.” Creating content is one of the best ways to attract traffic to your website and to add value to people. When you have trust, you have customers for life.

Build An Email List

When it comes to your success selling your products and services online, the importance of an email list cannot be understated. For most people, one of the first things that they do in the morning is check their emails. As an online business owner, email gives you a platform that proves to your prospective customers you understand what their problem is, and that you can provide the solution.

Email is a great way to build deeper relationships with your customers. Neil Patel, the co-founder of KISSmetrics, CrazyEgg, and QuickSprout says, “Of all the channels that I tested as a marketer, email continually outperforms most of them.” This is further supported by research that shows that 89% of marketers say that email is their primary channel for lead generation (Bizune, 2015).

Your email list is comprised of all of the people who have chosen to be a part of your promotional campaign. Once you’ve established their trust, it’s your job to consistently prove to them that they have made the right choice by providing relevant and cutting-edge content. The best way to ensure that you are converting more leads into sales is to nurture those relationships that matter the most to your online business success. In the words of Ramsey Leimonstoll, “A small list that wants exactly what you are offering is better than a bigger list that isn’t committed.” The money is in your list.

Give Away A Free Product Or Service

One of the most powerful techniques to acquire new customers and nurture current ones is to give away a free product or service. This is best done via email. Everyone loves free stuff.  However, from a business perspective, you want to make sure that you are giving something away that has very high value to the customer. When you do, it will result in high customer satisfaction and a greater likelihood that they will share your product or service with others.

It may sound counterintuitive, but giving away something for free actually makes you more money. When you provide massive value to people, it drives more traffic to your website, thereby increasing your potential for sales. In the words of Albert Einstein, “Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.”

These are 4 strategies to increase sales in your online business. If you work smart and create a business that has a strong foundation, you will be able to scale, grow, and continuously make passive income in a sustainable way. This is the true definition of online business mastery.

Do you want to receive cutting-edge online business and marketing advice from me, every month, LIVE? CLICK HERE to join my online business mastery program!

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