Your Quiz Results

Based on the answers you provided in the quiz, we have determined that the best online business model for you and your current situation is the Amazon Publishing model.

To learn more about the Kindle Publishing online business model, watch the video below and check out the additional information and resources listed below.



Difficulty Level:
Newbie Friendly

Online publishing is relatively easy and simple to get started with. It doesn't require any previous online marketing or business experience.

Startup Costs: $0-300

The average startup costs for an online publishing business is anywhere from $0 to $300, depending on what you decide to outsource and hire out. A book can be written by yourself without costing any money, or a short book can be outsourced to a freelance writer for as low as $200.

Avg. Timeframe: 30 days

The average timeframe before a newbie realistically expects to make money from online publishing is within 30 days. It may take a few weeks to get a book written and a cover designed, but once you have that done, you can easily publish your book on Kindle Direct Publishing and have it available for sale within 24 hours. With effective marketing and promotion, your book can start earning money immediately.

Potential: $100,000+/year

The potential of an online publishing business is a six-figure income, over $100,000+ per year. There is a great potential to sell your books beyond just as an ebook on Kindle, but also as a paperback/hardcover book, audiobook, and even to build a back-end.

Passive: Yes

Online publishing can be a passive business model and create a passive income stream. However, it's always advised that you never fully neglect your online business as there's always potential changes that can occur online and you'd always want to keep an eye on your books.



These are some of the most frequently asked questions that I get about online publishing.

Q: Can I do online publishing if I live outside of the United States?

A: Yes, you can do online publishing no matter where you live in the world and make money from Amazon.com.  In Mastering Book Publishing, I have members from Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, Mexico, China, Brazil, and everywhere else you can imagine.

Keep in mind, the biggest market for books on Amazon is inside the United States.  That means you have the potential to make the most money if your books are in English and targeting customers in the United States.

Q: What if I'm not a good writer or English is my 2nd language?

A: It doesn't matter as you don't have to write books yourself.  You can hire others to write for you, known as a ghostwriter, and then own 100% of the rights to the book and be able to publish it under any name that you choose.  This is common amongst the publishing industry and can be done relatively easily.

In Mastering Book Publishing, I teach and share the different ways to get quality books written inexpensively.  Alternatively, you can learn how to write or become a better writer, if you want to write your own book.  In my 24 Hour Book program, I share a 1o-step method to help you write your own book in less than 24 hours.

Q: How long will it take me to earn $X?

A: It's impossible to say as this is dependent on several factors such as your book, the market, demand for the book, competition, how much time you put in, your work ethic, and many other factors.

Everyone achieves success at different times.  It's not good to compare yourself to others.  Work hard and focus on achieving your goals, making progress, and doing the best you can.

Q: How many books do I need to publish to earn X?

A: It's impossible to say as it's not about how many books you're selling.  One book can earn you $100 a month or $1,000 a month.  It entirely depends on the book, how big the potential of the market is, how effectively you market it, among other factors.

Q: Can I publish fiction or non-fiction?  Which is better?

A: Yes, you can publish fiction or non-fiction, whichever you choose.

One isn't better than the other. They both have their advantages and disadvantages. While fiction is the bigger market on Amazon, it can be a bit more challenging to come up with a story and produce a book that is entertaining to the reader. There also isn't as much potential for back-end marketing. Whereas non-fiction books are typically easier to create and have more potential for back-end marketing.

It's a matter of personal preference, but it's worth experimenting with both and also depends on what your long-term goals and vision are. Mastering Book Publishing teaches how to publish books in fiction and non-fiction markets on Amazon.

Q: Is online publishing saturated?

A: No, there are many opportunities to sell books and make money on Amazon. Amazon is growing every month, the opportunity and potential are there. However, there is competition, no doubt.

Competition should never worry you because your focus should be on building a brand and long-term success. If you just get into something to attempt to “get rich quick,” then you will fail over the long run. Instead, focus on building a sustainable, long-term business and you will be able to profit and succeed, regardless of competition.

Q: Where do I get my books and covers written inexpensively?

A: Upwork is a well-known website used to find and hire freelancers and can be a great way to get a book written inexpensively.  Fiverr is also a great website where you can get a book cover made for as low as $5.

There are exclusive writing services that I personally use and recommend, but they're only available to members of Mastering Book Publishing. I'm unfortunately unable to share the specific companies and services that I use outside of Mastering Book Publishing – out of respect to the members of my program, and because I don't want to cause any further delays as these services can only handle so many orders.

Q: What is the best way for me to get started with online publishing?

A: The best way to get started is with my Mastering Book Publishing program, which walks you through all of the steps to create, publish, and market a book to Kindle.  The program teaches the latest of what works for Kindle publishing and is constantly being updated.

For Mastering Book Publishing members, I also have available other programs that teach how to publish paperback books, audiobooks, how to build an e-mail list, e-mail marketing, affiliate marketing, hiring and training virtual assistants, automating your business, and much more. These additional trainings are only available to members of Mastering Book Publishing.

CLICK HERE to learn more about Mastering Book Publishing.

Alternatively, if you want to learn more about online publishing, then check out this free video that explains how to make money publishing books on Amazon.


These are some of the products and courses that I've personally created to help people get started and make money online with online publishing.

How To Write A Book In Less Than 24 Hours – My 10-step method for writing your own book in less than 24 hours, which can be published anywhere on the internet to start making money from.

Mastering Book Publishing – My step-by-step video training program teaches how I make six figures passive income through Kindle publishing and guides you on making money online.


These are some of the recommended resources for online publishing.

Audiobook Creation Exchange (ACX) – This is the website that allows you to publish an audiobook to Audible and iTunes.

Fiverr – This is a website that can allow you to get certain tasks done for as low as $5.

KDSpy – The ultimate Amazon Kindle Spy tool.  This is currently one of my favorites for finding lucrative Kindle niches fast.  Wesley Atkins, the creator, is always updating and upgrading the software, which makes it one of the best out there currently for the price.

Kindle Direct Publishing – This is the website that allows you to publish a Kindle and paperback book to sell on Amazon.

Upwork – This is a website that can allow you to find and hire freelancers, such as writers, graphics designers, and virtual assistants.


Here are some additional articles and videos on online publishing from the blog.


Here are some interviews and success stories of online publishers from the blog.