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How To Be More Grateful In Life

I want to share how you can be more grateful in life. Gratitude is the simple practice of observing and appreciating all of the amazing gifts and blessings in your life.

To have an attitude of gratitude means that you choose to focus on what you have, rather than dwell on what you don’t have. The result? It can improve your physical, mental, and emotional health.

Recent research shows that a daily gratitude practice can lead to increased concentration, optimism, improved sleep quality, and a greater sense of connection to others. Despite these benefits of practicing gratitude, many of us take so many things in our lives for granted.

In the words of William Arthur Mode, “Gratitude can turn common days into Thanksgiving, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.” Are you ready to be more grateful in life?

Watch the video below:

(Click here to watch on YouTube)

Do you want to learn how to create a morning ritual that will teach you how to be more grateful in life? CLICK HERE to purchase my Morning Ritual Mastery course!

In their search of experiencing the exciting highs of life, many people have lost sight of the reality. Most of life is comprised of a series of small moments.

Instead, they spend their lives pursuing goals like making more money, paying off bills, or attracting a partner. Some people believe that these things will make them feel happy. If you don’t already feel grateful for what you have, how do you expect that you will be happy with more?

If you want to experience true happiness, learn to appreciate the small moments, as they are the ones that will have a lasting impact on your life.

Gratitude is one of the most important rituals that I practice in my daily life. As part of my morning ritual I do a 5 Minute Journal exercise, which inspires me to start and end my day with gratitude. In this journal, there are 3 questions I ask myself every morning:

  1. “What am I grateful for?”
  2. “What would make today great?”
  3. “What is my daily affirmation?”

This exercise primes my brain for happiness. Research shows that a five-minute a day gratitude journal can increase your long-term well being by more than 10 percent, which is the same impact as doubling your income.

Spend a few minutes every morning feeling grateful. When you condition your mind to focus on the good every day, your entire perspective on the world around you will change. The simplest way to feel gratitude is to ask yourself empowering questions.

In his book, “Emotional Time: The Importance of Gratitude” Carl De Wet says that Practicing gratitude daily is important because the intentions you hold for your day influence your day.”

There are so many things to be grateful for every day of our lives. All you need to do is focus on it and feel it. In this moment, what are you grateful for? Life is a series of a thousand tiny miracles. Notice them. This is how to be more grateful in life.

Do you want to learn how to create a morning ritual that will teach you how to be more grateful in life? CLICK HERE to purchase my Morning Ritual Mastery course!

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