How To Stop Trading Time For Money Using YouTube

Are you ready to learn how to stop trading time for money using YouTube?

Dan Lok and I see way too many people trading their time for money. If you ask me, this isn't a very good trade.

In fact, this is a surefire way to ensure that your income is always limited. If you have fallen into the trading-time-for-money trap, we are here to get you out!

Time is your most precious commodity. When you know how to leverage your time, you set yourself up for financial success.

Watch the video below:

(Click here to watch on YouTube)

[smart_track_player url=”http://www.buzzsprout.com/9299/951036-plm-652-how-to-stop-trading-time-for-money-using-youtube.mp3″ background=”default” ]

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What does it mean to stop trading time for money?

In essence, this means physically having to go somewhere and work for someone else in order to get paid. Don't get me wrong. If you love what you do and your work is not affecting your life in a negative way, great! However, it's still important to understand that time is NOT money. 

We are taught from an early age that the best way to make money is to get a 9 to 5 job. Unfortunately, a lot of people get stuck in jobs that they don't like and are forced to trade their time for money. Research shows that people often make career choices based on how much money they envision they can make. Surprisingly, little thought goes into how they will be using their time.

The concept of trading time for money was first introduced by Robert Kiyosaki. In his book, Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not!, he talks about the different ways that average and rich people choose to get paid. Whereas average people get paid based on their time, rich people have their own businesses and leverage their time. In his words, “If you work for money, you give the power to your employer. If money works for you, you keep the power and control it.”

In reality, it is possible to leverage what you currently do by putting your content into the online space.

Dan Lok and I believe that YouTube is the most powerful platform for scaling your business, impact and your money. However, before you can start leveraging the power of YouTube, you need to change your money blueprint. When you are able to break through the money scarcity mindset, the world becomes your oyster. Here is a sneak peek of our interview together, where Dan and I talk about how to stop trading your time for money using YouTube.

Do you mind sharing with people how they can use YouTube to stop trading their time money?

In order to understand why so many people are trading hours for dollars, we need to look at the school system. Unfortunately, we are taught and conditioned to believe from an early age that we must trade our time for money. It's all about how much you get paid per hour or every month. If you went to your parents and said, “Hey, I want to make money” they would tell you to go get a job. They wouldn't say, “Go create a business or some residual income.” This mindset doesn't exist in college. 

When you get into the business world, nobody cares about trading hours for dollars. In fact, when you are an entrepreneur, you don't get paid for your time. You could be working on a project for months or even years without getting paid. As an entrepreneur, you get paid based on results and the value that you create in the marketplace.

YouTube is the only platform where you can create specific types of content.

You do the work once and it continuously works for you. I'll give you an example. Back when I was doing a lot of public speaking, I was flying to a different city every couple of weeks. After a while, I was lost. The time zones were affecting me. I never knew where I was! In fact, all of the airports and hotels started to look the same. 

There are a lot of people that still make money this way. These people are called “road warriors.” They engage in a lot of face-to-face work. There is nothing wrong with this way of working. However, by using a platform like YouTube, you are able to build trust and exposure without investing the time that is involved with face-to-face work. I have respectfully declined some high-paying speaking gigs because I know that the entire experience will take up way too much of my time.

YouTube allows me to create my own schedule.

From an entrepreneurial perspective, I see each of my videos as virtual real estate. YouTube allowed me to go from being a successful entrepreneur to creating a global brand. It's that simple.

What does your content creation process look like?

On my Youtube channel, I upload a video every single day. I am way more aggressive when it comes to creating content. However, I'm not creating a video every day. I have a lot of companies to run. I upload my videos in batches, meaning that I block out one day for filming. On that day, my team and I may create 5-6 videos. As much as I love YouTube, I don't want to be filming all the time. It's about learning how to be efficient with your time. 

What will people learn if they attend your free YouTube masterclass?

During the masterclass, I will teach you how to grow your subscribers, and how you can build a channel around your expertise and personal brand. I believe that YouTube is the most powerful tool to do this. I'm also going to take you behind-the-scenes and show you screenshots of my personal YouTube videos so that you see how I am able to generate X amount of dollars.

Are you ready to stop trading time for money?

The only way that successful people scale their income is by leveraging their time. If you are always trading your time for money, you will always be limited. However, if you start to look at platforms, like YouTube to leverage yourself, you can fast track your success.

Are you ready to learn how you can grow your YouTube channel to 1 million subscribers? CLICK HERE to join our FREE YouTube masterclass!

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