Finding The Motivation To Succeed

The other day I decided to create a quick video on my iPhone to give an update on my 2012 New Years Resolutions, and just to inspire people of the level of commitment required to succeed.

In this video, I am literally on NO SLEEP – 4 hours for the entire weekend.  Yet that won't stop me. Nothing can.

Despite that, I will NOT waiver from my commitment and from following the steps necessary to achieve my goals.

Yes, sometimes you will be tired. Sometimes you won't “feel” like going to the gym or doing what is necessary.  Other times you'll have an excuse or a story about why you can't do it right now.  But that's all they are – excuses.

There's an amazing quote from Tony Robbins that I love:

“The only thing keeping you from what you really want is the story that you have about why you can't have it.”

At the end of the day, when you give everything that you have into your dreams, it gives you a sense of pride and self-confidence that nothing else can give you.

There's nothing like that feeling of going to sleep at night KNOWING that you gave it everything you had and are one step closer towards your goal.  To me, that is a successful day.  When you add those days together, you'll have success and a life beyond your wildest dreams.

Take a few minutes and watch the video blog below:

What is ONE THING that you can commit to doing today to move closer towards your goals?

Is it going to the gym?  Making that call?  Finishing a project?

Don't put it off – DO IT.

And when you've completed it to the best of your ability, feel proud of yourself and really acknowledge yourself for a job well done.  You deserve it. 🙂

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