10 Decisions That Changed My Life Forever

These are the decisions that changed my life forever.

The life that you live today is the result of the specific decisions that you've made. The external world influences your decisions.

However, at the end of the day, you are solely responsible for the choices that you make and the actions you take.

If you aren't happy with how your life looks right now, you have the power to make new decisions that serve your highest self.

Ready to discover the decisions that changed my life? Keep reading…

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Decisions shape your destiny.

The extent to which you are able to make decisions that fulfill your dreams depends on the state of your mind. Research in cognitive psychology has shown that a person’s thoughts will influence the quality of their mood as well as their life experiences and actions.

The way that you feel determines the types of decisions that you make. Think about it… if you’re angry or overwhelmed, do you think that you're going to be in a position to make sound decisions? Probably not. However, if you're feeling grounded, clear, and confident, you will be more likely to make proactive decisions.

Keep in mind that when you make a new decision you don't always see the impact right away. It may take weeks, months, or even years until you realize how that one decision drastically altered the direction of your life. Take a moment and think about a good decision that you made 5-10 years ago that led to you being where you are today.

If you're not happy with the decisions that you've made in the past that are impacting your life now, I've got great news! You have the power to make new decisions that can change your life forever. At any moment, you can walk away from something that is no longer serving you and choose a different path.

I want to share with you the biggest decisions that changed my life forever. In sharing these life decisions, I hope that you will feel empowered to make similar decisions if you have been putting off doing so.

Committing to self-development

I discovered self-development when I was 17 years old. Before that time, I struggled with depression and anxiety. I experienced a lot of challenges as a result. If I hadn't discovered self-development, I don't know where I would be today.

Luckily, I found mentors and teachers who inspired me and gave me hope that anything was possible. Some of these people included Brian Tracy, Tony Robbins, and Wayne Dyer. I learned from them that I could be, do, and have anything that I set my mind to. I started modeling their success habits. Today, I've been able to create a 7-figure online business.

It's not only my finances that have drastically improved because of my commitment to self-development. So too have my relationships, my mind, my emotions, and my spirituality. It wasn't easy, but I'm so grateful that I made the decision to level up my life.

Recommitting my life to Jesus Christ

I grew up as a Greek Orthodox Christian. My family wasn't super religious. We went to church twice per year. It wasn't until my self-development journey began that I started to further develop my spirituality. I studied Islam, Buddhism, and Daoism to name a few.

After studying different spiritual teachings, I noticed that there were limits to the mind. I came to realize that there were aspects of my life that could only be solved with a higher power. At that moment, I experienced a massive shift in my life. A lot of people try to fill a void within themselves through money, success, and significance, at the expense of their happiness.

It's not until you surrender and call in a higher power that you feel connected to something greater than yourself. Recommitting my life to Jesus Christ has changed my life. It's made me a better person overall. I am more loving, patient, compassionate, and forgiving. It's also added a new level of richness and meaning to my life. No matter what I go through, I know that there's a purpose to everything. Everything good that has happened in my life is because of God.

Learning how to meet and attract women

The first book that I read on self-development was called, “Double your Dating” by David D'Angelo. This book changed my life. At this stage of my life, my biggest pain point was that I didn't have friends or a girlfriend. Building my self-confidence was the only thing that I cared about.

Socially, I was very behind because I was a shy video game addict. I didn't socialize with people because it made me very anxious. I used gaming as a way to escape. As a result, I got bullied which caused me a lot of pain. When I committed to learning how to improve my confidence and social skills, everything changed.

When I was 18 years old I met a group of men who I found on an online community message board. They taught me how to interact with women. I committed to going out four times per week and forced myself to have conversations with people in public places.

I'm not going to lie… I was terrified. But I acted in spite of my fear. I ended up overcoming my fear of approaching women and committed to improving my communication and social skills. In turn, I became a more attractive version of myself. Women started to become naturally more attracted to me. Today, I'm engaged to my soulmate. I would never have found her if I did not commit to becoming a better man and human being.

Starting an online business

At a young age, I knew that I didn't want to work for someone else. I hated school. I always wanted to do my own thing and be independent.  When I was 21 years old, I started a coaching business. It was called Lifestyle Transformations. The decision to become an entrepreneur was life-changing.

