How To Sell On Amazon FBA For Beginners (Step-By-Step Tutorial)

Welcome to part one of my four-part Amazon FBA training series!

I want to help you get started selling on Amazon so that you can build a successful online business.

Inside this blog, I'm going to break down the Amazon business model, using easy-to-understand language.

If you're ready to quit your 9 to 5 job and create financial freedom, take out a pen and paper. I've got a lot of juicy knowledge to share with you. Let's dive in!

Watch the video below:

(Click here to watch on YouTube)

Are you ready to leverage the massive power of Amazon to generate financial freedom? CLICK HERE to register for my FREE 4-part Amazon FBA Training Series!

This page contains affiliate links. If you purchase a product through one of them, I will receive a commission (at no additional cost to you). I only ever endorse products that I have personally used and benefitted from personally. Thank you for your support!

Why should you sell on Amazon?

First, Amazon is the largest online retailer. They brought in $75.4 billion in revenue in March of last year. That was a 26% gain over 2019. All of this growth happened during a global recession. Since the onset of the pandemic, more and more people are shopping online. This has positioned Amazon as the go-to place for everyone's shopping needs.

Second, Amazon does a lot of the heavy lifting for you. By selling on their marketplace, you get access to hundreds of millions of their customers. People trust Amazon. They handle customer support, the payment processing, and they store your products in their fulfillment centers.

You can run ads on their platform, and their one-click-buy feature ensures that you get higher conversion rates and sales. Did I mention that you can sell on Amazon from anywhere in the world, whether that's the U.S., Canada, Europe, India, or Australia? You don't even have to live in one of those countries to sell in those countries. All you have to do is leverage the power of Amazon. You can see why selling on Amazon is such an attractive opportunity for so many people.

Watch the video above where I walk you through my step-by-step tutorial on how to get started selling on Amazon FBA!

Finally, you don't need to invent an Amazon product to make money online. Hence, the power of private labeling. The product research process (which I will get into more in part 2 of this series), involves looking for products that are already selling successfully on Amazon. One of the biggest challenges that Amazon sellers face is finding the most high-demand products to sell on Amazon.

I use Jungle Scout for all of my product research. This is a popular Amazon keyword research software that helps sellers find and analyze profitable products to sell on Amazon. As you can imagine, a tool like this is a godsend for sellers because it helps you determine which products are in high demand. If you're interested in purchasing it, they are currently offering a 30% discount.

Once you have done your product research, the next step is to find suppliers who are already manufacturing a product you're interested in. Once you find a product, you order from a manufacturer, at wholesale, and privateyour product. That product will then be shipped to an Amazon fulfillment center to be sold on the Amazon marketplace.

Once you have successfully sold one product and have a solid understanding of how the Amazon business model works, you can launch multiple products. If you want to build an even bigger brand, I suggest selling products on your own eCommerce store, but that's something I will talk more about in parts three and four of this series.

It takes time, energy, and hard work to get an Amazon business up and running. However, once it's rolling, there's no limit to how much money you can make.

How To Find and Choose The Best Suppliers

If you go to Alibaba.com you will find a variety of suppliers from all over the world. Most of these suppliers will be in China since China is the top manufacturing hub. However, you don't have to source from China. You want to make sure that you choose a supplier who has been assessed and verified. This ensures that you don't get scammed by a supplier.

Alibaba has a service called, Trade Assurance that I recommend you purchase. It ensures that the payments you make through Alibaba.com are safe. Before making an order, you want to contact a supplier and ask them to send you a sample. This will help you assess the overall quality of a product.

How To Get Started Selling

The first step is to set up your Amazon Seller Central account.  This is where you can set up your Amazon listing, upload your product images, write your description, etc. Keep in mind that it does $39.99 per month, plus selling fees, to be a seller. I don't recommend signing up for an account until you've done all of your research and you're fully ready.

The best way to get started selling on Amazon is to invest in a great training program. I started with the Amazing Selling Machine. This is a step-by-step program that walks you through every part of starting, growing, and scaling an Amazon business. Amazing Selling Machine has helped thousands of people, including myself, build 7 and 8 figure per year businesses selling on Amazon.

They have a lot of success stories to prove that their system works. I've interviewed a lot of successful Amazon sellers. Check out their stories to be inspired. They are proof of what is possible! Results don't lie.

Trust me when I say that it's not too late to sell on Amazon FBA.

Hopefully, you see the potential of this business model. The sky is the limit of how much money you can make with an Amazon business. Watch out for part two of my four-part training series where I will talk about the product research process in more depth and my criteria for evaluating Amazon product opportunities.

Are you ready to leverage the massive power of Amazon to generate financial freedom? CLICK HERE to register for my FREE 4-part Amazon FBA Training Series!

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