10 Excuses That Stop You From Ever Being Successful

There are 10 excuses that will stop you from ever being successful in life.

Oftentimes, people fall into the trap of telling themselves stories about why they can't do something or be somebody. What's your B.S. story? We all have one.  

Once you figure out what is holding you back from stepping into your power, you can start the process of overcoming your self-imposed limitations.

Are you ready to discover which excuse is keeping you stuck?

Watch the video below:

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[smart_track_player url=”http://www.buzzsprout.com/9299/1687207-plm-713-10-excuses-that-stop-you-from-ever-being-successful.mp3″ background=”default” ]

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Excuses prevent you from taking action in life.

If you want to achieve your goals and dreams, you cannot have an excuse mindset. Limiting beliefs, lies we tell ourselves, and excuses that we tell others are often to blame for our goal-chasing false start. As your friend and coach, I'm going to challenge your mindset so that you start to question your limiting beliefs.

I want to help you break free from these barriers so that you can get on the path of success and mastery. Here are 10 excuses that stop you from ever being successful in life, and solutions for how you can break these negative beliefs.

1. I don't know where to begin or how to get started

People allow this excuse to prevent them from getting into the game of life. It's not that you don't know how to get started. The reality is that you don't have a strong enough purpose as to why you should get started. When you know what your why is, you will find a way to make it happen.

Don't let the tyranny of the how prevent you from taking action. Get resourceful and find out what you need to do to achieve your goals. You don't need to know everything to get started. Just dive in! As you start taking action, all of a sudden, better ways of doing things will become available to you.

2. I don't have the education and I'm not smart enough

There are a lot of people throughout history who have been incredibly successful without even finishing college. Some of these people include Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and Steve Jobs who are some of the wealthiest people on this planet. You can be smart and have all of the knowledge in the world, yet still not succeed in life.

Knowledge is not power. Rather, it's only potential power. The real power is your ability to execute and take massive action.  Anybody can be successful because there are people out there who have already paved the way. Learn from these people, and extract their mindset, behaviors, and actions. If you can do that, you will be successful.

3. Now isn't the right time for me

If you catch yourself falling into this mindset trap, you will find that later never comes. Some day leads to a town called nowhere! Anyone that I've ever known who has achieved something great has said, “I wish that I started earlier.” Tomorrow isn't a promise. Today is all that you have. Make sure that you are getting the most out of your life. The sooner that you go for it, the sooner that you will be where you want to be.

4. It's too hard or difficult

You don't want your life to be easy. In fact, you want it to be challenging. If it was easy everyone would be successful. We want people to achieve success because they worked hard for it. It only feels hard because you haven't done it before. Once you develop the skills and acquire the right knowledge, the thing you once feared doing actually becomes fun and easy.

If you are currently playing it safe and staying in your comfort zone, I promise that later in life you will pay the price. This is why you need to develop mental strength now so that you can get through hardships in the future. I encourage you to embrace what is hard. If you can do that, you will be able to handle anything.

5. I don't have the time

We all have the same 24 hours in a given day. The focus should be less about time management and more about priority management. A lot of people don't make their goals a high enough priority. If you are wondering why you're not getting ahead, you're probably giving priority to the wrong things. You may have to make sacrifices in the short-term so that you can move the needle forward in your life. It comes down to how bad you want success.

6. I don't have the money or I can't afford it

Be mindful of the story that you have around money. The moment that you say that you can't afford something, you are closing off your mind to new possibilities. Instead, ask yourself, “How can I afford it?” All of a sudden, you have options. There are countless ways that you can increase your income. Similarly, you could also cut out some expenses.

The new belief system that I want you to take on is that you have the money for the things that you are truly committed to. When something becomes a must, everything else dissipates. Don't let money hold you back from success. If you really want something, you'll find a way.

7. I haven't done it before so I don't know how to begin

If you wait until your competent to do something, you will never do it. All that matters is that you have confidence in your capabilities. Don't let your stories stop you from really going for what it is that you want in life. Take action and commit to learning new things. Every successful person started as a beginner.

They had to go through a massive learning curve where they had no idea what they were doing. Yes, this meant that they made a lot of mistakes, but they didn't give up. Rather, they learned from their failures and used them as leverage to grow and become more. Adopting this mindset is what will allow you to master your craft.

8. I'm afraid of taking a risk and failing

If you stay in your comfort zone, you won't get anywhere in life. Security is merely an illusion. What is incredibly risky is having a 9 to 5 job where your livelihood and security is dependent on your boss. Even worse, the economy could plummet or the government could make changes, which in turn, could affect your job.

There will always be some level of risk involved in the pursuit of your goals and dreams. You will make mistakes and experience failures along the way. I believe that the only failure in life is not trying. All that matters is that you learn from your mistakes. Be more afraid of what your life will be like if you don't go for it. That, in and of itself, should motivate you to keep going.

9. I'm afraid of what other people will think of me

If you want to be someone of significance, you have to say something and do something. When you become successful there will be people who love you and people who hate you. However, your haters don't really hate you. Rather, they just hate themselves. Your success is merely a spotlight shining back on them of their missed opportunities and failures in life.

Your significance makes them feel insignificant. This is a good thing because success will expose who your true friends are and who your fake friends are. Find a tribe of people who inspire and uplift you to achieve great things. Stay away from toxic people at all costs and don't allow others' opinions to hold you back from living the life of your dreams.

10. There is no point

Whenever I hear people say this all that I'm hearing is that they've stopped believing in themselves. Sometimes people experience so much pain and failure in their past that they no longer believe that they deserve success. They do this as a way of protecting themselves from future disappointment.

If you allow this story to consume you, you will end up settling for a life of mediocrity. Make sure that you don't get to the point of learned helplessness. Your past does not equal your future. It helped make you into the person that you are today. Extract the good, take the lessons and don't give up.

When you're on your death bed, you want to be proud that you pursued your life to the best of your ability. You deserve to have an amazing life, and you will. In the words of Jim Rohn, “Everyone should make it their goal to earn a million dollars in their lifetime. Not for the money, that doesn't matter, but for who you become in the process.”

These are 10 excuses that stop you from ever being successful.

I hope that reading this blog has given you a greater awareness of what excuse is holding you back in life. Get real with yourself and start paying attention to the stories that you tell yourself. Once you are aware of what these stories are, you will feel empowered to reframe them and shift your perspective.

Let's face it… following your dreams isn't always easy. It is a road that is paved with highs and lows. But don't let your excuses justify why you should give up or why you're not taking action. You're bigger than any fear or obstacle. Believe in yourself, don't give up, and be pulled towards the life that you want.

Which excuse will you commit to dropping today?

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