Nick Vujicic – Your Life Without Limits Book Review

I decided to pick up the book titled Your Life Without Limits by Nick Vujic at the Atlanta airport awaiting my next flight during a long layover.  I was in search of a book to read and immediately noticed Nick Vujicic's face after watching some inspirational videos of him on YouTube.  It's a small book that only consists of about 50-60 pages, but I was excited to see what I could learn from this inspirational man with no arms or legs.

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(Click here to watch the video on YouTube)

What inspires me most about Nick is that despite the adversity he's faced in his life, being born with no limbs, he is not constrained by his circumstances.  He shares his story and what he experienced growing up feeling like an outcast and being suicidal.  Nick had been through some dark times, wondering if he'd ever find a woman that would love him and was frustrated by not being able to do what others could.  He felt often like he was a burden to others, and even began questioning his faith in God.

If God will not take away my pain, and if there is no purpose for me in this life… if I'm here only to experience rejection and loneliness… and I'm a burden to everyone and I have no future… I should just end it now.

I had a tear in my eye as I read about how Nick was planning his suicide.  At times in his life, he had given up and was ready to check out.  It wasn't until he discovered some hope and learned to accept his life was the way it is, and found an empowering meaning, that allowed him to find a purpose and live a happy life.

Life may not be going well for you now, but as long as you are here, as long as you press forward, anything is possible.

I was really amazed and impressed by Nick's mindset and how he was able to overcome such adversity described.  Throughout the book, he shares how other people have experienced worse challenges than his, and references the earthquake in Haiti and his experience in China after an earthquake there.  He talks about how despite those horrific conditions those people faced, they still were able to remain happy and in good spirits.

Nick Vujicic's message is simple: Keep your hope alive and to never give up on your dreams.

He demonstrates the power of hope and never giving up in his inspirational story and how today he has been able to travel the world and experience a life most people never will.  Despite his condition, he hasn't allowed it to stop him in any way from living life to the limit.  There's so many people that have arms or legs and luxuries that he doesn't have, yet are miserable and depressed.  It goes to show that happiness and fulfillment is a state of mind, it has nothing to do with your outer world.  You have control over it.

Often the challenges we think are holding us back are, in fact, making us stronger.  You should be open to the possibility that today's handicap might be tomorrow's advantage.

I enjoyed this little book.  It really inspired me and really put my life in perspective.  It's so easy to take things for granted, and reading about Nick's story has really made me feel more gratitude for what I do have and to appreciate the gifts that my creator has given me.  If you're going through a challenge in your life or are feeling down, this book will definitely uplift you.  Click here to check out Your Life Without Limits by Nick Vujicic on Amazon.

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