7 Millionaire Habits That Changed My Life

If you want to become a millionaire, you'll want to read this.

The amount of money that you make doesn't start with your title.

Rather, the driving factor that enables people to build massive wealth comes down to mindset.

I've been studying self-made millionaires for the last 18 years. What I've found is that they share similar success habits.

If you are ready to start thinking and acting as if you are already a millionaire, keep reading to find out the 7 millionaire habits that changed my life!

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I went from broke to millionaire.

Those of you who follow me know my story. I didn't grow up having a lot of money. My parents went through a really bad bankruptcy, which resulted in them getting a divorce. This experience created a lot of turmoil in my family. Thus, from an early age, I associated pain with not having money.

I never wanted to struggle financially. When I was in my 20's, I made the decision that I would do whatever it took to become a millionaire. For 18 years I've been on a self-development journey. I've been learning and consuming knowledge from the most successful millionaires in the world.

I believe that one of the best and easiest ways to create success is to study success. Millionaires aren't lucky. Rather, they do specific things every single day that contributes to their success.

I intentionally placed myself in the right environments with people who were more successful than I was. Furthermore, I practiced the success habits of the super-rich. As a result, I became a millionaire at 27 years old.

These are the 7 millionaire habits that have made the biggest impact in my life. Let's dive in!

1. The Habit of Goal-Setting

If you want to become a millionaire, you have to know exactly what it is that you want. Nobody becomes a millionaire by accident. If you want to achieve massive success you need to have a millionaire vision. A vision gives you a sense of direction.

Take a moment and reflect upon what you want your life to look like 10 years down the road. Visualize it AS IF it has already become your reality. Activate all of your senses and imagine yourself there.

Create the experience of emotions you’d be feeling if you’d already achieved it. Get clear and specific on your destination. Your imagination is the preview of your life's coming attractions.

Once you have your vision statement, you then need to create goals. Goal-setting is a habit. It's not something that you just do once. I encourage you to break down your vision into yearly, quarterly, monthly, and weekly goals.

When it comes to setting goals, you must prioritize them. Also, you should regularly check in on the progress of your goals. Ideally, every single day. Doing so will help remind you what you are focused on achieving. The more that you focus on your goals, the more likely you will achieve them.

2. The Habit of Focusing On Your ‘Why'

What will determine whether or not you achieve your goals is the reason you have to take massive action. A lot of people have goals, but they are lacking motivation. This is why your ‘why' is so important.

You need to create a daily habit of reminding yourself why you want to become a millionaire. I'm sure that you have an idea of what you need to do to create more success in your life.

The reason why you aren't doing what you know you should do is that your ‘why' isn't strong enough. You're linking more pain to taking action than not taking action. That's what procrastination is.

It's not until you want something bad enough that you get what it is that you want. Are you willing to do whatever it takes to become a millionaire? If you want success bad enough, you'll go above and beyond.

I like to make a list of 100 reasons why I will achieve a specific goal. At first, you may struggle with this process. The ego wants you to stay inside your comfort zone. Push yourself and commit to coming up with 100 reasons.

Once you've got your list, make it a habit of reading a few of them every single day. Doing so will motivate you and ensure that you continue taking massive action.

3. The Habit of Massive Action

You cannot achieve anything in life without taking massive action. It is the holy grail. Everything else that we talk about is useless unless you're taking massive action. Massive action is a habit.

It's a muscle that you build every single day. The more actions that you take, the more confident that you will be. In turn, you will become empowered to do more. Every time that you take action, you move one step closer to creating the life that you want.

In today's digital world, knowledge is more accessible than ever before. Don't get me wrong… consuming knowledge is great. However, be mindful that you aren't overloading yourself with information to the point where you do nothing with it.

Analysis paralysis is our tendency to seek more information than is needed to make decisions and take action. If you are not implementing what you're learning, you're wasting your time and energy. Knowledge isn't power. Rather, it's potential power.

Knowledge is only power to the extent that it is used. The real power is taking massive action. Every day you have an opportunity to take action, whether it's exercising, meditating, working on your business, or reading books. When you commit to showing up for yourself, you master your time, health, and energy.

4. The Habit of Reframing Failure and Disappointment

Becoming a millionaire isn't easy. You will experience a lot of challenges along the way. There will be times when you make mistakes that waste your time and money. You'll have goals that you set that won't come to fruition.

What you expect should happen will not happen in the way that you wanted it to. That's called the process of success. Everybody who has become a millionaire has gone through these ups and downs.

The difference between those who succeed and those who fail comes down to meaning and perspective. Any time that you face a setback in life, you have two choices. You can either let your pain prevent you from taking action or you can reframe an event as a learning opportunity.

It's not what happens to you, but how you respond to it that matters. Successful people don't focus on what isn't working. Rather, they are constantly finding ways to leverage their fears.

Failure is a great thing! It tells you what works and what doesn't. Ultimately, this helps you pay more attention to what you are doing. As a result, you won't make the same mistakes twice.

When things get difficult, make it a habit of practicing reframing your failures. Over time, you will start making failure work for you instead of against you.

5. The Habit of Daily Learning

You're engaging in this habit right now! I commend you for it. Daily learning can be in the form of books, podcasts, YouTube videos, online courses, or mentors to name a few things. I have been improving myself on a daily basis since I was 17 years old.

In particular, building the habit of reading every day has helped me create a lot of wealth. If you love reading, check out my top 10 must-read books for creating financial freedom. If you want to be successful at anything, you have to model success.

Self-education will help you get to where you want to go, faster. This is how you will compress decades into days. The more that you learn, the more money that you will earn. It's that simple.

6. The Habit of Long-Term Thinking

Becoming a millionaire is a long-term game. Success won't happen overnight. To become a millionaire you will need to make important decisions. These decisions may not seem important to you when you're making them.

However, when repeated, these decisions can transform your entire life. Most people make decisions with their time and money on things that give them immediate gratification. Unfortunately, there is always a cost to doing so.

Millionaires delay gratification and make sacrifices that will benefit them, long-term. You have to pay a price to achieve success. I've had to make a lot of sacrifices to get to where I am today.

Again, ask yourself – how badly do you want success? Successful people do what others will not.

7. The Habit of Surrounding Yourself With Success

You are the by-product of the average of the five people that you spend the most time with. If those people are broke, lazy, and depressed, they are going to negatively influence your energy, belief systems, and behaviors.

If you want to become a millionaire, you've got to put yourself in environments with people who are already millionaires. You never want to strive to be the smartest person in a room. You won't grow in those rooms!

Rather, surround yourself with people who have already achieved what it is that you desire. In my experience, ultra-successful people are more than happy to share their recipe for success. I understand that it's easier said than done to surround yourself with millionaires. It takes time, but it's possible.

A great way to get in close proximity with millionaires is to attend their live events. If that isn't possible, learn as much as you can from them online, through their courses, podcasts, YouTube videos, books, or training programs.

If you aspire to be mentored by a millionaire, the best way to go about doing this is by adding value. Don't be a taker and just reach out to someone and ask him/her to mentor you. Always strive to be of service first.

Comment on their social media posts, write blog posts, or create YouTube videos where you mention their name and highlight their expertise. Win their respect and make them feel appreciated.

Will you apply these 7 millionaire habits?

Habits are the result of repeated actions. When I look back on my life, these are the habits that have contributed most to my success. Think and act as if you are already a millionaire. Which habit will you take action on today?

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