How To Overcome Fear And Change Your Life

I wanted to share a quick video today on how to USE fear, instead of having fear use and control you. This little tool is something I've used throughout the last several years to change my life and overcome the fear that paralyzes most from taking action in their life.

If you find yourself procrastinating or knowing you SHOULD be doing something, but just aren't doing it – then this secret on how to overcome fear will definitely benefit you. It's the secret that gets me to follow through consistently everyday towards my goals, gets me outside of my comfort zone, and taking massive action towards the life I want. It's what gets me to the gym everyday, eating consistently healthy, to approach and interact with that stranger, or to just buckle down and build my businesses.

Watch the video blog below on how to overcome fear and change your life:

(Click here to watch the video on YouTube)

[smart_track_player url=”http://www.buzzsprout.com/9299/172260-plm-004-how-to-overcome-fear-and-change-your-life.mp3″ ]

This has been the secret for me to having lasting motivation.

Anytime you're procrastinating or not following through on something, it's because you don't have enough LEVERAGE on yourself.  You're avoiding facing the truth and being 100% honest with yourself, so instead you say things to yourself like, “I can do it later” or “It's not that important” or “I don't feel like it” or whatever B.S. story you tell yourself.

It's not until you say, “WAIT… that's bullshit.  What will it cost me in my life if I don't do this?  What's the ultimate consequence?”

When you face that reality, you will have a rude awakening and get your butt into gear towards doing whatever you need to do.

We're all driven by PAIN and PLEASURE.  We'll do almost anything to AVOID pain, and anything to GAIN pleasure.

If you're not doing something, it's because you're associating PAIN to doing it.  Instead, why not associate the PAIN to not doing it?  If you think about it, the pain of being over-weight and having low energy and getting a serious disease FAR OUTWEIGHS the temporarily pleasure and satisfaction you will get by eating that cookie.  But when you eat that cookie, you are only thinking about the pleasure, instead of looking at the consequences of eating it.

Here's the questions to ask yourself to get leverage:

1. What will it cost me in my life if I continue living this way?

2. What is the ultimate consequence?

3. What will it cost me in emotionally, in my relationships, friendships, family, finances, health, spiritual life?

4. What will I have to give up or miss out on by living this way?

5. What have I already missed out on?  What has it already cost me in my life?

6. What will it cost me 5 years, 10 years, 15 years, 20 years from now if I continue living this way?

Alternatively, you can also ask pleasure-enducing questions to associate PLEASURE to doing whatever it is that you want.

Here's some pleasure-enducing questions to get leverage:

1. What will I gain by doing this?

2. How is this going to move me closer towards my dreams and who I want to become?

3. How will doing this add to every area of my life?  My relationships? Emotional life? Finances? Health?  etc…

4. What will my life be like 5, 10, 15, 20 years from now by doing this?

The trick is to make sure that you're consistently asking yourself these questions throughout the day.

If you find yourself still not consistently doing it, it's simply because you're not getting enough leverage on yourself.  I've had times in my life where I broke down in tears and experienced massive pain, until I hit what I call “Emotional Threshold” and that's when things clicked and I transformed.

I didn't hit emotional threshold by intellectually thinking of the pain or pleasure, instead I really made sure that I FELT IT at my core – I experienced the pain/pleasure fully, which is what propelled me to make the change permanent.

Today, there are things that I will NEVER AGAIN indulge in because it's far too painful for me to go back – things like video games, sitting around watching TV, binge eating, depression, being lazy or procrastinating.

The truth is, you should be MORE AFRAID of those destructive habits than doing what you need to do.

The truth will set you free.

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