HOW TO CONTROL YOUR THOUGHTS | Stefan James Motivation

Do you know how to control your thoughts?

Your thoughts create your reality. If those thoughts are disempowering, your life will follow suit.

The moment that you draw a conclusion about yourself, research shows that you're likely to do two things; look for evidence that reinforces your belief and discredit anything that conflicts with it.

If you don't become the master of your mind, your mind will master you.

If you want to discover how to control your thoughs, keep reading!

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You are either the master of your mind or a victim of it.

Your mind is not designed to make you happy. Studies of brain activity have demonstrated that the brain responds more actively to negative images than positive or neutral images. This is because your brain acts as a survival mechanism. It evolved to keep you safe and protected from danger. This is why the human race has been able to survive as a species for so long.

However, there comes a point when you have to take responsibility for the creation of your happiness. You cannot rely on anything or anyone to do that for you. Happiness is an inside job. Think of your mind as if it were a sentry on a ship whose job it is to watch out for potential threats.

Just like a sentry, your mind will always warn you about potential risks that could disrupt your zone of comfort. Don't forget that you are the captain of the ship that is your life. If you allow your mind to take the wheel, you will surely get off course. This is why it's so important that you direct your mind towards the destiny that you want to create and experience.

Your higher self is the real you. It embodies the true representation of who you are. However, if you want your actions to align with your higher self, you have to set the intention that you are ready to connect to it.

A great way to cultivate this alignment is through creating a daily meditation practice.

If you're ever tried to meditate and quiet the mental chatter you've probably noticed how difficult it can be. Where people get stuck is that they assume that the goal is to remove thoughts altogether. This is the wrong approach to take. You want to become an active observer of your thoughts, without becoming attached to them.

Like I said above, the mind will always point out what is wrong or missing because it's primary role is to keep you safe from danger. The mind doesn't want to make you successful or happy. This is why you have to be hyper-aware of how the mind works. When it starts creating disempowering stories, you've got to distance yourself and practice the art of non-attachment.

You are not your thoughts. The moment that you accept this reality is the moment that you feel empowered to take control of your life.  You always have a choice of how you respond to your thoughts. You can either succumb to their power, or you can decide to not follow them and create your path.

Our thoughts block us from experiencing the happiness that can be found in the present moment. A lot of people miss out on life because they are so fixated on what is yet to come. Meditation allows you to connect with the here and now and surrender to what is. This is where you find an overflowing abundance of love, joy, and happiness.

Make it a habit to become the master of your mind. If you can commit to a meditation practice for 30 days or more, I promise that you will start to see a massive shift take place in every area of your life.

Are you ready to control your thoughts?

This moment is all that you have. Tomorrow is not a guarantee. Breathe, let go, and trust that life is always happening for you, not to you. When you can adopt this mindset, happiness becomes your birthright.

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