My 24-Hour Crazy Fat Loss Experiment: How To Lose 5 Pounds Of Fat

One of my biggest goals has been to get as lean as possible, so that my abs and six-pack are showing.

It's been a challenge. I've gone from 185 lbs and around 19-20% body fat down to 154 lbs and 12% bodyfat, and now I've just got a thin layer of fat that are covering my abs and preventing them from prevailing!

I decided I need some MASSIVE LEVERAGE on myself – something that will propel me to take massive action and do whatever it takes to make this happen.  It's not until someone gets SATIATED or DISTURBED that they finally hit that threshold that makes them decide “I will do whatever it takes.”  And I've reached threshold.

So, what did I decide to do?

I thought of something different, crazy, disgusting, and something that would most “average” would never do.  And, I decided to make a video blog of it to share it with you guys.

Check it out below:

There you have it.

I WILL do whatever it takes to reach this goal – and if this doesn't work, I will try something else.

I always remember the saying: “Successful people do what the failures won't.”

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