Want To Be Happy? Here’s The Secret.

Want to be happy? Here’s the secret. The pursuit of happiness is a universal desire. We are all striving to have more of it in our lives.

The challenge that many people face is that they try to find happiness, in the form of external circumstances or rewards. This form of happiness is only temporary.

This idea is supported by research that suggests that only 10 percent of our happiness comes from external factors. The rest of the happiness equation is made up of our genetics, the thoughts, and behaviors that we do deliberately, and our attitude.

People fail to realize that happiness comes from within, and the degree to which you experience it is entirely in your control. In the words of Many Hale, “Happiness is an inside job. Don’t assign anyone else that much power over your life.”

Want to be happy? Here’s the secret. It’s easier than you think.

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Happiness flows more easily into our lives when we focus on the positive. Here’s where the problem lies. As human beings, we are hard wired to look for the negative.

This is supported by research that shows that the brain reacts more strongly to negative stimuli. Thus, our attitudes are more heavily influenced by bad news, rather than good news.

It’s easy to blame others for our downfalls, but ultimately we are the ones who are responsible for our lives. We can either rise up, take accountability and change what doesn’t feel good, or we can dwell in self-loathing and despair. Which sounds better to you?

Don’t dwell on the negative. Rather, wake up every day and ask yourself, “What is the good in this situation?” Doing so will allow you to train your brain to continually look for the positive and celebrate life to the fullest.

We all need to get out of our heads and into our hearts more. The head is great for processing information and breaking down thoughts, but our hearts are our compass, our seat of truth, and the place that we go to when we are seeking alignment.

A great way to strengthen the heart muscle is through adopting an attitude of gratitude. No matter what our circumstances are in life, we can all be grateful for something. What are you grateful for?

The feeling of happiness is a state that is achieved by way of being present with yourself and being grateful for what you have. If you actively look for the good, you will find it.

Gratitude has been shown to have countless benefits; some of which include health, happiness, satisfaction with life, and the way we relate to others.

Every single day, as part of my morning routine, I take part in a gratitude exercise in my 5-Minute Journal, which inspires me to start my day with a grateful heart. Take 5 minutes every day and write down what it is that you are grateful for. This is a simple, yet powerful exercise.

Do you want to be more happy? Here’s the secret. Let happiness find you by finding your flow and engaging in valued activities that bring you joy and fulfillment. These are the experiences that contribute to the feeling of happiness.

Happiness is a choice that we have to make every day. Create a morning ritual and engage in something every day that makes you happy. When you make this commitment to yourself, these healthy habits will shift your mindset, allowing you to see the good in everything.

Want to be happy? Here’s the secret. Make the decision to be happy NOW! Focus on it, feel it, and live it.

Take it from David Cuschieri, “Every morning I make the biggest decision of my life: To be happy today. All I know is the here and now. What happened yesterday and what may happen tomorrow is either gone or hasn’t happened yet.”

Do you want to learn how to create an empowering morning ritual? CLICK HERE to join my Morning Ritual Mastery program!

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