YouTube Q&A: Start, Grow & Scale Your YouTube Channel

Hey everyone! Stefan here again. Today I'm taking some of your best questions and turning them into a YouTube Q&A about how you can start, grow, & scale your YouTube channel.

Whether you want to start a YouTube channel or you already have a YouTube channel and you want to expand it, I promise this Q&A is for you. I cover all the bases.

This video is a follow up from another video I created surrounding how I make $9,000 per month on YouTube. It's one of the many messages I share with the world that has changed my life and hopefully can change yours as well. Check out that video if you haven't already!

There have been a lot of GREAT questions sent from people all around the world in the comments on that video, so I answer as many as possible in the video below. I can't answer them all, but I can answer the ones that benefit the most amount of people.

Check out the video below to learn more!

Watch the video below:

(Click here to watch on YouTube)

[smart_track_player url=”http://www.buzzsprout.com/9299/550226-plm-459-youtube-q-a-start-grow-scale-your-youtube-channel.mp3″ background=”default” ]

Do you have more questions? I've got your answers! CLICK HERE to learn more about Affiliate Marketing Mastery!

As I mentioned, I wasn't able to answer everyone's questions in this video, but I did answer as many as I could. Below are some highlights.

Question: How do I find profitable YouTube niches?

There are two possible methods to finding a YouTube niche. Number one would be finding a niche that you want to build your business around. Every good YouTube niche has high demand on not only YouTube, but online in general. By that I mean people are searching for information to solve problems on your niche.

Often you can simply conduct some research and see which niches are popular. If you have an idea that comes to mind, search for it! Also keep this is mind — you want competition. COMPETITION IS GOOD.

A lot of people are afraid of competition. Competition is your friend in the online business world. The more competition, the bigger indicator that there is demand in your niche. If there is no competition, there probably isn't much money to be made in your niche.

Competition also gives you the opportunity for collaboration, and collaboration will allow you to scale your online business. When you partner with other YouTube channels with a following, you can share followers and cross-promote as a money-making strategy.

It's actually very easy to rank on YouTube as opposed to Google and other search engines. If you search for “Amazon” on YouTube you'll actually see I have three videos ranking high, which I'm very proud of. If you were to conduct the same search on Google, the same thing would never happen. YouTube gives you a chance to rank for things you can't rank for anywhere else.

Once you find your niche, you can also look at monetization options to make your niche profitable. That could be YouTube ads, affiliate marketing, physical products, information products, or apps and software. Make sure there is potential there to make money.

In any business, you need to make money to sustain the message. I wouldn't be able to do what I do if I didn't make money. That way I'm able to invest back into my business and continue bringing my message to you.

The best way to do all these things? Get into a niche that you enjoy. If you love what you're doing it's going to be very easy for you to continue to create content in the beginning, which is the most important time to create content.

Want more advice on how to start, grow, and scale your YouTube channel? I answered questions for 73 MINUTES in the video above! Check it out and see if I answered yours.

Do you have more questions? I've got your answers! CLICK HERE to learn more about Affiliate Marketing Mastery!

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