3 Limiting Beliefs Holding You Back From Success

Do you have limiting beliefs that are holding you back from living your best life?

False beliefs are conditioned from childhood. Many of us don't think to question these beliefs because they are stored in our subconscious minds.

As a result, we may not even be aware of the ways in which they affect us on a daily basis. Disempowering beliefs have one goal – to sabotage your potential.

If you're ready to stop being a victim of your thoughts and start becoming a master of your mind, read this.

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Limiting beliefs hinder success.

What you think directly influences how you feel and how you behave. Whatever you believe is what will be true for YOU, whether it's based on reality or not. There is no right or wrong belief.

Limiting beliefs are exactly what they sound like – they are disempowering stories that limit what you believe is possible. You can have the desire to pursue something, but if you don't believe that you can achieve it, you will never take action.

As an example, if you don't think you deserve success, you will feel like a failure. In turn, this will reinforce your belief that you aren't destined for success. Thus, your beliefs will turn into self-fulfilling prophecies.

The good news is that you have the power to change your limiting beliefs. You are the architect of your psychology.

I believe that it is our responsibility to question and challenge every single belief that we have about ourselves and the world. Unlearning requires that we dissolve old thought patterns, habits, and default mental frameworks. When you unlearn, you open yourself to new ways of thinking and new possibilities.

Ask yourself – what are the facts to support that these beliefs are true? Is there evidence to refute these beliefs?

Once you have gone through the process of challenging your beliefs, you then want to start adopting new beliefs. When you believe in something empowering, it will lead to new actions that will create amazing results.

Let's talk about 3 limiting beliefs holding you back from success.

1. “I am _____.”

Having disempowering beliefs about yourself have one purpose – they hold you back from reaching your potential in life. Saying things like, “I am a failure”, “I am ugly” or “I am shy” are merely stories that assume that you can't do something.

When you accept these beliefs as facts, you create experiences that affirm those beliefs. Whatever you attach to the words “I am” is what you become. It is creating your identity. Your identity is a series of beliefs about who you are.

A belief is a feeling of certainty about what something means, but it doesn't necessarily mean that it's true. We download a lot of our limiting beliefs in childhood.

In his best-selling book, The Biology of Belief, Dr. Bruce Lipton says that, from birth to age seven, we operate primarily in brain wavelengths that are close to a hypnotic state. When we're operating like this, we observe what adults are saying and doing, and we download that information.

Be mindful of how you talk to yourself because your mind is always listening. When you commit to consciously reprogram your beliefs and build new habits of thinking and behaving, you take back control of your life.

2. “I can't _____.”

Whatever you set your mind to, you can achieve. There is nothing that you cannot do. What you will do is a different story altogether. As Tony Robbins says – Change is never a matter of ability, it’s always a matter of motivation.

When you question WHY something is the way it is, it empowers you to think differently. I used to have debilitating social anxiety, to the point where I couldn't speak in public. I made it my goal to learn how to overcome this fear because I was driven to become more.

Nobody is born with abilities. Rather, we create who we are based on the beliefs that we live by. For this reason alone, success is an inner game. Don't allow a few failed attempts to determine why you can't do something. Every moment is a new opportunity to be, do, and have whatever life that you want.

3. “I don't have the _____.”

“I don't have the money”, “I don't have the time”, or “I don't have the resources.” These are all B.S. statements — belief systems. If you're committed enough you will invest the time to make something happen, at the expense of something else.

Again, it's not a matter of ability. Rather, it's a matter of motivation. It's how you use your time that matters most. Once you have recognized what your “I don't have the” statement is, work to replace your limiting beliefs with empowering alternatives.

As an example, if your limiting belief is, “I don't deserve change” an empowering alternative can be, “I am constantly growing and evolving. I have the power to become who I want to be.” Never close off your mind to what is possible. Stay open and have faith.

Are you ready to break free from your limiting beliefs?

Don't allow your limiting beliefs to hijack your success! Make it a priority to question every thought that you have. When you change your thoughts, you change your beliefs. When you change your beliefs, you create a new reality, with you as the hero of your life story.

Are you ready to create your own support system that will STOP your disempowering beliefs? CLICK HERE to get instant access to my FREE Mastermind Cheatsheet!

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