How To Buy Stocks For Beginners (Watch Me Invest $10,000)

Now is the best time to buy stocks.

The Coronavirus outbreak has caused a lot of fears amongst investors.

Last week, both the S&P 500 and Dow Jones Industrials fell 10%. This was the worst day for stocks in more than 32 years.

However, from a historical perspective, a decline in the stock market is usually an ideal investment opportunity.

If you want to know how to invest and buy stocks during this difficult economic time, keep reading.

Watch the video below:

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The market crash has created a stock-buying opportunity.

Before I dive into this blog, it's important that you know that I'm not a financial advisor. Whatever I buy or trade is based on my opinion and experience as an investor. Hence, it doesn't make it right or wrong. At the end of the day, you have to do your own research and due diligence. Don't buy something just because I tell you to do so.

Also, it's very important that you understand the risks that are involved in investing. Always remember that you are responsible for your own money and investment decisions. I love investing in stocks because I can diversify amongst many different sectors, industries and companies. I can even invest in bonds and real estate. This helps mitigate my risk.

Thus, I don't have to put all of my eggs in one basket. Furthermore, if I wanted to, I can liquidate my stocks very easily. All I need to do is log into a brokerage account or an app on my phone.

When it comes to investing, I'm not trying to get-rich-quick. I'm a long-term investor, meaning that I like to buy great companies and hold them over the long-term. A lot of people like to day trade, but this isn't how I invest. Stocks can be pretty volatile in the short-term. If you are a beginner investor, I don't recommend adopting this investment strategy.

I make my money through 7 online businesses models. In turn, I am in control of how much money I want to make. The more money that I put into it, the more that I get out of it. I take the money that I make from my businesses and I invest it. With that being said, the number one goal that I have when it comes to investing is to not lose money. This is why I'm a conservative investor.

I don't buy anything that is too high risk.

I'm not investing in penny stocks or anything that is too volatile. Rather, I'm investing in companies that I believe will be around for the next 5 to 40 years. You only lose money in the stock market when you sell. However, if you hold, it's highly likely that your investments will recover, rebound and go up.

The first thing that you need is a brokerage account. This is like an online bank account. You can transfer money from your bank account to an online brokerage account and buy and sell stocks through it.  A brokerage account takes a commission on every trade that you make.

However, there are some accounts that have zero fees. I've provided links to some of these account examples below. For the most part, most of the brokerage accounts do the same thing. They all show you the stock name and exchange, symbol, price, chart, and market data.

Oftentimes, you can customize your brokerage account dashboard. For example, you can add more metrics or data to evaluate a certain company. When it comes to deciding which brokerage account to choose, the best strategy is to do your research and find one that is based in the country where you live.

If you're a beginner to investing, I recommend that you get experience buying and selling stocks without using your real money. This is something that I did. It's called paper trading. A paper trade is simulated trading which allows investors to practice buying and selling securities without risking real money. The best advice that I can give you is to familiarize yourself with trading before you start investing real money.

Watch the video above for a sneak peek inside my brokerage account where I show you how to buy stocks. Also, you will be able to watch me invest $10,000!



This is how to buy stocks while the stock market is in a Bear market.

A lot of people are selling stocks right now in light of the market's downturn. If you have a long-term investment mentality, this is a great time to buy stocks. Even though we are in a bear market, there are still good investments to be had. Don't forget that there is no perfect brokerage account. Pick one, get started and remember that investing is a journey. You will learn as you go.

Which stocks will you buy?

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