Is It Too Late To Start On YouTube?

Is it too late to start on YouTube?

This is a question that Dan Lok and I get asked all the time. The assumption is that because the market has become too saturated, the opportunity must be gone. Think again.

YouTube is the world's second largest search engine, after Google. Video marketing is taking over the world of digital media.

According to a report from HubSpot Research, more than 50% of consumers want to see videos from brands, more than any other type of content.

Are you ready to learn why it isn't too late to start on Youtube?

Watch the video below:

(Click here to watch on YouTube)

[smart_track_player url=”https://www.buzzsprout.com/9299/976800-plm-655-is-it-too-late-to-start-on-youtube.mp3″ background=”default” ]

Do you want to learn how you can grow your YouTube channel to 1 million subscribers? CLICK HERE to join our FREE YouTube Masterclass!

Do you have a desire to start a YouTube channel?

If so, don't wait! A lot of aspiring YouTubers continue to ask themselves the question – “Is it too late to start on Youtube?” Trust me when I say that it's not too late. There are a lot of people who are currently making a living from YouTube. YouTube isn't going anywhere. In fact, it is only growing in popularity.

However, don't be fooled. Just because the opportunity exists to make money on YouTube doesn't necessarily mean that it's an easy thing to do. If you go into the process with this mentality, you're only setting yourself up for failure. Nobody becomes a celebrity YouTuber overnight. Both Dan and I have spent years growing our channels to where they are today.

If you take a long-term approach and do the work to grow your channel in the right way, you will amaze yourself with how many opportunities you can create from YouTube. With 5 billion video views being watched on YouTube each day, it's fair to say that this is, by far, one of the best marketing channels to make money from. You can create a business around YouTube, or you can leverage the platform as a way to sell your products or services.

Furthermore, keep in mind that you don't need to have millions of subscribers in order to make money on YouTube. It comes down to knowing what your niche is and building a solid tribe who love your content and who relate to you. If you can learn how to do that, you will be successful on YouTube.

If you have the desire to start a YouTube channel, understand that it’s not too late.

However, before you do, Dan and I want to share with you some strategies that will ensure that you maximize your views, subscribers, and overall success. Here is a sneak peek of our interview together.

What are your thoughts on the belief that it’s too late to start on YouTube?

It reminds me of the story of a shoe company that wanted to expand their market. They sent two different sales guys to Africa. When both guys came back, the CEO of their company asked them, “Is there a market in Africa?” The first guy said, “The market is dead because nobody in Africa wears shoes.” The second guy said, “The market is booming because nobody wears shoes.” It's all a matter of perspective.

In the early stages of YouTube, people were making low-quality, amateur videos. However, today things have gotten better and better. For example, music videos alone are getting billions of views on YouTube because songs are being played on repeat. I think that YouTube is in its infancy. In my opinion, it's definitely not too late to start on YouTube.

I started doing business online back when people were using dial-up Internet. I was marketing on bulletin boards. Later on, I used Overture, which was the first PPC search engine. At the time, it took forever to load a simple web page. Back then people told me that it was too late to start on the Internet. People always think that they've missed the boat because they live with a scarcity mindset. People who make money on YouTube have an abundance mindset.

I started my YouTube channel in 2015.

A lot of people told me that I was too late to start on YouTube. In my eyes, it didn't matter to me. In my early videos when I had a few thousand subscribers, I made a public announcement that I was going to grow my channel to 10,000 subscribers. When I hit that target, I upped the number. Recently, I hit 1 million subscribers on my channel. When that happened, I made another announcement that I was going to hit 10 million. Watch me. I'll do it.

What is your mindset when it comes to competition on YouTube?

When it comes to creating wealth, you want to think global, not local. When you sell to the world, the world becomes your market. No one company or person can serve everyone. I always tell people to forget about competition and instead, think about collaboration. You need to understand that everybody is going to relate to someone in a different way. Each person is so unique. There are people who will connect and relate to you, solely based on your life story. We need more people on YouTube that are sharing and adding value.

Is it too late to start on YouTube? Hell no!

I hope that Dan and I have destroyed any limiting belief that you may have had about YouTube being a lost opportunity or an oversaturated market. There are still plenty of opportunities to achieve success on YouTube. It all comes down to making a decision. Don't wait and don't overthink it. Just start creating high-quality content and share your message with the world.

Are you ready to become a YouTuber?

Do you want to learn how you can grow your YouTube channel to 1 million subscribers? CLICK HERE to join our FREE YouTube Masterclass!

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