Work From Home Jobs: Is It a Reality?

Work from home jobs was the dream that started with the 4 Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss and became a subtle reality to many who desired to have the freedom to work and live wherever they want.

Today, the idea of working from wherever you want and experiencing ultimate freedom to have the lifestyle you choose is becoming a reality to several across the globe.

What if it were a reality for you to pack your laptop in your bag, live where you want and to maintain the lifestyle you desired simply by working from home?

There are hundreds, and possibly thousands, of possibilities that can help you build your career from the comfort of your home. However, it requires finding what you are passionate about, tapping into the opportunities and expanding this in a way that fits with your lifestyle.

If you are ready to leave your job and continue looking for opportunities but don't make the move, then it's time to start stepping forward into the reality you want to create.

Before You Find That Work From Home Job…

Not all individuals work best when they are out of the office. In fact, it can bring several trials with those who are not prepared to take the next steps to a different lifestyle.

When you are not in a structured setting, you are responsible for everything. That means you have to set your own timetable, create your own goals and stick to a certain schedule.

It also means your approach to work changes. The mindset you have towards work and your ability to maintain a stable position requires looking at your entire schedule and structure in an alternative way.

If you want to know more about how you can be productive, then check out my video on How to Work From Home Effectively.

Discipline, perseverance and creating certain schedules will help you be effective with how you work.

This way, you don't become distracted by the other things which can be done from home and your ability to maintain self-discipline is easily reached.

Is Working From Home a Reality?

Most look at working from home as a distant reality that someone else is able to achieve but may not be for them.

In some instances, this is true. Working out of your home office is difficult to attain when it is not your personality or lifestyle.

However, if you really want to work in your PJs, then it can be a reality that you can begin to achieve.

There are millions of opportunities that are available, guiding you on the path to finding what you really love to do and to work from home in the way you really desire.

Here are five possible ways to begin working from your living room.

1. Affiliate Marketing

I've found a huge amount of success with affiliate marketing and have found it is a great way of earning passive income. According to recent statistics, an average of 16-20% of all orders is generated through affiliates.

Even better is that 81% of businesses are using affiliate marketing as one of their main ways to reach success. That means there are thousands, if not millions, of opportunities that are available with those who want to earn a passive income.

The reason affiliate marketing is one of the best work from home jobs is you get to choose. You decide what you are most interested in and leverage this to build your passion by promoting the things you are most passionate about.

Affiliate marketing alone is not the only format to make passive income. Check out these 7 passive income ideas that will help you to find some of the best work from home opportunities.

2. Online Services

The gig economy began with websites that allowed web designers and virtual assistants to make money as a side hustle. Today, it is one of the fastest growing areas for those who want to work outside of an office.

You may find several websites that allow you to offer services and your talent as a side job or full time. You will want to find a specific niche, such as graphic designs, writing or web development to help land income and find work from home jobs.

3. Amazon FBA

Fulfillment by Amazon is a great opportunity to develop your own business and to use this as an approach to earn income.

Amazon FBA allows you to find products you are interested in selling and maximizing the return you are interested in. By doing this, you will easily be able to sell products you love while staying in your PJs.

4. Travel Agent

The growth of companies such as Expedia has allowed many to build work from home jobs. This allows you to work as a receptionist that sells travel packages and helps customers when they are traveling. It is a simple process that allows you to have free time and work from where you want.

5. On-Demand Services

Companies such as Air BnB and Uber have introduced a new format for working. If you stay in one location, then this is a simple way to make income.

You can find anything from renting your room to walking dogs as a part of the on-demand services that are available. If you are interested in simple, to-do tasks, then this is a good side hustle or way to work from home.

How to Get Into Work From Home Jobs

I always suggest that when someone wants to find work from home jobs that they move into the changes gracefully.

It takes time to build an income with affiliate marketing, online gigs or Amazon FBA. Make sure you have a grasp on how much you can make before you start to change your position.

Give yourself a minimum of 6 months to build your work from home jobs into more than a secondary income. This will help you experiment with what you love to do while leaving behind what already works.

Once you reach certain goals with the income you make online, then you can begin to shift and build your side hustle into your full-time income.

Look at work from home jobs as a way to boost your income first and set goals to increase the amount you make by a minimum amount each month. From this point, you can easily begin to extend how much you make and the results you are able to get.

I always recommend that you start by setting goals with the new possibilities you are looking at. Set how much you want to make, how long this will take and what you expect the results to be by a certain time. By doing this, your dreams will become achievable quickly.

I also suggest that the goal setting you look at includes your lifestyle preferences. For some, traveling is important. This means that the opportunities may not be as effective as others to help you reach the goals you desire.

Your goals should each be connected together so that you are living the best life in every area.

I've developed a blueprint of 10 areas that I believe are important to consider with your life. You can read more about that here.

If you want to move into possibilities such as how to work with ultimate freedom and into a completely fulfilled life, then consider joining my Life Mastery Accelerator. You will find that this will help you to achieve your goals in every area of your life.

The reality of finding work from home jobs helps you to enjoy the life you want while doing something you are passionate about.

It also requires a unique mindset, discipline and the ability to build into the new way of working you are interested in.

Finding the right opportunities and being realistic about how to achieve these goals can help you build the lifestyle you want and begin working the way you want to.

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