How To Find A Profitable Product To Sell On Amazon (Step-By-Step Tutorial)

Welcome to part two of my four-part Amazon FBA training series!

Today I want to help you with product research, so you can find profitable products and start selling them on Amazon.

Inside this blog, I'm going to show you a powerful tool that I use to analyze products on Amazon. You're also going to get access to my Amazon product research criteria.

If you missed part one of my training series, I encourage you to check it out! Each piece of content builds upon the next.

I invite you to take notes in your journal as you read through this blog. By the time you finish reading this, I want you to have ideas about potential products that you can sell on Amazon.

Are you ready to find a profitable product to sell on Amazon? If so, let's dive in!

Watch the video below:

(Click here to watch on YouTube)

Are you ready to leverage the massive power of Amazon to generate financial freedom? CLICK HERE to register for my FREE 4-part Amazon FBA Training Series!

This page contains affiliate links. If you purchase a product through one of them, I will receive a commission (at no additional cost to you). I only ever endorse products that I have personally used and benefitted from personally. Thank you for your support!

Amazon FBA product research is critical to your success.

Unfortunately, a lot of people get overwhelmed with product research. The challenges they encounter can be traced back to their mindset. They have a great product idea (in their eyes) and assume that it will sell well on Amazon. As a result, they invest a lot of time and money into it. When it doesn't sell well, they are left feeling discouraged.

They assume that their failure is merely the result of a saturated market. In a perfect world, you could select and sell a product on Amazon that you love. However, in today's competitive eCommerce world, that mindset will not serve you well. You cannot guess what will work, nor should you sell what YOU want to sell.

Rather, you have to sell what is already selling! This is why it's so important that you do product research. Not only will this help you mitigate your risks, but it will also set you up to win as an Amazon seller.

Amazon Product Research Criteria

Here are eight criteria that I suggest you follow when it comes to choosing a product to sell on Amazon. Think of these criteria as training wheels. Once you gain more experience selling on Amazon, you can make your own decisions and venture away from some of these criteria. Of course, this will depend on your tolerance for risk. Take out your journal and let's dive in!

1. Product That Is High In Demand & Profitable

You need to make sure that the product that you choose is highly profitable. There has to be a demand for whatever it is that you're selling. Competition is your friend. Don't be afraid of it! It shows you what is already working. See what people are already selling and how much money they are making.

As a beginner, don't aim to make a million dollars with your first product. Your first product is all about getting your feet wet and gaining experience so that by the time you create your second and third products, you'll know what works and what doesn't.

2. Product That Can Be Private Labeled

Private labeling means that you put your logo and branding on a product. When you privatesomething it becomes yours. It allows you to differentiate yourself from the competition. The first step to private labeling a product is finding a supplier who already manufactures the product you're interested in.

On Alibaba.com you will find thousands of suppliers to choose from. Browse the website, reach out to a handful of suppliers, and get samples delivered to you. Ask them what it will cost to manufacture your product. This will help you determine what your profit margins will be.

3. Product That Sells For More Than $15 on Amazon

When you do your research you first want to determine which country you want to sell in. The U.S., the UK, and Germany are the three biggest Amazon marketplaces that I recommend. You want to be sure that the product you choose to privatecan sell for more than $15 on Amazon.

As long as there are a few competitors who are selling for $15 or more, that's a good sign. If your product sells for less than $10, customers won't be able to buy that product by itself. Rather, they will have to buy something else in order to purchase your product. On top of that, your profit margins will be too low with a $10 product.

4. Product That Is Lightweight and Small

The bigger a product is, the more expensive it will be to ship. There are shipping costs involved in selling physical products, so you want to keep your costs low. Depending on what your budget is, keep your product light and small. Again, this isn't a hard and fast rule.

If you find a product that is a bit heavier but has high demand, that's okay. Just know that you will be spending more money. As long as the math makes sense and you still get a good profit margin from it (at least 25% or more) it's worthwhile!

5. Product That Solves A Problem

When you create a product that solves a problem for people you open up the door to building a brand. If your first product ends up being a success, you want to think about how you can create a second and third product that will complement one another. This is how to build a collection of products that cross-promote each other.

Let's take the Bioptimizer P3-OM Probiotics as an example. My good friend, Wade Lightheart, sells his supplement line in the health market, under the niche of digestion. He sells many different products that solve problems related to digestion, with the goal of optimizing your digestive health. Also, he has created courses and a variety of other resources to support people on their health journey.

6. Product That Can Be Marketed Outside of Amazon

If you can find a product that can be marketed outside of Amazon, that's a huge bonus. This is where the power of influencers come into play. My friend James Swanwick promotes his Swannies blue-blocking sunglasses by sending them to models who have large Instagram followings.

He gives them the product for free or pays them to promote his product on their Instagram pages. In turn, he gets more sales on Amazon than his competitors do. Similarly, you could send your product to bloggers and ask them to write about it.

7. Product and Niche That You're Passionate About

When I first started selling physical products on Amazon I was training for a fitness competition. At the time, I was taking a lot of fat loss supplements. In particular, L-Carnitine, Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA), and Branched-Chain Amino Acid (BCAAs). I felt confident about selling these products because I had a passion for fitness. On top of that, I experienced the benefits of using these supplements.

Keep in mind that you don't have to be passionate about your product. If you're just want to sell a product on Amazon to make money, that's okay. However, passion will motivate you to build your business on a bigger scale. It will inspire you to do whatever it takes to ensure that your product becomes a best seller on Amazon. Passion goes a long way in business.

8. Product That Is Durable

I would avoid any glass-related products that could break during shipping, as well as electronics. You don't want to deal with the headaches that come with customers receiving broken products. When this happens, you may get a bad review on Amazon. Even worse, you will have to refund the product and send a customer(s) a new one. When you're a beginner, you don't want to deal with issues like this. I would avoid them at all costs.

Watch the video above where I walk you through my step-by-step tutorial on how to find profitable products to sell on Amazon!

When it comes to doing product research, I use a tool called Jungle Scout to help me determine which products are in high demand. I've worked with Jungle Scout for many years now so I was able to get you a special discount if you decide to buy their tool. Jungle Scout will save you so much time and make the product research process a lot easier. They have a lot of great pieces of training too that can help you with the research process.

Your homework (if you choose to take action on it) is to spend a couple of hours browsing products in different categories on Amazon. Take notes on the products that stand out to you, and do deeper research on them. Make it a goal to narrow down your options to your top three products. Of those three products, identify which one you want to pursue.

If you want to make all of this process smoother and more efficient, I highly recommend that you invest in an Amazon training program. It will help guide you through the complexities that are involved in building an Amazon business process. The knowledge they provide you with will give you the confidence that you need to accelerate your success.

I started with the Amazing Selling Machine (ASM). I can't emphasize enough how amazing this program is. ASM has an upcoming FREE training that outlines their method and strategies and talks about how you can build a 7-figure Amazon business.

If you're serious about selling on Amazon, I highly recommend that you join their training to learn more about how you can leverage the power of Amazon.

This is how to find the best products to sell on Amazon!

Once you find your winning product, it's so exciting to move forward with it and start selling on Amazon! I hope the knowledge that I've shared with you helps you better understand how the Amazon product research works. Amazon has the power to transform your entire life. You're one decision away from building a dream lifestyle that you never need a vacation from.

Are you ready to leverage the massive power of Amazon to generate financial freedom? CLICK HERE to register for my FREE 4-part Amazon FBA Training Series!

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