Stop Being A Perfectionist, Focus On Adding Value Instead

I have created a new and improved version of K Money Mastery which is called, Mastering Book Publishing!

One of the biggest things that I've seen hold people back from success has been a “perfectionism” mentality.

People avoid getting started and don't complete things because they're afraid what they do won't be good enough.

In this video blog, I talk about how you want to STOP being perfect and instead focus on ADDING VALUE.

Watch the video below:

(Click here to watch on YouTube)

[smart_track_player url=”http://www.buzzsprout.com/9299/186534-plm-059-stop-being-a-perfectionist-focus-on-adding-value-instead.mp3″ ]

I've seen countless people have this struggle when it comes to writing their own books, as well as publishing books on Kindle.

I've experienced this through blogging and creating these videos for Project Life Mastery.

There's many times where I was HESITANT to release a video blog or product, afraid that it wasn't good enough (or wasn't “perfect”).

I've since learned to instead focus on ADDING VALUE with my content instead.

Before I release something, I ask myself: “Can this add value to someone?”

If the answer is yes, then I don't hesitate to publish it and share it.

It might not be perfect (… in fact, it never will), but as long as it can help people and make a difference then it's my right to share it with others.

I'm not saying that you should just release crappy content, however… there is a fine line with this.  Again, it has to first and foremost ADD VALUE and help others.

Understand that it's often your own insecurities and fears that are getting in the way.  Don't let it stop you!  

Hopefully this quick message can be useful to you in some way.

Be sure to leave any comments or questions below!

P.S. I just noticed that the “i” is missing in the graphic that I have used at the beginning of this video blog.  Instead of worrying about it and having my graphics designer fix it, I instead decided to say “fuck it!” and hit publish anyways to prove my point.  Is the missing “i” going to make THAT much of a difference?  No, most people probably didn't even notice or care until I pointed it out!  Again, don't worry about being perfect. 🙂

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