How To Build Self-Esteem And Confidence | Motivational Video

Do you want to build self-esteem and confidence?

Lack of confidence is one of the biggest things that holds people back from reaching their full potential in life.

If you don't believe in yourself, it's difficult for anyone to believe in you. The good news is that self-belief is a muscle. The more you flex it, the stronger it gets.

If you're ready to step into your power and become a confident person, keep reading.

Watch the video below:

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Do you want to start living every day with confidence, passion, and energy? CLICK HERE to get instant access to my FREE Morning Ritual Habits Cheatsheet!

Confidence is the precursor to success.

If you look at the top achievers in the world, the one thing that they share in common with another is an unwavering belief in themselves. In turn, that self-belief translates to every area of their lives. This doesn't mean that they don't fail. It means when they do fail, they quickly pick themselves back up and keep going.

They are masters of transforming their challenges into opportunities for growth. When they can't find a way, they make a way. However, keep in mind that nobody is born with unstoppable confidence. It is something that you learn to build up through discipline and repetitive practice.

This doesn't mean that you won't still have moments where you doubt yourself or feel lost. All that matters is that you don't drown in your limiting beliefs. Let's talk about 4 ways that you can build self-esteem and confidence and transform your self-doubt into a powerful plan of action.

1. Question your beliefs

How often do you step back and question why you think the way you do? Most of what people believe is inherited or passed down from their parents. As a result, people end up making decisions in adulthood that match those inherited belief systems. If those beliefs are limiting, so too will be their self-esteem and confidence.

This is why it's important to acknowledge your core beliefs and examine which ones might be inaccurate and unproductive. The next time that you have a disempowering thought, ask yourself, “Where does this belief originate from? Is it serving me? If so, how?” If you find that this belief is holding you back, change the belief.

2. Engage in positive self-talk

If you don't talk to yourself like you would to someone you love, it's time to shift your internal narrative.  Your thoughts shape and create your reality. If you're constantly talking poorly about yourself and using disempowering language, that is what you will attract more of into your life.

If you struggle with low self-esteem, make it a priority to recite positive affirmations every day. Don't just say affirmations out loud. Rather, use your body and voice to embody the meaning behind the words. You could go one step further and try modeling and adopting the physiology of people who are more successful than yourself.

Explore how it feels to walk and talk with confidence. Fake it until you feel it. The more that you repeat something with emotional intensity, the higher the likelihood that you will take this on as an empowering belief.

3. Find your purpose

There is a strong correlation between a lack of purpose and low self-esteem. Think about it… if you feel lost and don't have a direction for your life, it is going to be hard to do much of anything. You won't feel motivated or inspired. Laziness will become your default mode of being. This is no way to live.

Conversely, when you're “in purpose” – that is, engaged with and working towards your purpose – life becomes easier, less complicated and less stressful. You are on this earth for a reason. You matter and you have gifts to share with the world. Once you find your ‘WHY', your self-esteem and confidence will soar because you will be living in alignment with your vision.

4. Take action

If you merely consume knowledge but don't do anything with it, you're selling yourself short. The only thing that truly matters is what you do with the knowledge that you learn. You're never going to be ready to do anything. Your mind will try to convince you of all the reasons why you shouldn't take action.

Don't listen to this voice. Sometimes you've just got to dive into life, take a risk, and trust that, no matter what happens, you will be okay. Once you do the thing you thought you couldn't do, it will give you the self-esteem boost that you need to continue taking action in other areas of your life.

This is how to build self-esteem and confidence.

Whatever you want to achieve in life will require that you possess high levels of self-esteem and confidence. When you choose to believe in yourself, possibilities are endless. Everything that you need is already inside of you. Now is the time to show the world what you are made of. Are you ready to shine?

Do you want to start living every day with confidence, passion, and energy? CLICK HERE to get instant access to my FREE Morning Ritual Habits Cheatsheet!

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