The Dangers Of Self-Development

The dangers of self-development are real.

If you are reading this, I'm assuming that you are passionate about improving yourself, which is awesome.

Despite all of the amazing benefits that come from the self-development world, it's important to realize that the self-help industry still has its share of pitfalls.

I want you to avoid the traps that I fell into when I first started my personal development journey. Are you ready to learn what the dangers of self-development are?

Watch the video below:

(Click here to watch on YouTube)

[smart_track_player url=”https://www.buzzsprout.com/9299/848365-plm-625-the-dangers-of-self-development.mp3″ background=”default” ]

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Self-development has changed my life.

I have been involved in this world for 15 years now. I'm so grateful for the knowledge and experience that self-help experts have shared with me. From their teachings, I've been able to improve every area of my life and become a better person in the process.

While the benefits of self-development far outweigh the drawbacks, I want to share six dangers of self-development that you should be aware of so that you don't become a victim of them.

1. Consuming Too Much Information

There is so much free information available online. When we don't know the answer to something, we Google it. This is great, but when you consume too much information it can encourage a dabbler way of living.

In his research, Psychologist Barry Schwartz found that, while increased choice allows us to achieve objectively better results, it also leads to greater anxiety, indecision, paralysis, and dissatisfaction. The purpose of knowledge is to do something with it. Always apply what you learn.

2. Creating Too Many Rules

When you first start learning about knowledge that can change your life, it's easy to become obsessive with it.  Healthy habits are great. However, if you have unrealistic expectations of yourself it will cause you a lot of pain and suffering.

If you mess up, that's OK. All that matters is that you reward yourself when you achieve small milestones. According to a recent study, people who receive frequent rewards immediately upon completion of a task will stay “intrinsically motivated” to perform well. Always celebrate positive behavioral changes that you make.

3. Thinking That You Aren't Good Enough

A lot of people seek out self-development because they don't think that they are good enough. The focus should never be on “saving yourself” because you think you are broken and need to be fixed. Rather, it should be about committing to improving the person that you already are.

When you meet and fulfill your own needs, it won't be from a place of lack. Instead, you will adopt a growth mindset. The focus will be on expanding parts of you that are already working and creating MORE love, success, and abundance into your life.

4. Always Wanting More

A lot of people attempt to achieve a sense of significance through self-development because they don't think that they are enough. If you are solely driven by significance, you will constantly be comparing yourself to others.

It will feel like there is always someone that is farther ahead than you. Being driven by a desire for significance will ensure that you live a very unhappy life. Instead, I encourage you to focus on growing and expanding yourself.

5. Having A Lack Of Balance

A lot of people enter into the self-development world with a problem that they want to fix, so they focus on one area of their life to improve. This is great, but oftentimes they do so at the expense of other areas of their life.

Life mastery means giving attention to every aspect of your life so that you can strive to be your best at all of them. As you strive to improve, make sure that you don't lose your center in the process.

6. Adopting A Hustler Mentality

The word “hustle” has become the new mantra for any aspiring entrepreneur. Unfortunately, this 24/7 way of life can lead to burnout, fast, reducing your ability to experience joy in life.

I'm not saying that a strong work ethic isn't important. However, in order to achieve success, you need to be able to cultivate different aspects of your self. Doing so will allow you to feel balanced amidst the chaos of life.

These are six dangers of self-development.

You have the power to decide how you will grow and develop yourself. Be strategic, take action, and go deep with knowledge. Use it in a way that empowers you, rather than disempowers you.

Are you ready to commit to mastery and become the best version of yourself?

Do you want to learn how you can master every area of your life? CLICK HERE to join my Life Mastery Accelerator program!

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