I had zero experience, but I learned what I needed to know in order to succeed. Eventually, I got into Internet marketing. This decision gave me financial freedom and the lifestyle that I now have. Today, I never have to worry about money. Making more money has allowed me to progress rapidly in many other areas of my life.

I have more time to devote to things that matter to me, like my health, my relationship, and my spirituality because I have more resources available to me. That being said, even if I lost all of the money that I have, I am confident that I could make it all back.

The skills and qualities that I have cultivated over the years will never go away. You can lose money, but you can never lose who you are. If you have the desire to build an online business, don't wait. Take action and start creating your dream life. 


Giving to others has taught me how to be a selfless and more giving person. When I was in my early 20s, I realized that I had a scarcity mentality. I was always afraid of losing money. In turn, I was limiting myself from making more money. I realized that it's not how much money you give to others that matters.

Rather, its the habit of giving money that counts. When I was young, I would give small amounts of money to homeless people every day. I was training my mind to be a giver. In my mid-20s I started going on volunteer trips to third world countries in El Salvador, Nicaragua, Kenya, and Ethiopia where I helped build schools and houses for families in need.

I've also helped fund the construction of 10+ schools in countries like India and Ecuador. To this day, giving a home to someone in need has been one of the most powerful and emotional experiences of my life. Volunteering and philanthropy have brought so much more meaning and joy to my life. As Tony Robbins says, “The secret to living is giving.”

Quitting pornography and masturbation

When I was first exposed to pornography I didn't know what the negative effects would be. I used it as a way to relieve stress and anxiety. However, once it became an addiction, I knew that I had to quit. I started experiencing performance issues, like erectile dysfunction, or I would jump from one partner to the next because I would lose attraction for women quickly.

Why? I was being aroused by a variety of women on a screen that did not exist in reality. In turn, I wasn't able to connect with or be intimate with women in real life. On top of that, masturbation was taking away my energy, drive, and motivation. I felt lazy. It was hard to feel happy.

While enjoying pornography, your dopamine levels rise to around 200% of what is normal. While this feels good in the short-term, these abnormal levels of dopamine can mess with your mood. Once I detoxed my brain from pornography, everything in my life changed.

Committing to a morning ritual

I've been practicing a morning ritual for over 16 years now. Rituals have changed my life because they've allowed me to build healthy habits. What you do every day is who you end up becoming. When you make it a priority to take time every day to nourish your mind, body, and spirit, you get so much more out of your days and your life.

Engaging in rituals like praying, journaling, reading, meditating, and reciting affirmations, has shaped me into the person I am today. My ritual is non-negotiable. I encourage you to choose rituals that align with your interests and values. When you commit to making your mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual self a priority, I promise that you will experience more fulfillment, confidence, and energy in your life.


I got into investing when I was 18 years old. I read the book, The Wealthy Barber and it changed my life. It taught me about compounding and dollar-cost advertising. The sooner that you invest, the sooner that you benefit from compounding. My first investment was $500 in a Bank of Montreal mutual fund. I started paying myself first.

Ten percent of whatever I made I put aside and invested it. At 21 years old, the next investment that I made was $5,000. Over the years, I continued paying myself first and reinvesting the money that I made. As I started making more money, I got into individual stock picking and index funds. Because of the investment portfolio that I've been able to create, I could retire now and never have to work another day in my life based on the dividends that I receive from my investments.

Starting my YouTube channel

I started Project Life Mastery when I was 25 years old. However, years before that I was a public speaker and a life coach. I've received so much value from helping others. Being a Youtuber has forced me to access a better version of myself.

I've had to tap into the best version of Stefan, someone who is charismatic, articulate, and of service to others' lives. It's allowed me to further my self-development journey and create an impact on a global scale. To date, my YouTube channel has gotten over 50 million views.

I have also reached millions of people through my podcast, blog, and social media. It's mindblowing to know that so many people have consumed my content. I wouldn't be where I am today if it wasn't for my audience, who have watched my videos.

I've been able to build my coaching business through YouTube, as well as sell my online courses. It's been an incredible journey and I can't wait to see how my channel continues to evolve and grow.

These are the decisions that changed my life forever.

If you are someone who struggles to make decisions, I hope my story has inspired you to become a better decision-maker. It's the decisions that you make today that will determine what your future looks like. Every day brings with it a myriad of choices that need to be made.

What decision will you make today?

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