CLA Supplement: Conjugated Linoleic Acid Benefits for Fat Loss

Many long-term visitors to my blog will know my history with fat loss and competing in fitness shows.  One of my staples to helping me lose weight and get so lean has been proper supplementation, specifically with a quality CLA supplement.

CLA, also known as Conjugated Linoleic Acid, is a supplement derived from safflower oil.  Some of the amazing benefits of taking a CLA supplement every day is decreased fat storage, as well as burning body fat.

In this article and video, I'm going to share with you many CLA supplement benefits that you may not even be aware of.  Whether you want to lose body fat, prevent body fat storage, or gain muscle mass – my goal is to hopefully convince you to see the CLA benefits and include this CLA supplement into your daily routine.

Watch the video below:

(Click here to watch on YouTube)

[smart_track_player url=”http://www.buzzsprout.com/9299/355962-plm-237-cla-supplement-conjugated-linoleic-acid-benefits-for-fat-loss.mp3″ social=”true” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_gplus=”true” ]

CLICK HERE to get a limited time discount on
CLA by Life Mastery Nutrition on Amazon!

4 Amazing CLA Supplement Benefits

What are the benefits of CLA (Conjugated Lineolic Acid)?  I'm going to list some of them below.

1. Boosts Metabolism

By taking, at least, 1000mg of Conjugated Lineolic Acid every day, it's been proven through clinical studies that CLA helps to increase the body's metabolic rate.  This means that you burn more calories throughout the day, which aids in fat loss.

2. Prevents Body Fat Storage

Consume a bit too many calories the other day?  Did your “cheat day” get a little out of control?  No worries.  Another amazing CLA supplement benefit is preventing body fat storage.

That's why I always take CLA every day, no matter what, whether I'm trying to gain muscle or lose fat.  If trying to gain lean muscle and “bulk up”, there is a risk of consuming too many calories and gaining too much fat.

By supplementing with 1000mg of Life Mastery Nutrition CLA every day, I ensure that I'm limiting my fat storage while gaining muscle.

3. Increase Lean Muscle Mass

Another little-known benefit of Conjugated Linoleic Acid is how it helps to increase lean muscle mass, in a combination of a healthy diet and good workout program.

CLA isn't commonly known as a “muscle building” supplement, but there have been more studies shown to support that the supplement can benefit with muscle gains, as well as muscle retention.

4. Optimizes Health & Well-Being

Supplementing with CLA every day provides so much more than just fitness or aesthetic benefits.

Other amazing CLA supplement benefits include a better immune system, increased cardiovascular health, bone health, blood health, cholesterol, proper insulin balance, helps with food allergies and even helps to reduce inflammation in the body!

As you can see, these 4 awesome benefits are why I've been taking CLA for years and will continue for as long as I live.

CLA Recommended Dosage

I often get asked, “How much of a CLA supplement should I take every day?”

I personally take and recommend at least 2 soft gels (1000mg) of Life Mastery Nutrition CLA every day.  It's best to take at least one soft gel before your workout, and then another after your workout as part of your post-workout meal.

However, I've seen even better results by consuming at least 2000mg of CLA every day, as I've noticed more increased fat loss by doing that.

Of course, you ALWAYS want to consult with a doctor before taking anything new and finding out what is right for you.

And as always, for results you need to take CLA in combination with a good exercise program and healthy diet.  No supplement is a “magic pill” that will suddenly make you lose fat with no effort.  You still need to workout consistently and eat right.  I believe that supplements can play a 10% role in your results, which is still fairly significant.

Also, it's always important to also be patient and take any supplement with consistency over a period of time to expect good results.

CLA by Life Mastery Nutrition

Over the years, I've tried many different CLA supplements amongst different brands.  One of the frustrations I've often had with many of the big supplement brands is the lack of quality in their supplements.

It seems that most of the big brands on the market are more focused on putting their money into marketing and often compromise the quality of their product.  Many of these brands are known to decrease the quality of their products over time, as they gain in popularity, simply to cut some of their costs and to profit more.

I wanted to develop my own product and ensure that what I was putting in my body was the highest quality Conjugated Linoleic Acid (derived from safflower oil) on the market.  I spent months doing research and getting all of the necessary tests, to manufacture the best CLA supplement that contains the most potent safflower oil (CLA) that I could create.

That's how CLA by Life Mastery Nutrition was born.

I've been extremely pleased with the supplement and it's received many amazing customer reviews on Amazon, because it simply works!  Just take a look at what others are saying on Amazon about Life Mastery Nutrition CLA.

If you're looking for a new CLA supplement (or to try it for the first time), then click here to get CLA by Life Mastery Nutrition (available on Amazon.com for a limited time discount)!

Want even better results?

Try combining CLA by Life Mastery Nutrition with our BCAA (Branched Chain Amino Acids) and L-Carnitine supplements, also available on Amazon.com!

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