Are You Settling In Your Life? You Might Regret It

Are you settling for mediocrity?

Mediocrity is the state of accepting and living life according to average standards.

I understand why settling is tempting. I've been there. It's the safer option. Unfortunately, nothing grows in a comfort zone.

You can be, do and have whatever it is that you want in life. However, you have to be willing to do what most will not.

If you want to know how you can stop playing small and start living bigger, read this!

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Are you ready to stop settling and start building your dream life? CLICK HERE to join my monthly LIVE Life Mastery Accelerator program!

Are you ready to break free from the mediocre majority?

Unfortunately, the majority of people lower their standards and settle for less. They don't know how to take charge of their life. Instead, they try to escape their reality by numbing their emotions through drugs, food, or alcohol. Their goal is to avoid how they truly feel.

They work, day in and day out, at a job that they hate and live paycheck to paycheck. Although they are unhappy and desire to make a change, the unknown terrifies them. So much so that they decide to remain complacent.

The problem is that we live in a society that encourages us to conform to social norms. A study published in Nature Human Behaviour shows that people tend to copy other people’s choices, even when they know that those people did not make their choices freely, and when the decision does not reflect their preferences.

If you do whatever everyone else does, you'll get what everyone else gets – not much! Fitting in should never be the goal. Rather, you should strive to stand out. This is the moment at which you take control of your life.

Get real with yourself… are you stuck in a mediocrity trap?

Are you living life on other people's terms or your terms? I don't know about you but living a life of mediocrity is the one thing that terrifies me the most. Life is meant to be lived to the fullest.

If you're not satisfied with your life right now, here's the great news… YOU have the power to change your story. At this moment, you can commit to living bigger. Doing so will require that you raise their standards so that you can design a life that you desire and deserve.

Before you can live bigger, you need to understand what your current mental model is. People live in 3 different time zones, so to speak – the past, the present, or the future.

Living in the past is the WORST place to focus your attention because the past is said and done. You no longer have control over it.

You cannot create a compelling future or make any progress in life if you take this route. A lot of people ruminate on the pain of what happened to them in the past. They adopt a victim mentality because they don't think that they have the power to change their circumstances. I used to be this person.

When I was 17 years old, I was insecure and depressed. I hated myself and my life, and I didn't believe that I could change. Once I dove into the world of self-development, I decided to no longer accept self-defeat. I realized that my past didn't have to equal my future. That “aha” moment was a game-changer.

Some people choose to live in the present moment.

The present moment is all that we have, so we have to make the best of it!

However, there are consequences to adopting this belief. If you live in the here and now and focus on instant gratification at the expense of your future, you will get yourself into trouble.

If you're not planning for your retirement NOW and investing in your future, you will pay the price down the road. Yes, it's hard to save your money and make sacrifices. However, what's even harder is when you're 65 years old and you can barely survive financially. That's painful.

Only you can choose your version of hard. The same thing goes for your health. Today, you can flood your body with whatever you want – junk food, alcohol, drugs. However, down the road, you will pay the price.

Are the pleasures that you are indulging in right now going to backfire on you in your future? Is this way of living sustainable, long-term?

You don't want your physical vitality to be comprised. Living with obesity, diabetes, heart disease, or cancer is no way to live. At a certain point in your life, if you do get sick, no amount of money will save you.

Some of the wealthiest people in the world would give all of their money away if it meant that they could live longer. What dictates the quality of your health long-term is how you decide to live in the present moment.

Some people live in the future.

They strategize and anticipate what could go wrong. Usually, this means sacrificing their present moment experiences to set themselves up for success down the road.

At the same time, if you're only living for the future and you become overly obsessed with the destination, you will miss out on the journey.

So the question is… What is the BEST way to live?

Well, I think you can have a balance of all three. The best thing that you can do is learn from your past, enjoy the beauty of the present moment, and plan for your future. The key to accomplishing this feat is by raising your standards.

Don't accept mediocrity. Hear me out… you can settle for good. However, we live in a competitive world. Good isn't good enough, especially if you're an entrepreneur. If you want to be successful in business, you have to over-deliver and do what others will not.

The same thing goes for a 9-5 job. You won't climb the corporate ladder if you don't go above and beyond in your role. Somebody else will come along and do a better job because they will be more hungry to stand out and achieve more.

The same thing goes for a relationship. If you don't show up for your partner's needs and do the work, he/she will not feel seen and may look elsewhere for attention.

If your version of good is not yielding the results that you desire, you have to commit to doing better. Practice doing hard things consistently.

This is how you develop unshakeable grit and become the master of your world.

It all comes down to one decision – how you are going to play the game of life? Will you choose to be a spectator, sitting on the sidelines and watching everyone else succeed, or will you be the superstar of your life?

Yes, choosing the latter can be scary and uncomfortable. However, it's better to dare greatly than never try. If you're reading this, you're not a dabbler. You're showing up for yourself and consuming knowledge because you want to learn and grow. Am I right?

If you're feeling stuck right now, that's OK. It's not comfortable to reflect upon where you're falling short. However, it's also a prerequisite for growth. If you don't get real with yourself and admit what is not working in your life, you won't know what you need to change.

Use your pain as motivation. Which pain is worse? The pain of discipline or the pain of regret? Only you can answer this question.

I don't know about you, but I would rather endure the pain of discipline so that I can write on my tombstone one day, “I lived with no f*ucking regrets.” 

Are you settling in your life?

If so, now is the time to do something about it. Stop settling for less than you deserve. Your spirit is unlimited and you are capable of so much more than you could ever imagine.

It's time for you to get out of your way, stop sabotaging yourself, and start unleashing your power. Everything that you need is inside of you. It's up to you to decide if you are ready to embark on your hero's journey.

With transformation comes adversity. If you want to actualize your potential, you must courageously stay the course. It's not what you achieve, but who you become along your journey that matters most.

In the words of the famous author Joseph Campbell, “If you travel far enough, you’ll eventually meet yourself.”

What is ONE thing that you will commit to doing today that will help you raise your standards? Change starts with a single step. Take a deep breath and start walking.

Are you ready to stop settling and start building your dream life? CLICK HERE to join my monthly LIVE Life Mastery Accelerator program!

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