Selling Books On Amazon: 5 Tips Every Author Should Know

Selling books on Amazon has never been so easy. While it may take traditional publishers a year or more to get their writing converted into print, in today's digital age, you can publish an eBook online, in 24 hours or less.

Otherwise referred to as “the Kindle effect,” the rise of the $1 billion dollar self-publishing industry has become a global phenomenon, proving that it is here to stay. However, just because there is potential to make money selling books on Amazon, that doesn't mean that it's a walk in the park.

There are a lot of variables that need to be taken into consideration in order to achieve success online. More importantly, the challenge still remains – how do you find an audience who will actually read your book?

Are you ready to learn 5 tips that every author should know about selling books on Amazon?

Do you want my proven step-by-step system for publishing books on Amazon? CLICK HERE to purchase my new and improved Mastering Book Publishing course!

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Selling books on Amazon isn't for the faint of heart.

When it comes to selling books on Amazon, a lot of people fall into the dabbler mentality, thinking that it's an easy thing to do. This is the wrong mindset to have.

Selling books on Amazon is a business. It's not just about writing something and then publishing it online. That's only the first step. It takes hard work, commitment, time, patience, and a winning strategy. If you want to outshine your competition, you need to go above and beyond.

It all starts with creating a roadmap for success. Here are 5 tips to follow if you want to become a best-selling superstar.

1. Study Best-Selling Authors In Your Niche

I am a firm believer that if you want to be the best, you need to learn from the best. A great way to figure out how to create a best-selling eBook is to study the people who have already been successful in your niche of interest.

Take an online Kindle course, buy books, watch YouTube videos, or read articles. Do anything that involves investing in yourself, so that you are armed with the knowledge that will allow you to accelerate your success.

Similarly, I also suggest that you research other books in your niche that you will be competing with. Don't copy what they have done. Rather, analyze their strategy, read their reviews, and take notes. Get curious and ask yourself, “How can I stand out and make my book better than those of my competitors?”

Don't forget that Kindle publishing is a business, and like any business, the goal is to research your target market, provide massive value, and create a product that provides a solution to their problems.

2. Don't Write What Feels Good To You

When it comes to writing eBooks, don't write what feels good to you. Just because you want to write about cooking, doesn't necessarily mean that this is a popular niche. If you take this approach, you will waste your time and money.

This is why it's so important to do your market research and find out what is selling. What are people in your niche of interest looking for? What are their pain points and greatest desires?

In order to get a better idea of which niches are going to be the most profitable, I suggest that you check out Amazon's Best Sellers list. Or, if you wanted to spend some money, you could invest in the Kindle Spy software, which identifies the best-selling niches for you.

3. Quality, Not Quantity

In today's busy world, people don't have the same attention span that they used to. Readers want and expect cutting-edge content that provides them with tangible solutions to their problems. In the beginning stages, it's not about how many books you can sell. Rather, it's about positioning yourself as a credible writer.

Take the time to write a winning piece of content because it will pay off in the long run. Benjamin Franklin said it best, “Either write something worth reading, or do something worth writing.”

4. Become A Master At Marketing

Just because you published a book on Amazon, doesn't necessarily mean that anyone is going to see it. According to Forbes, there are between 600,000 and 1,000,000 books that are published every year. With competition like this, you need to find a way to stand out from the crowd.

Unfortunately, a lot of authors don't start marketing until after their book has been published, but this is too late. How do you expect to sell any eBooks if you don't have an audience?

Writing your book is only the first step in the process. I suggest that you create a marketing plan in advance, which may include giving away one of your books for free, using Facebook ads to promote your book, or start a blog and create pre-launch landing pages so that you can build up a solid email list.

5. Design A Killer eBook Cover

The old adage, “Don't judge a book by its cover” doesn't apply when it comes to publishing books on Amazon. Don't be stingy when designing your eBook cover. If it doesn't look professional, your book sales will take a direct hit.

The reality is that people are naturally drawn to visual imagery. This is supported by research by 3M that shows that visuals are processed 60,000 times faster than text. Make sure that your eBook cover represents what your potential customers can expect to find inside of your book.

Keep in mind that your end goal is to stand out from the crowd of millions of other authors that are also selling books on Amazon. I suggest that you invest some money and find a great designer on Fiverr that can help you create a killer eBook cover.

In closing, selling books on Amazon has never been so easy, but it's not for the faint of heart. The people who become massively successful are those that have created a winning selling strategy.

Kindle publishing is a profitable business model that, if executed correctly, has the potential to provide you with a passive income stream that can change your life forever. Not only that but becoming a successful author can dramatically increase your credibility, establishing you as a thought leader in your niche of interest.

I am living proof that this is true. I have created a thriving Kindle publishing business that makes me 6-figures of passive income, and so can you. Are you ready to become an eBook superstar? There is no better time than now.

Do you want my proven step-by-step system for publishing books on Amazon? CLICK HERE to purchase my new and improved Mastering Book Publishing course!

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