What Is Your X-Factor?

What is your X-Factor in your business?

You know, the way that you stand out and differentiate yourself from your competitors. Every business need an X-Factor, as it's the only way to be successful over the long-term.

If you just try to fit in and be like everyone else, then you're not adding any additional value of what already exists in the marketplace. Business requires constant innovation and creativity.  That allows you to be unique and stand out from the pack.  Ultimately, this is what gives you an edge over everyone else and keeps you on top.

This video blog will explain how I came up with my X-Factor for my business and how you can discover yours and stand out in your business.

Watch the video below:

(Click here to watch on YouTube)

[smart_track_player url=”http://www.buzzsprout.com/9299/279703-plm-136-what-is-your-x-factor.mp3″ social=”false” ]

How I Stand Out From The Rest…

When I created Project Life Mastery, I thought carefully about how I could stand out and differentiate myself from other bloggers out there. I didn't want to be just like every other blog on the internet that doesn't make any money or have much success. Here are some of the ways that I've been able to stand out:

  • I decided to not just talk about a specific niche, such as “making money online” or “fitness advice”.  Instead, I took the approach of “life mastery” and made the theme of my blog much broader and bigger.  As a result, I attract and speak to high achievers – people that want to have a balance in their lives and success in ALL areas, not just one.
  • I don't just write articles or blog posts.  I record videos and put myself out there on YouTube.  I also built a podcast, so that people can also listen to my content and engage with me in a variety of ways.  This has allowed me to speak to more people and have people relate to me on a much deeper level.
  • My personality allows me to stand out from everyone else.  Everyone relates to different speaking styles, personalities, ages, genders, etc… by implanting my personality into my content, it allows people to relate and connect with me even more.
  • I'm transparent.  I share my life openly and courageously.  If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook, then you'll see many pictures and videos over the years of my personal life.  This gives my subscribers a chance to get to know the real me.  I'm also transparent about my successes and failures, my accomplishments and my journey.  This is all well documented with my Monthly Goals Reports.
  • I openly share my goals every year on my blog, as well as my Monthly Goals Reports every month.  I'm giving progress reports and updates on my blog with my goals, which is something unique to me and Project Life Mastery.  I know of others doing “Income Reports”, but I'm the first that I know of that does Goals Reports.
  • My success is something that makes me stand out from everyone else.  Not just financially, but in all other areas of life.  Many people don't listen to other bloggers because they don't have the results or success to back it up.  However, I walk my talk.  I live everything that I teach.  I have the success financially – the passive income, sports car, penthouse, etc…  I have competed in two fitness competitions and have achieved success with my health and fitness.  I have an amazing relationship.  I have travelled the world.  I have coached hundreds of people.  I've spoken to thousands of people.  I've written books.  I've accomplished a lot, which gives me the expertise and authority to talk on many subjects.  This is just another way that I stand out.

What Is Your X-Factor?

So… what is your X-Factor? How do you (or can you) stand out from everyone else in your business? If you're in the Kindle publishing space, then ask yourself “How can I make my Kindle book stand out from everyone else?”

If you're selling a physical product on Amazon, then ask “How can I make my product stand out from everyone else?” The same goes for a blog, website, or ANY type of business out there. It doesn't have to be big.  It can be the small things that make you different.

What about a better cover or product image than everyone else? What about a better headline, title or benefit/feature that nobody else has? What about having more reviews or testimonials or success stories?

Again, think about and write down as many things as possible. Then start implementing.

Please leave a comment below or let me know any questions you have.  I'd love to hear what you think!

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