The Best Advice I Could Ever Give You

I have created a new and improved version of K Money Mastery which is called, Mastering Book Publishing!

I'm constantly getting asked advice from people in a variety of areas, and today I decided to record a video and write an article on the best advice that I could ever give you.  This is advice that has worked for me and will work for you also.  This is my “go-to” answer whenever someone asks me for advice on how to be successful or to achieve a specific goal.  Follow this advice and you will be able to achieve any goal that you want.

Watch the video:

(Click here to watch on YouTube)

[smart_track_player url=”http://www.buzzsprout.com/9299/178293-plm-034-the-best-advice-i-could-ever-give-you.mp3″ ]

You Can't Do Things On Your Own

You just can't.  You need someone to help you.  You need someone to guide you and to show you the way.  You need a PROVEN plan, a strategy if you will.  I don't care if it's a coach, mentor, a step-by-step program or course, or even a really great book.  The bottom line is that you don't want to attempt to do things on your own.

Most people make the mistake of trying to do things on their own, which is honestly, quite stupid.  Why try to re-invent the wheel?  Yes, there is almost everything for free out there already on the internet.  There are message boards and forums that you can go to and try to put all of the pieces of the puzzle together on your own.  But why would you do that?  Do you know how LONG it will take you to achieve your goals by doing that?

I did this for the first few years when I was trying to achieve success, and it ended up being a very painful and stressful time.  I was pulled in so many directions and was all over the map.  I was receiving conflicted information, from random people online that most likely weren't successful in any way (because the really successful people are too busy to be spending much time in online message boards).

Commit To The Program And Ignore Everything Else

Let's say you want to lose 20 pounds.  All you have to do is find a coach, mentor, program, or book that can help you get there and do it.  There's so many out there, PICK ONE.  If you want a good book, follow Body For Life.  I could give you so many more, but that book will give you a simple strategy and now all you have to do is FOLLOW IT.  Just commit to it for 3-6 months and don't look at ANY OTHER BOOKS or any other courses or products or coaches.  Just follow what it says, and re-read it again and again.  That's it.  If you do that, you will lose the 20 pounds.

If you want to make money online, just pick a COURSE out there and follow it.  Follow it for 3-6 months and forget everything else out there.  If you choose Kindle publishing, then forget every other newsletter or information that comes your way that isn't related to that.  Unsubscribe from whomever is e-mailing you advice on any other method or strategy out there, it will only distract you.  You just need to FOCUS on that one program during that time and NOT GET DISTRACTED.

Of course, there is more benefit you can receive from working with a coach or mentor, as they can help KEEP YOU FOCUSED and hold you accountable and answer questions for you that might not be answered in the course or book.  If you wanted to lose 20 pounds, if you worked with Bill Phillips 1-on-1 (the author of Body Of Life), then you obviously have a much higher chance of success than if you only had the book.  The biggest reason why people fail is they get discouraged too quickly, are lazy, and give up.  

Most people need someone to HOLD THEIR HAND and walk them through the process.  Instead of just having a “map” to their destination, they'd rather have a “guide” that walks the path with them.  If you're the type of person that is lazy and can't remain consistent with something, then you definitely need a coach or a mentor over a book or course.  A coach is also going to TELL YOU what your patterns are and show you what your blocks and limitations are, that are why you are lazy and unable to follow through.  This awareness alone and pushing you to change it is powerful.

Why Aren't You Already Doing This?

I know, I know… I can hear all of that reasons and excuses already.

“But Stefan, I can't afford a coach or to take a course…”

You can't afford NOT to have a coach or to take a course.  If you aren't willing to invest a bit of money into yourself, then I don't know what to tell you.  I can't help someone if they aren't willing to help themselves.  If this is the case for you, then you simply don't want it bad enough.  You can't just “want” to achieve your goal or “want” to be successful at something – you must be COMMITTED to it.  Committed means you'll do whatever it takes.

I hired coaches when I had zero money.  I was in credit card debt, and I still did it because I DID NOT WANT TO CONTINUE TO BE IN DEBT.  It's counter-intuitive, I know, but it was an investment in myself that GOT ME OUT OF DEBT and has made me a lot of money today.

I was resourceful in many cases, too.  One time I wanted to attend a seminar in New York, which I couldn't afford.  What did I do?  I got a few friends together and we put on a car wash at a local mechanic shop and held up signs that said “Fundraiser Car Wash: By Donation”.  We washed cars all day and I told people when they pulled up, “Hey, my name is Stefan and I am holding this car wash so that I can attend this seminar and change my life.  I want to do this so that I can be the best I can be and be a better person to help change the world.”

The result?  People donated $10, $20, and even up to $50.  I ended up making $900 in a day and that paid for my flight and tuition for the seminar.

I've done many things like this.  I've sold cigars to friends and family and asked for their support to help me.  I bought the cigars for $5 and would sell the pack for $20.  I even put on a “poker night” and invited my friends out, and half the pot went to the fundraiser.

Do you see now how much of an EXCUSE it is when someone says “I don't have the money or can't afford it.”  


If you need to make $50 or $100 to pay for a course and can't afford it, then BORROW IT.  Or better yet, go to your local temp agency and work on your next Saturday and Sunday.  Ask for a few extra hours at your job.  Work overtime.  Get another part-time job.  Get a paper route… I don't care!

The consequences of you NOT investing in yourself and getting a proven plan is just too great.  Do you want to continue to struggle?  Do you want to continue to be broke?  Do you want to continue to be out of shape?  You're in control and you have the power to change it, if you follow this advice.

This is the advice that I follow and everyone that is successful that I know of follows as well.  I don't know of any easier or faster way.  This is just what WORKS.  If you aren't willing to follow this advice, then I don't know what else to say to you…  I guess you'll just remain where you're at in life.  If you're okay with staying where you're at, then disregard this advice, it will be useless to you.

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